Reddit user Tommy called The Glenn Beck Program to shed light on the whole Reddit debacle with Hillary Clinton's IT technician, aka "stonetear," the email whisperer.
"Go to Tommy in Texas. He's a Reddit user," Glenn said Tuesday on his radio program.
While not an official expert, Tommy was very familiar with the discussion site and able to speak fluently about its usability.
Read below or listen to the full segment for answers to these aggregated questions:
• What's a subreddit?
• Is Reddit conservative or liberal?
• Should Stu create a Reddit account with the user name stuburg?
• Should stuburg complain about his boss on a public forum?
• Is doxxing like boxing with Dockers®?
• Is it possible for Hillary's incompetence to be more mind-boggling?
Listen to this segment, beginning at mark 19:37, from The Glenn Beck Program:
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: Go to Tommy in Texas. He's a Reddit user. I don't want to pass him off as an expert by any stretch. Tommy, how are you?
CALLER: Good, good, thanks for having me. So let's talk about Reddit. And let's clarify something. So it wasn't Reddit that broke this story. It was the subreddit, The_Donald. And The_Donald is sort of like the bane of existence for all of Reddit because Reddit is very left-wing.
CALLER: And The_Donald obviously supports Donald Trump, but I wouldn't say that they're strictly conservative, but they point out the things that the left-wing people don't want to be pointed out.
And so some user figured out that this -- this guy stonetear had posted about, "How do I delete these emails?" And it coincided perfectly with the timeframe of Hillary Clinton, everything that's going on. But then The_Donald, the moderators had to pull those two links because they considered it doxxing.
And doxxing is when you reveal someone's identity on the internet. Until it was public knowledge, it was considered doxxing. So then I think The Gateway Pundit ran a story about it. Then it was public knowledge so that it could be reposted.
But it's not a setup, Glenn. I heard you say this sounds like a setup. It's too good to be true.
Basically what this guy did. It would be like if Stu went on Reddit and created a name called stuburg, and then over the years, he complained about his boss who is a radio host. And he hates his guts. He hates his guts. And then it comes out two years later, hey, wait a second, stuburg, I think this is the guy that works for Glenn Beck.
And then Stu figures out -- it hits the news. Stu figures out, "Oh, no, everybody can see my comments," and he goes through and he starts deleting his comments. Well, if you're checking someone's user history and you refresh every once in a while, you can see those comments get deleted and get deleted and get deleted. And that's basically what this guy did. And it's almost like Hillary hired the amateur hour for a tech guy. I mean, it's mind-boggling.
PAT: Wow. Wow. Wow.
GLENN: All right. Tommy, thank you very much for that update.
PAT: Really interesting. Really interesting.
GLENN: Yeah, I mean, it's crazy. You don't survive this. After the election -- you'll survive the election, after the election, you do not survive what's coming her way.
Featured Image: Paul Combetta (Photo Credit: C-SPAN)