In case you missed it, Glenn threw out his back between breaks on Tuesday, requiring assistance to leave the set. One minute he was getting comfortable and the next he was writhing in pain. Co-host Pat Gray took the helm of the ship, offering a public service announcement to listeners.
"If you're a big, fat guy like we are, don't move. It's what I try to live by, I try not to move as much as possible. So don't be telling me about this gym stuff. Well, you need a gym membership and you need to work out your abs. That will strengthen your core. No. No. The thing is, don't move and then there won't be a problem," Pat said.
Jeffy wholeheartedly agreed.
"Don't move. Don't move. Your core is fine . . . because it's not moving," Jeffy said.
Read below or watch the clip for answers to these questions:
• Should Pat and Jeffy be giving fitness advice?
• Does Jeffy worry about Glenn at night?
• Is it okay to move while sitting in a chair?
• Will Pat ever make a New Year's resolution?
• What's the number one resolution your co-workers made?
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
PAT: Pat Gray and Jeffy for Glenn on the Glenn Beck Program. He had a weird accident where he was sitting and hurt himself. So...
PAT: Yeah. You don't want to sit.
JEFFY: No, you don't. You don't.
PAT: And you've got to be careful. I mean, he was not careful.
JEFFY: I know. I worry about him every night. Because he's hurting himself sitting now, soon he's going to hurt himself sleeping.
PAT: Yeah. He was sitting there. And we were like, "Be careful." And he wasn't. Because he apparently moved.
JEFFY: No, he wasn't. He tried to move.
PAT: He apparently in some way. And seriously, he threw his back out really badly.
JEFFY: I know he did.
PAT: And had to be helped from the studio.
JEFFY: I saw it happen where -- you're right. He moved. He moved.
PAT: He moved.
JEFFY: And it was not pretty.
PAT: It was not good.
JEFFY: No, it was not.
PAT: So it -- just a cautionary tale, if you're a big, fat guy like we are, don't move.
JEFFY: Don't move. Don't move.
PAT: It's what I try to live by, I try not to move as much as possible. So don't be telling me about this gym stuff. Well, you need a gym membership and you need to work out your abs. That will strengthen your core. No. No. The thing is, don't move. And then there won't be a problem.
JEFFY: Your core is fine. Because it's not moving.
PAT: I'm not moving right now, and so my core is perfect.
JEFFY: Right.
PAT: 888-727-BECK.
We've been talking about New Year's resolutions. And if anybody makes them anymore. And apparently a few people still do.
And Business Insider just did a poll: Career Builder. Top resolutions for working people. About half the respondents, 49 percent plan to put more of their paychecks into savings. About a third want to decrease their stress level.
JEFFY: Of course.
PAT: About 22 percent of employees just want to change jobs this year. I mean, you hear that from a lot of people. A lot of people not doing what they like doing. I mean, it's important to do what you like, right? You're just better at it. 888-727-BECK. 888-727-BECK.
If you've made a resolution...
Featured Image: A healthy Glenn Beck moments before throwing his back out on Tuesday, January 3, 2017.