The civil rights movement of the 1960s was an iconic moment in American history --- and a real struggle for civil rights. The preposterous "sit-in" orchestrated by House Democrats to protest gun control legislation not being passed was a hollow attempt to mimic the 1960s. This time, however, the protest was against the civil rights of American citizens, and an embarrassment and mockery.
RELATED: Gohmert: Dems Trying to ‘Take Away Our Civil Rights’
"I have to tell you, the sit-in in Congress makes me want to vomit. These guys who are so-called "civil rights" leaders who are having a sit-in, go ahead. Go ahead. I don't care if you sit there for the rest of your stinking life, which for some of them, they're so old now, that could be a two-and-a-half-hour period before they break a hip because they're sitting on the floor cross-legged." Glenn said.
Perhaps most disappointing of all was the criss-cross applesauce participation by civil rights icon John Lewis.
"Let's just go over this. What happened yesterday? What happened yesterday? The people like John Lewis --- who is a civil rights icon, the guy really is a hero, marching with Martin Luther King, what he put up with, what he did in the 1960s is amazing --- he has become a clown. This has made these civil rights leaders into absolute clowns," Glenn said.
One of the most radical, left-leaning organizations in America even questioned the Democrat's pillow party.
"Do you know that ACLU is against what the Democrats are doing right now? Who are the civil rights leaders? I've said this for a long time, and people make fun of us: We're the civil rights leaders. We're the civil rights leaders of today," Glenn said.
Congressional Democrats have no problem impeding the Second Amendment rights of American citizens, but when it comes to their own protection, the hypocrisy is on full display. Look no further than senator Charlie Rangel (D-NY).
INTERVIEWER: Why should say, the uber wealthy people who have protection, have that protection, but individuals who are law-abiding citizens in your district should not? Let's talk about that.
CHARLIE: Well, law-abiding citizens just shouldn't have to carry a gun. You know that. So you're not going to push me in that direction.
INTERVIEWER: But you're protected by guns all over the place here at the capitol.
CHARLIE: Well, that's a little different. I think, I think we need to be protected down here.
"Wow," Co-host Pat Gray responded.
"That's a little different. We deserve it. And we need to be protected down here. We need to be protected. And we deserve it. But a law-abiding citizen shouldn't have to. I agree with you, they shouldn't have to. They shouldn't have to. But they should be able to," Glenn said.
RINO John McCain (R-AZ) further stomped on the constitutional rights of Americans yesterday.
"You know what John McCain did? John McCain yesterday is standing up for, if you're on the no-fly list, you can't buy a gun. But beyond that, just to make sure, because if you're suspected, we need to be able to go through all of your internet activity and be able to monitor every keystroke that you make on your internet connection and on your computer without a warrant --- for your safety. Civil rights leader. Civil rights leaders. I can just take your right away of a warrant and your right to be secure in your persons and your thoughts," Glenn said.
The Constitution and civil rights of American citizens are under attack from all sides.
"They're taking away my right to protect myself, to defend myself. They're taking away my right of security, of person, papers, ideas. And they're taking away my protection, my constitutionally-given protection of a warrant of jury, of having -- you have to bring me up on charges to face my accuser, of double jeopardy, that I can't be held indefinitely. Those are all gone. Both sides are talking about getting rid of them, and these are the freaking civil rights leaders? You are violating all of my civil rights. You are asking people to codify a violation of every American's civil rights," Glenn said.
"Is anybody fighting for the people to hold all the rights, that they actually hold them all, and states follow that, and the federal government really only has responsibilities of securing those rights? No. You know why? Because the federal government has the responsibility, and both the right and the left now, to violate those rights. Hillary Clinton? Is she going to be the big champion of civil rights? Donald Trump? He hasn't even read the freaking Constitution. Who is standing up for your civil rights, America?"
Listen to this segment beginning at mark 6:55 from The Glenn Beck Program:
Featured Image: Supporters of House Democrats taking part in a sit-in on the House Chamber shout encouragement from outside the U.S. Capitol on June 22, 2016 in Washington, DC. Led by civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) Democrats have maintained control of the House chamber since this morning demanding a vote on gun control legislation. (Photo by Pete Marovich/Getty Images)