Glenn will make a cameo appearance in an extremely low budget film airing this Friday on TheBlaze. Tentatively titled The Christmas ISIScicle, the after school special Christmas spectacular follows the world renowned low budget film, The Christmas Twist, in which a lovely blond baker meets Jeffy the plumber and they both meet an untimely death. But there are baked goods, so all ends well.
Be sure to set your DVRs or, alternatively, watch it again and again on the season finale of The Wonderful World of Stu, airing this Friday on TheBlaze.
Read below or watch the clip for answers to these questions:
• What color beard will Glenn wear?
• Is Stu colorblind?
• Did the plot of The Christmas Twist get ripped off?
• Will there be baked goods in The Christmas ISIScicle?
• Does Jeffy play a human shield?
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: So I'm going into shoot a movie, which I've never been in before. Today. This afternoon.
STU: Yeah. Pretty important stuff. You know, the Christmas holiday is here.
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: And this Friday, the season finale of the Wonderful World of Stu. We will try to lighten -- you know, lift people's spirits with a new Christmas movie. And you might say, "Wait a minute. It's a Christmas movie. How can you be shooting parts for it on the Monday of the week it airs?" That's a really good question --
GLENN: Right.
STU: -- that we're not going to --
GLENN: Well, I was going to ask that question.
STU: Yeah, I don't think it's important. Are you being critical of --
GLENN: Well, what I was wondering of was the quality of a movie that shoots on Monday for an airdate on Friday.
STU: To be fair, most of it was shot last week. So it is pretty high quality.
GLENN: Oh, okay. So double the time.
STU: Yeah, it's double the time.
GLENN: Now, the first movie in air quotes that you made was called The Christmas Twist.
STU: Oh, yeah. Huge hit.
JEFFY: Classic.
GLENN: Which I may say I do believe has been ripped off from this network.
STU: Yes.
PAT: For real.
JEFFY: Absolutely.
PAT: And it's on a Hallmark --
GLENN: This is the real deal. It's a Hallmark movie.
PAT: It's called The Christmas Cookie. Christmas Cookies. It's the same thing.
STU: It's the exact same plot almost.
PAT: It's unbelievable.
STU: It's got to be the first time someone paid a real movie out of a parody. It's like the exact reverse of how it's normally done.
PAT: I mean, we're glad they did it. It's fine.
STU: Oh, thrilled.
PAT: We're not threatening lawsuits.
STU: Oh, no.
PAT: We just want them to fess up. That's all we want. That's all we want.
STU: Mostly, to give them a hug. I love the idea that they did it.
GLENN: Right. Okay. So what The Christmas Twist was, was a cookie -- a girl makes this cookie. She's got her own cookie store. It's not going anywhere. The boyfriend is this big business guy.
STU: Oh, yeah.
GLENN: And just railroads --
STU: Wants her to sell the store. She doesn't want to because it's her dream. It plays out like how every Hallmark movie plays out.
GLENN: Right. They're mocking the Hallmark movies. And somebody went and took the Lifetime movie deal and said, "We're going to make this less jokey about how bad these movies are and make a bad movie based on Stu's bad movie."
STU: I swear it happened.
GLENN: Yeah.
So today we're not filming The Christmas Twist, which is The Christmas Cookie. This is your follow-up movie.
STU: Yeah, it's unrelated. You know, being a sequel out of such a holiday classic as The Christmas Twist, I think, is problematic in many ways, at least until we need the money.
GLENN: Right.
STU: So this is a different movie. It's Christmas-themed obviously.
GLENN: Sure, it is. It's a heart-warming Christmas. Now, it was original scheduled for me to shoot this on the stages --
STU: Yeah, last Tuesday -- it was last Monday or Tuesday. When was Nightline here? It was initially scheduled for you to shoot on the day that Nightline was here. And I said, "You might want to move that." And they said, "Well, what about the next day?" And I said, "Oh, when Samantha Bee is here? No, he's not taping on either of those days."
GLENN: But it's a Christmas theme. What is the name of this?
STU: The name of the movie?
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: It's got Christmas in the title.
GLENN: What is the Christmas --
STU: People will know right away.
GLENN: The Christmas House? The Christmas Box? The Christmas Present?
STU: The Christmas --
GLENN: The, what?
STU: The Christmas Icicle.
GLENN: The Christmas Icicle?
STU: Eh, close. Yeah, it's close to that feel.
GLENN: The Christmas --
STU: The working title. I mean, obviously, the whole thing isn't even shot yet. The Christmas ISISicile.
PAT: ISISicile? Did you just misspell icicle?
STU: Uh-huh.
PAT: Is that what happened?
GLENN: What exactly is the -- what am I getting myself into for this movie of the week?
STU: Well, I mean, first of all, it's going to last for generations.
