Rather than use a national, arguably global, platform at the Dallas Police Memorial honoring five fallen police officers, the President once again used the stage to push his political agenda. Defying appropriate behavior, his message was beyond tone deaf --- it was insulting.
RELATED: 7 Disgusting Things Obama Said While Hijacking Memorial For Slain Dallas Police
"These police officers...I mean, I know there are bad guys, there are some bad guys...there are bad guys in everything. There are bad bakers. There are bad, you know, bus drivers. There are bad people. But in comparison to the average population, if you look for bad guys, our military and our police force has fewer bad guys than any other cross-section of society," Glenn said.
At a memorial that should have focused solely on the sacrifice made by five men who were senselessly slaughtered, Obama chose to school the American people with political propaganda, ignoring logic and facts. Here is a sampling of the President's lesson plan:
• It's easier for a kid to get a gun than buy a book.
• It's easier for a kid to get a gun than buy a computer.
• As a society, we refuse to invest in decent schools.
• We allow poverty to fester in entire neighborhoods.
• We offer no prospect for gainful employment.
• The police are also at fault for what happened in Dallas.
Glenn had one thought coursing through his head that was likely echoed across the nation: This is a memorial service!
"This guy, because he's politicizing death and a tragedy, this guy can go to the memorial service with...did you read how it's expressed in the papers today? 'Standing in front of a sea of caskets.' President Obama made his political point standing in front of a sea of caskets."
Glenn made his co-hosts promise something.
"Pat, if by some strange coincidence I die --- and maybe because he's coming to celebrate --- but if the President comes to my memorial service and he starts doing what he did yesterday, I demand that you get up and wheel my coffin out of the room."
Obama's divisive language --- in which he mentioned himself 45 times --- also pitted so-called groups against each other.
"And who is trapping people in poverty? Who's trapping people?" Glenn asked. "The progressive movement is trapping people in poverty. Period. And they are exploiting that poverty by dividing the rich and the poor."
We are in a war for the minds of American citizens, and President Obama fired the first shot.
"You know what is our version of the first shot heard around the world," Glenn asked.
"The police acted stupidly," Co-host Pat Gray said.
"No doubt. The shot heard around the world in these race riots is the police acted stupidly. 'I don't have all the information, so I don't want to comment.' That was the first time he said that. 'But the police acted stupidly,'" Glenn said.
POLL: What Was the Worst Thing Obama Said at the Police Memorial?
And we know what followed the President's infamous comments.
"After, he tried to make up for it with the beer summit. There's not enough beer summits in the world to make up," Jeffy added.
There's also not enough beer summits to make up for Obama's self-serving and disrespectful display at the Dallas Police Memorial.
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Featured Image: U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks during an interfaith memorial service, honoring five slain police officers, at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center on July 12, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. A sniper opend fire following a Black Lives Matter march in Dallas killing five police officers and injuring 12 others. (Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)