Why don't politicians tell us the truth? Is the truth just too hard to say? Do they not have the fortitude or courage? Will it hurt their status or relationships? Glenn asked these questions during his radio program on Wednesday --- and offered some answers. Like us, politicians are not immune to avoiding difficult conversations.
"It's the same with politicians and with us: 'We don't want to tell them the truth. It's just hard, and I don't want to have that conversation with them. If I tell them that, I mean, it could go wrong. I mean, they're not ready to hear the truth. They're going to respond in a really bad way...just make things worse.'" Glenn said.
What's the difference between a constitutional president as opposed to a progressive president? A constitutional president rules by enforcing or enhancing constitutional ideals based on equal justice.
"If you look at the Bill of Rights and all of the amendments, most of the amendments are just strengthening the first ten. They are just, 'Hey, dummies, that meant black people too! Hey, dummies, that meant women as well!" Glenn said. "That's really all the amendments are, just clarifying those first ten real, true rights."
On the other hand, the progressive politician sees people as stupid or reckless or, at the very worse, pawns.
"In the best case, the progressive goes to serve because of the injustice they see, people being used by the wealthy and powerful. But they believe the way to solve that is that they must become wealthy and powerful, and that leads to the exposure of the truth that power corrupts, except they never see it because they themselves become corrupt," Glenn said.
Did Hillary Clinton ever believe in something noble, before allowing power and greed to corrupt her?
"I believe Hillary Clinton at one point believed in something noble. When she was 20 years old, I believe she believed in that. Whether I would agree with what she believed or not is beside the point. I believe she was part of that hippie generation that was like, 'Hey, the man sucks,'" Glenn said.
But what's the $64,000 question?
"My question is, would the 20-year-old Hillary Clinton, if she could meet the 68-year-old Hillary Clinton, would she say, 'Dig you, sister,' or would she say, 'You've become everything I despise'"? Glenn said. "My guess is the latter.
Listen to the full segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Featured Image: L: Hillary Clinton as a Wellesley College student in 1969; R: Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looks on as U.S. president Barack Obama speaks during a campaign rally with on July 5, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hillary Clinton is campaigning with president Obama in North Carolina. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)