GLENN: Hello, America. And welcome to the program. Just reviewing Rand Paul on the State of the Union yesterday. He was talking about the repeal and replace. And Justin Amash went on a tweet storm about, what are we going to do about Obamacare? He is voting against not the repeal. He's voting against the way it's being done. And it's a conversation that we need to have, right now.
GLENN: Mixed bag of Republicans vote against Obamacare repeal vehicle.
That is the -- that's the story. And most Republicans are saying, "Well, because there wasn't a replacement. There was just a repeal." Well, but there wasn't a repeal. There wasn't a repeal. This was just a -- this was just something that said we can later vote to repeal it, when we're ready. But they tucked it inside of this massive spending package.
It is the -- it's the latest budget, and it is the worst budget, some claim, that we have ever passed. It adds $9 trillion to the debt. $9 trillion.
STU: I believe the number is 9.7 trillion, which your just little summary there just left off $700 billion.
GLENN: Unbelievable.
STU: When you get to these numbers, it is incredible what you can just round away as a rounding error. It's incredible.
GLENN: Okay. So Justin Amash went on a tweet storm. I'm just going to give you the tweets. Confused on what the House voted on today? You're not alone. I hope you'll find this explanation in the following tweets helpful. Two, there's been a lot of crazy or lousy reporting and intentional misrepresentation from the partisans on both sides. Today, we voted on the most massive budget in US history. It's been misleadingly described as the Obamacare repeal vote. It's actually a budget resolution that proposes adding more than $9 trillion to the debt over the next decade. Does that extra debt come from repealing Obamacare? No. The budget doesn't even mention Obamacare, and it doesn't repeal it. Sixth tweet.
STU: Think about that. It doesn't mention Obamacare. And it doesn't repeal it.
GLENN: And it doesn't repeal it. And yet it's known as the Obamacare repeal vote.
Patriot Act.
Budget includes reconciliation instructions to allow Congress to bring later a bill to repeal part of the Obamacare plan with a simple majority. But these instructions can be included in any budget. It's not necessary to pass this particular budget, a/k/a worst budget ever. Partisans of both parties like to describe the vote as a Obamacare repeal vote, rather than the budget vote for obvious reasons. Republicans don't want their votes -- voters to know that they voted for the most massive budget ever. Democrats want their voters to think it's all about stopping Republicans from repealing Obamacare.
Reporters are fixated on the sexy angle, which is the misleading angle that most of the politicians are talking about, Obamacare. So my no vote does not mean I oppose repealing Obamacare. Sorry, Democrats. That's not what today's vote was about. My no vote was about standing up for limited government and fighting for the next generation. It was about stopping a never balanced budget. We can't afford more spending and more debt, regardless of whether it's demanded by a Republican president or -- a Democratic president or a Republican president.
STU: Pretty strong.
GLENN: How do you argue with that?
STU: I know. And it is amazing that that is how it's being reported. It's not talking about the $10 trillion of extra debt. It's talking about how they could theoretically repeal Obamacare in the future. How is that the most important detail of a 10 trillion-dollar budget?
GLENN: Massie said he would vote against the budget resolution because of the estimated 9.7 trillion it would add to the national debt. He said his fiscal conservative colleagues who voted yes because they only saw the budget as a vehicle to get Obamacare repeal will regret it.
We have a Category 5 hurricane coming in when you have to reduce to practice the differences between Donald Trump's agenda and Paul Ryan's. I think there's going to be some very confusing votes in here. And then Amash said what he said.
A lot of people fell for what I call, we have to have dinner tonight in Paris, France, or we're going to starve. No, you can have dinner someplace else.