Hillary Clinton has lived her entire adult life as a part of election campaigns and in the public eye. The Ivy League grad and former First Lady is running for the highest office in the land --- now, it’s her turn. A new generation of voters will be heading to the polls since her last stint in the White House, and they deserve to know who they are voting for.
In this series, Glenn examines the details behind the candidate and tries to put her ideology into perspective. Who and what has influenced her thinking, the tactics she uses to get what she wants and the people she leaves in her wake are all put out into the light of day.
Listen to the full series on Hillary Clinton:
Part I: The Early Years
Hillary believed in most of what Saul Alinsky taught, even writing her thesis on his teachings. The only place they diverted is where Alinsky taught to influence government, Hillary thought it would be more effective to join it and change it from the inside.
Understanding the activist is key to understanding the candidate, and knowing who she admired is a window into what inspired her. Whether it’s Alinsky or famed eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Hillary sure knows how to pick ‘em.
Discover how these radicals have influenced the democrat frontrunner. And if you have ever wondered what exactly the “Whitewater” scandal was, you'll find out here.
Part II: From Arkansas to the White House
It’s almost impossible for most administrations to escape their time in service completely free of scandal. But most administrations don’t become experts in handling legacy-threatening events either. The Clinton Machine might be known for winning elections, but the Machine is just as adept at taking care of controversy.
The Clinton’s rode a Whitewater wave of scandal into office and dealt with the Branch Davidians in Waco in controversial fashion. Vince Foster’s death may have officially been ruled a suicide but it was shrouded in controversy. Then there was the Chinagate fundraising scandal. These are all related to her husband’s administration --- next up are the personal scandals.
Where there is billowing smoke there is never fire, at least when the Clintons are involved. Listen here as Glenn explains these scandals and just what Hillary’s role may have been.
Part III: Bill's Many Women
Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Monica Lewinsky are just a few of Bill’s many women. Whether it was a consensual affair or forced sexual assault, Bill is a notorious womanizer. As governor of Arkansas, Bill even had state troopers escort women to him in what was later known as "Trooper Gate."
All of his womanizing caught up with him when Linda Tripp made secret recordings of her conversations with Monica Lewinskey about their affair --- leading to his impeachment. But just what does all of this have to do with Hillary Clinton? As long as Bill’s had other women, Hillary has been linked to the heart of their scorched earth policy in destroying and silencing them.
This is especially important because of a PSA on sexual assault Hillary released during this presidential campaign.
“Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard; you have a right to be believed. We are with you.”
Listen as Glenn details the affairs and the former First Lady’s role in the cover up and bullying of abused women her husband left in his wake.
Part IV: Political Career
So far, we have focused on the scandals and shady behavior from Bill and Hillary as Bill rose to power. This episode details just how deep the corruption runs and the lengths to which Hillary will go to hide the truth during the rise of her political career. Bullying women into keeping silent in the wake of her husband’s actions is one thing, but when lives are lost it’s a whole new ballgame.
In efforts to hide her involvement in arming rebels in Libya, Hillary and the State Department withheld aid when Ambassador Chris Stevens came under attack in Benghazi. Not sending in backup and denying requests for added security resulted in the loss of the lives of four Americans that night. And if those actions weren’t despicable enough, she and the administration concocted a ridiculous story about a YouTube video as the cause and lied to the families of those who died about what happened.
The Benghazi hearings brought to light an email scandal when Hillary thought it would be a good idea to set up a private email server for sending and receiving classified information. The investigation into how she handled this sensitive information has now led to hearings into just how the Clinton Foundation has handled their business, possibly taking multimillion dollar donations from foreign governments for favorable treatment from the State Department.
Listen as Glenn details the lies and deceit from Hillary once her political career began and into her run for the White House.
Listen to all serials at glennbeck.com/serials