The latest season of The Walking Dead has dominated watercooler talk for weeks. People just can't seem to make peace with the new level of violence in the show. The early seasons, it seems, got rid of those pesky zombies in just the right way.
RELATED: #WerkPerks: ‘The Walking Dead’ Readies Jeffy for a Zombie Apocalypse
"It wasn't inhumane. They were just killing them quickly. They weren't torturing or playing games with them or anything like that. They were just killing them," he said.
So if Glenn can't stomach The Walking Dead any longer, just what is he watching?
Read below or listen to the full segment for answers to these questions:
• Is hacksawing a zombie a responsible way to kill?
• What does Stu think about the new movie Arrival?
• What does Glenn call the greatest war movie he's ever seen?
• How many times has Glenn seen Schindler's List?
• Are there spoilers below?
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: Andrew Hertzog says that The Walking Dead has officially jumped the shark.
PAT: Well, is he talking about the first episode? Because he's right about that. That was out of control. That was out of control.
PAT: That was ugly. And -- but now Jeffy's told me last night's was out of control as well.
JEFFY: Well, I mean, it was. Last night was way out of control.
PAT: As much or more than the first one?
STU: Wait. So the apocalyptic zombie series was a little too violent for your tastes?
PAT: Well, seriously --
GLENN: Oh, no, Stu. It got to the point I stopped watching it.
PAT: It's gotten ridiculous.
GLENN: Yeah, it's like crazy. It's man's inhumanity to man now.
JEFFY: We're definitely at that now.
PAT: So is this worse than the opening episode?
JEFFY: Well, violence-wise, no.
PAT: Okay.
GLENN: Inhumanity?
JEFFY: Yeah.
PAT: This Negan thing is ugly.
GLENN: Ugly.
JEFFY: And our love of Rick --
PAT: Yeah.
JEFFY: I mean, I haven't -- I haven't recorded my talking Walking Dead podcast yet. You'll be able to hear that later this afternoon on TheBlaze Radio.
PAT: Don't ruin it for people.
JEFFY: But this whole -- the Rick that we love --
PAT: Uh-huh.
JEFFY: -- needs to come back. Because the -- the Rick that Negan has developed --
PAT: Uh-huh. Not good.
JEFFY: Is bad. Is bad. Bad.
STU: There's not much you can give away obviously. I'm just surprised --
JEFFY: You don't want to. You don't want to on this show.
STU: I can understand not liking a certain amount of violence in your show. I get that. But I'm surprised that that's some line for you guys. This is a series.
GLENN: Because it was different. It was different because there are zombies. So it wasn't -- it was almost like it wasn't real.
PAT: It wasn't real.
GLENN: Yeah. But it wasn't -- you know -- and it wasn't inhumane. They were just killing them quickly. They weren't torturing or playing games with them or anything like that. They were just killing them. Not all of them.
PAT: This has definitely changed.
GLENN: Yeah. And now it's man's inhumanity to man. So it's different. And I don't like that. I don't like watching, you know, men do things to other people for sport, for entertainment. I just don't like it. It bothers me.
Did you see -- did anybody see The Arrival this weekend?
STU: I did. I did.
PAT: No.
GLENN: And what did you think?
STU: I thought it was good. You know, I thought it was good. I did not see it -- it's in the mid-90s in Rotten Tomatoes, which I did not see it as that.
GLENN: I think it's the best alien movie -- the best -- the most tense alien movie I've seen in a long time without it being, you know, something is falling from the ceiling. You know, without it being alien.
STU: You said it the most tense movie that really did not --
GLENN: I thought it was a great sci-fi movie, one I haven't seen like it ever before. And I really loved it.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: The ending -- it's just very cerebral. It's one that you'll walk out of going, "Okay. I think I get it. I'm not sure if I get it."
STU: That's kind of how -- they're supposedly -- they keep promoting it as having a big twist ending.
GLENN: Oh, stop it.
STU: I didn't think it did really.
GLENN: Because you were walking in, thinking it's going to have a twist.
STU: Yeah, that always ruins it.
Again, why I always talk about spoiler alerts and why I will be very careful here as I speak about this. Because it does ruin your experience. If you go in there expecting something, then it comes and it's not a big deal. And that might have been what happened to me. I didn't think it was that great, to be perfectly honest. I thought it was well done. It was interesting. It was one of those movies, I was like, wow, I'm going to figure out something big coming up soon. Where is it? Where is it? And then, oh, okay. See you later. Like, it was just like kind of a letdown, I felt like. But it was well done. It was well done.
GLENN: Yeah, it was really well done.
STU: Yeah. She's great.
GLENN: Mini spoiler here. Turn down the radio, just a mini spoiler --
STU: Oh, gee, come on, why can't you --
GLENN: No, no. It's not going to --
PAT: Don't. Don't.
STU: Why?
GLENN: Turn the radio down. Turn your headphone --
PAT: We can't turn the radio down.
STU: We work with you.
GLENN: Jeez, for the love of Pete.
PAT: Don't do it. Don't.
JEFFY: Go ahead. Stop it. It's not going to ruin anything.
GLENN: You guys are weak and pathetic. Pathetic.
JEFFY: It's not going to ruin anything.
STU: I mean, I wouldn't -- knowing -- you know, this is in retrospect, but knowing what I know about the movie, I don't know that I would go to it.
GLENN: Oh, I would.
STU: It's certainly not worth a second viewing for me.
GLENN: Oh, I would like to see it again.