GLENN: It is.
STU: But it's about a young man entrepreneurial looking for employment in the industry -- looking for some seasonal employment.
GLENN: Sure. Sure.
STU: And gets interviewed at a -- at a place that makes reindeer car antlers. You know the reindeer car antlers that they make. You see them on cars from time to time.
GLENN: Yes. Oh, did you shoot that actually at the factory?
STU: It was a set. It's the theater of the mind.
GLENN: Yeah, okay.
STU: Except you're seeing it.
GLENN: Right.
STU: He may have worked for a company that -- called ISIS, his previous job.
GLENN: Okay. So is it the ISIS --
STU: So ISIS -- that's the name of the company: ISISicile. It kind of fits in with the Christmas theme. Because there's icicles at Christmas time because it's cold. When water goes below 32 degrees, it freezes --
GLENN: Yeah. I got the icicle part. I'm looking for the ISIS part.
STU: Oh, okay. You're asking about that.
Yeah, he has different goals than some of the other employees that work there.
GLENN: Right. Okay. All right.
STU: And he tries to work those goals. It's an interesting way of how different cultures come together around Christmas.
GLENN: Right. Huh.
STU: To unite --
GLENN: Now, it usually is like there's a bad guy, and then there's a sweet girl that has been, you know, crushed with the -- or a kid that has been crushed by the Christmas dream being crushed. Miraculous ending. And that's usually what happens.
STU: I think there's a miraculous ending. First of all, I would say, definitely there's definitely a miraculous ending. Would that miraculous ending involve at all me continuing to have a job after letting this air on the network?
STU: Well, look, I can't predict the future, obviously.
GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
STU: You know, if this -- but, I mean, look, if you can't get behind a story about different cultures coming together around the most -- the most holy of holidays, I don't see how -- and for both sides of this -- they both are chasing what they believe Christmas should be all about. And that's both sides of the equation. And I think that's what's really important around this holiday.
GLENN: So you're selling this to me as a we can all get behind this?
STU: Look --
GLENN: Would it be safer for me to say, "We can all get behind this, and some should get behind something big and sturdy?"
STU: It might be -- if you were thinking about getting some personal protection, now might be the time.
GLENN: Right. It might be the time. All right. Okay. And that airs this Friday?
STU: Yes. Assuming you actually shoot your part today.
GLENN: May I ask, do I have to wear a beard?
STU: Would you like to wear a beard?
GLENN: No, I'm just asking. And would it be a white beard, or would it definitely not be a white beard?
STU: Look --
JEFFY: We haven't even decided if you're going to wear a beard yet.
GLENN: I'm just wondering if the part I'm playing -- because I haven't even read the part yet.
STU: No, you don't need to read it. It will be on the prompter when you get on set.
GLENN: Right. So when I see it and I get into makeup, am I going to be -- am I a jolly old elf? Or am I -- am I a bearded man for an entirely different reason?
STU: Well, first of all, when it comes to the color of the beard, I don't see color. I mean, that's how I am.
GLENN: Okay. All right.
STU: I'm not that kind of person.
GLENN: Okay.
STU: But -- I mean --
GLENN: Okay. We're going to leave it at that. We'll see it on Friday.
STU: Yes.
GLENN: Christmas ISISicile.
STU: ISISicile. Uh-huh. Pat is in it. Joined by Pat Gray. A very important part. Jeff Fisher also appears.
GLENN: Does he play the thing that I should crawl behind? A shield of sort?
STU: It could be a human shield. He could be a human shield.
GLENN: Okay. All right. Good. That sounds like something --
PAT: This will be probably even more classic than The Christmas Twist was, right? Which is already on Hallmark.
GLENN: Which I would like evidence tomorrow because you both are convinced -- I have not seen the Hallmark movie or the Lifetime movie.
PAT: The Christmas Movie.
GLENN: I'd like to see --
JEFFY: Oh, that's unbelievable.
PAT: Pretty unbelievable.
JEFFY: Oh, my gosh.
GLENN: Everybody who has seen it and has seen The Christmas Twist say it is the same story.
PAT: It's the same plot. It's really the same plot. I mean, it's exactly the same, just done in a serious way when we were playing it for comedy. That's all it is. I just want them to admit it. Of course, there's also another one at Hallmark I just saw over the weekend. And I've never seen this in its entirety. But it's another one where the girl owns a shop, only it's not a cookie shop. It's an antique. I think it's been in her family for years.
GLENN: For generations. Yeah.
PAT: It was handed down from her father -- from her grandfather to her father I think and then from her father to her. And it means so much to her.
GLENN: And she's struggling. Right. She's going to lose it.
PAT: And she's struggling. Of course, she's struggling. Well, and there's a guy who is trying to buy the entire strip mall.
