The mainstream media is scratching their heads, trying to figure out what went wrong with the election --- but the answer is right before their eyes.
"I'm so tired of listening to the pundits on television trying to figure this election out. This election is really, really simple. Really simple," Glenn said Friday on his radio program.
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While there are certainly fringe elements of Trump's supporters that may be racists or misogynists (just as there are racists and anarchists on the left), the vast majority of Trump's supporters are hard-working Americans that see their future and the country they love slipping away.
"People were afraid they were going to lose their God and their guns. They were afraid that freedom of religion . . . was on the ropes. That freedom to be yourself, to chart your own course was on the ropes," Glenn said Friday on his radio program. "They were tired of not being listened to. They're tired of being talked down to. They're tired of being called racist."
Read below or watch the clip for answers to these simple questions:
• Why do political pundits keep calling conservatives racists and misogynists?
• What's the real reason people didn't vote for Hillary Clinton?
• Do Democrats have any self-awareness?
• What would Glenn ask Katie Couric and her ilk?
• Did Obama oversee the biggest collapse of new companies being created in American history?
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
STU: But, I mean, if you think about that, they're going to be put -- that wing of the party is going to be empowered. They're going to say, from their perspective, Hillary Clinton wasn't liberal enough. She was all -- you know, talking about Wall Street. She was in bed with Wall Street. She didn't try to vilify the Republicans enough.
And that was the complaint during the campaign by many of the aides who wanted to say, Donald Trump is just a continuation of everything the Republicans have been doing.
Hillary tried to say, in most cases, hey, look, this guy is not even a Republican. He's too crazy for even the Republicans. The Republicans, I know you're good people. It's him. He's the crazy one. They will blame -- I'm not saying it's right.
GLENN: I'm so tired of listening to the pundits on television trying to figure this election out.
This election is really, really simple. Really simple.
People were afraid they were going to lose their God and their guns. They were afraid that freedom of religion, which it was, is on the ropes. That freedom to be yourself, to make your -- to chart your own course was on the ropes, that our jobs were going away. And they're going away because of regulation.
Now, most people just think it's other -- it's those companies moving to California. But if you had somebody that really could explain it to the American people, those jobs are moving away because of regulation and high taxes.
So it's not to punish the companies. It's to make this the most stable and the most attractive place on earth for companies to come and relocate. And they will come here.
We didn't do that. So they're afraid of their jobs going overseas. They don't see a future, except in many cases, people think it's a Marxist future.
On the other side, Hillary Clinton, it's not that we voted for hatred. I'm surprised that Donald Trump could -- could win in this country. I am truly surprised. That's not a surprise to anybody who has been listening to me. I didn't think the guy could win. So now try to figure that out.
All right. I have to then say, "The people of the country are racist and misogynist." No, they're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not.
So what are they? They were frightened.
PAT: Fed up.
GLENN: They were fed up. They were tired of not being listened to. They're tired of being talked down to. They're tired of being called racist.
PAT: And they're downright angry about all that stuff.
GLENN: Exactly right. And so -- but they're not misogynist. They're not racist.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: They see what they love being torn apart, exactly like the left is afraid right now. That the country that they thought that they were living in and they were building was being torn apart.
When the left is now in the streets saying, "We got to take our country back," I would ask the same thing that Katie Couric and her ilk said to me, "From whom? From whom?"
PAT: From whom?
GLENN: They were making it into a racist thing.
PAT: From a white guy? Are you taking it back from a white guy?
GLENN: Right. So -- that -- they're feeling exactly the same way now.
PAT: Yeah. And there's no self-awareness though. They don't understand that.
GLENN: No self-awareness. And the other big piece of this election is Hillary Clinton is corrupt.
PAT: Terrible. Terrible. Just a terrible --
GLENN: But beyond terrible. If she was just terrible, she might have won.
PAT: I don't know. People don't like her.
GLENN: I know that.
PAT: Don't like her.
GLENN: But they also know Benghazi. They also know she is -- she has been corrupt.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: The Clintons -- they like Bill Clinton, so they'll give her -- they'll give him a pass.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: But I don't know if even Bill Clinton would have gotten the pass.
PAT: Not anymore. Not anymore.
GLENN: Remember, Bill Clinton -- no, Bill Clinton was even shouted down. Bill Clinton didn't draw big crowds. Because he has sold out and they know it.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: And she's corrupt. I have not heard anyone from the left on television saying, "You know, guys, do you think maybe we shouldn't run somebody who has taken emails and thinks she's above the law?"
PAT: Well, they had nobody else, other than Biden who turned it down. Who did they have? Other than a 74-year-old socialist.
STU: Could we stop for a moment and think about how pissed Joe Biden is?
PAT: And nobody else.
Oh -- oh, my gosh. He probably would have won.
STU: I mean, this guy -- I mean, he wouldn't have had the FBI thing, probably.
PAT: Right.
STU: And that's really -- again, she was ahead until 12 days before that thing. And the FBI thing happened, and he was able to close that gap. I mean, you know, something else may have happened with Joe Biden.
JEFFY: Yeah.
STU: But the negatives of Joe Biden are also very similar to the negatives of Trump when it comes to campaigning. They say they have gaffes. They see things that are outlandish at times. It would have been interesting.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Now, this. President Obama's economy created 220,000 new companies in the first quarter of 2016. Sounds like a lot, right?
PAT: What? Yeah.
GLENN: Yeah. 220,000 new companies in the first quarter of 2016. This is the latest data.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: This is down from 246,000 created in the fourth quarter.
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: This is the biggest collapse of the creation of new companies in American history.
PAT: Really?
GLENN: Nobody's talking about it.
Wednesday, as President Obama comes to the end, company creation rates are as dismal as they were when he was inaugurated. New business creation, especially small business, that's the backbone of America and a growing economy, as we hit another stumbling block -- and it will happen. Don't cheer at the stock market going up under Trump. This could be become a bigger bubble. Be careful.
Featured Image: Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump cheer during election night at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York on November 8, 2016. (Photo Credit: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)