JEFFY: Oh, so, Glenn, give us the spoiler. Oh, my gosh.
GLENN: No, I'm not going to -- it's not a spoiler. It's not a spoiler. It's really not a spoiler. You wouldn't understand it until after it happened anyway. But I'm not going to give it. I'm not going to give it.
STU: Good.
GLENN: All right. So anybody see -- anybody see the Mel Gibson movie? Rex Reed just said it's the best war movie since Saving Private Ryan.
STU: Spoiler alert it's a war movie. Oh, come on.
GLENN: I 100 percent agree.
JEFFY: What did People magazine give it?
GLENN: I think that is just an outrageously great show -- or, movie.
JEFFY: Movie.
GLENN: Best war movie I've seen.
STU: Wow.
GLENN: Really, really --
STU: There's been some good ones.
PAT: Is it better than like 13 Hours and American Sniper?
GLENN: Yes. Yes. It's really good. Really good.
PAT: Really? Because I thought American Sniper was tremendous. And 13 Hours. Both of those --
GLENN: It is. They both are very, very good.
PAT: And you like this better?
GLENN: This one -- yeah, I do. I like this better because I've -- I've just never seen a war movie like this. I've never seen one like this. Never seen the heroism. I mean, American Sniper, you know, you're looking at a hero. And, you know -- you know, the lone survivor. You're looking at a hero, not like this. Nothing like this. I've never seen a hero movie like this before. And this is true.
JEFFY: And they replicate the horrors of war really well.
GLENN: Like you won't believe.
JEFFY: And it's really, really good. But you don't want to watch The Walking Dead because it's too violent?
GLENN: It's like -- for instance, I have no problem watching Schindler's List once. I don't need to see that for entertainment. I wanted to see that for history's sake. But I don't need to see that for entertainment. So I don't want to watch a movie about Mengele. Hey, let's watch a show about Mengele and how creepy and icky he was. No. No, thank you. No, uh-uh. Not for entertainment purposes, no.
Nobody else has that line? Just me?
STU: Well, I think the line is sensible, that you don't watch hard-core violence so television. I mean, if that's your thing, that's your thing.
GLENN: No. It's not even hard-core violence. It's really not hard-core violence. Like, for instance, I took Raphe to Hacksaw Ridge. I saw it in advance. There's no swear words in it. It's a great message. The only thing -- there's no sex. There's no swear words. There's nothing.
The only thing in this movie is violence. But it is real violence. It's not gratuitous. It's a real depiction of war. And my son sat in the seat next to me. And, you know, he'll watch anything. And he's like Jeffy. He's just dead inside when it comes to playing video games and zombie stuff. The Walking Dead, not the man's inhumanity to man, but some of The Walking Dead wouldn't faze him. This fazed him. And I was glad to see it.
And he was like -- he reeled back a couple of times, like, "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, Dad." I'm like, yeah, intense.
And he said, "This is what it's like?" And I'm like, "Yep, that's what war is like." It takes all the fun and games out of war.
STU: Which is positive.
GLENN: Very positive. Very positive.
STU: You do realize that.
So you're just saying you like -- you like when it's real and not when it's fake.
GLENN: Not that I want to watch snuff films, no.
STU: For example -- well, I mean, I -- to me, I would have almost, I think, the opposite line. Like, if it's just a -- you know, it's -- it's -- like I'll watch horror movies. I'll watch, you know --
GLENN: Well, that's what I looked at for like, for instance, The Walking Dead. But it wasn't hacksawing people, just regular people. It was hacksawing the zombies. And so I didn't have so much of a problem because it's really inhumane.
JEFFY: And they're telling us how to survive.
GLENN: I don't know. It's a weird line. I can watch an alien movie. And you can blow all the aliens up, and that's fine. Once you cross over into people and they're just regular people, no, I don't want to see that. I don't want to see that.
STU: Unless it really happened.
JEFFY: Right.
STU: Unless those people actually went through those real things, then you want to see it.
GLENN: Or unless it's like West World, which I'm thoroughly enjoying.
STU: Oh, I gave up on it. It's boring.
JEFFY: I watched the first two, and I'm almost with you.
GLENN: Oh, I don't think so.
JEFFY: After the second episode, I'm almost with you.
GLENN: Maybe that's why I like it, because there's so much going on. And you want -- at least for me, I want to know what the heck is happening with the park. This is -- it's like Jurassic Park on steroids, except the people are the fakes. And you can go there and you can vacation and you can be whatever you want.
JEFFY: I love the idea of it.
GLENN: Oh, it's fantastic. And you can be a good guy, you can be a bad guy. You can be whatever you want. And you can do whatever you want because the people can't kill you, but you can kill them.
And so some people go with their families, and they have a nice little outing in the old wild west. Blah, blah. But the farther you get away from the town, the more violent and risky it becomes.
And they can't kill you, but you can kill them. And it's pretty amazing. Because there's -- because Anthony Hopkins plays this role that is just really good.
JEFFY: Yeah.
STU: The concept is really interesting. The execution to me has been --
GLENN: I like it.
STU: -- dull. I mean, that's my own personal opinion. But there's a lot -- I mean, there's a lot of good stuff out there to watch. You can lose yourself in the world of entertainment, which I've had to do many times over the past year and half or so.
GLENN: Me too. I've watched more television -- I didn't watch television up until last year. I had no connection to television at all until last year. Now, I'm like, I can't turn it off.
Featured Image: Image from season 7 of The Walking Dead.