STU: I bet he's good-looking.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh.
PAT: He -- I don't know what he looks like. But her boyfriend is the one who is trying to negotiate the sale for her.
STU: Okay.
PAT: Okay. The rich boyfriend -- anyway, she's going --
GLENN: So if he's a rich boyfriend, why doesn't he just save the shop and say, "Don't worry about struggling?"
PAT: You know, that's unclear to me. I think he wants her to have something of hers.
GLENN: Right. Okay.
PAT: I don't think he wants to completely take care -- he just wants to do the deal for her. And then it's really her deal. You know.
JEFFY: But, see, he's a little on the greedy side.
PAT: A little on the greedy side.
JEFFY: Sometimes -- he's losing sight of maybe the holidays.
GLENN: Really?
PAT: A little on the snarky side. He's not the warm, fuzzy boyfriend you'd maybe like --
GLENN: He's not like the -- and I don't mean to talk down to these movies, like the stereotypical kind of Scrooge character, is he?
PAT: I don't think he's along the lines of Scrooge, he's just less Christmassy than maybe you would like for her.
GLENN: Oh, okay.
JEFFY: Yeah.
JEFFY: Sometimes you lose sight.
PAT: So, anyway, he sends her to his hometown to his family which she's never met before. And at the airport, her luggage gets lost.
STU: Oh, no.
GLENN: Oh, boy.
PAT: And then as she's looking for her luggage, she miraculously runs into --
GLENN: An old boyfriend.
PAT: No. Her future brother-in-law. Her fiance's brother is there to pick her up at the airport. He brings her home.
GLENN: Is he a nice guy?
PAT: They spend several days together.
GLENN: And he's like really fatherly.
PAT: Oh, he's a wonderful guy.
No, this is a really good -- a handsome guy. This guy is really into Christmas. He's got a family super into Christmas.
GLENN: Oh, boy. Oh, yeah. I bet.
PAT: Finally, the fiancÈ comes home, uh-oh, it's not her fiance. It was a different family with the same exact name as the family as she was hoping to be with for Christmas.
JEFFY: What!
GLENN: Wait a minute.
JEFFY: What!
GLENN: Hold on just a second. In this small town.
PAT: In this small town. Two families with the same names.
GLENN: Same names.
PAT: Apparently the brothers had the same names.
GLENN: And they were both getting married at the same time.
PAT: Apparently both fiancÈs were coming to the house.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh. What happened to the other fiancÈ? Is she still at the --
PAT: When the -- when the brother comes home and she realizes, I don't know who this guy is -- well, then obviously she calls the fiancÈ and he's on his way. And so she leaves the house.
STU: I --
PAT: And she goes -- I mean, it's only a couple blocks away to the other house.
STU: I did see this one.
PAT: You did see this one? A classic.
GLENN: This sounds really good. Really good.
JEFFY: They're all good.
GLENN: We've got to do one -- we've got to really --
PAT: Yeah, we have to do a serious -- a full length --
GLENN: Even if we have to shut down, I don't know, the entire TV division and just spend a year on that.
PAT: I mean, how hard can it be? These are so preposterous.
GLENN: Whoa, whoa.
PAT: I mean, so good. So good. And they put you in the spirit.
GLENN: Right.
PAT: So she goes to the other family who she's supposed to be with. And, of course, none of them are into the holiday.
STU: It's the exact opposite.
PAT: It's the exact opposite. They're busy are work.
JEFFY: We have our lives to do.
PAT: They don't even spend time together in the same room necessarily they're off doing their own thing. She finally brings them together for a game, where they tell each other what they like about each other. But the things they like about one another is so superficial, she can't abide it. She can't abide it.
And then the last straw is when the fiancÈ boyfriend says, "I got a surprise for you. You're a millionaire." And then he goes and explains it to her privately in the room. He has worked the deal out to sell her shop to the guy who wants to buy her strip mall for three and a half million dollars.
JEFFY: Now she's set for life.
PAT: How dare he! She doesn't want that deal.
GLENN: She doesn't want that. Right. She wants the other guy and the other family.
PAT: It's not about money. That's right.
GLENN: Now, the other guy and the other family, what would be really special is if their fiancÈ, his fiancÈ had met the other family and kind of fell in love. Maybe this is the sequel with the other guy.
PAT: That would be kind of cool.
GLENN: And she fell in love, so it was like a Christmas wife swap.
STU: I think that's one of Jeffy's movies.
GLENN: That would probably be a bad name for it.
PAT: That probably would be. Christmas Wife Swap doesn't sound Christmassy.
JEFFY: You'll get a lot of good stuff.
GLENN: Or The Christmas Twist. Just saying. All right.
Featured Image: Icicles pictured in front of a picture window. (Photo Credit: Marc Müller/AFP/Getty Images)