Hillary Clinton definitely doesn't want to take your guns away. At least, that's what she told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.
CHRIS WALLACE: At a fund-raiser last year you said this, "The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment." Now, in the 2008 Heller case, the court said there's a constitutional individual right to bear arms. What's wrong with that?
HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I think what the court said about there being an individual right is in line with constitutional thinking. And I said in the convention, I’m not looking to repeal the second amendment. I’m not looking to take people's guns away, but I am looking for more support for the reasonable efforts that need to be undertaken to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
"Do we not all want to have reasonable people to have guns and make sure that crazy people can't buy guns? I mean, we're all for that, right?" Glenn asked Monday on his radio program.
Laws already exist with that very intent, so what more could Hillary want?
WALLACE: And the Second Amendment includes an individual right to bear arms.
CLINTON: Yes, but that right like every other of our rights, our First Amendment rights, every right that we have is open to and even subject to reasonable regulations.
"Actually, no." Glenn said.
Glenn pointed out the oft mentioned exception to freedom of speech in the First Amendment and the hypocrisy it allows.
"Now, wait a minute. So how do I justify the freedom of speech, and I can't cry fire in a crowded movie theater, but Louis Farrakhan can call for [white] people being killed and it's not a problem? That's hard to balance those two," Glenn said.
The Second Amendment, however, was written without wiggle room and one critically distinct phrase: Shall not be infringed.
"It's the only right we have in the Bill of Rights, the only one that says you can't do anything to stop people from keeping and bearing arms," Glenn said.
"And the fact is, we already have," Pat said.
"Right. So what more are we going to do? What more are we going to do?" Glenn asked. "What [Chris Wallace] should have asked was, 'What are the reasonable things? Let's pin you down to specifics. What are the reasonable things that you want?'"
Pinning progressives down on specifics is a tricky business.
"Can you progressives, can you help me out, you're progressing toward what?" Glenn asked.
Specifics on policy plans might be a natural expectation from someone running for the highest office in the land, but Wallace didn't push that far. The rare opportunity to interview Hillary Clinton on a so-called right-leaning network didn't allow for deep diving.
"Democrats are reaching out to the right, so she goes on to Fox News. Chris Wallace knows, I've only got 25 minutes with her," Glenn said.
What would Glenn have asked about the Second Amendment?
"So, Hillary Clinton, give us the reasonable things that you want to do, and then we can have a talk about that. Let's stop with the rhetoric. Let's actually get down to it," Glenn said.
And now you know why Hillary will never appear on The Glenn Beck Program. Progressives don't do specifics.
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Featured Image: Screenshot of Hillary Clinton with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, July 31, 2016.