Barack Obama has made history as president of the United States --- over and over again.
For example, last year his massive land grab of 260 million acres of national public lands and waters was more than any previous president in history, including Teddy Roosevelt. (That was before he took nearly two million acres from Utah and Nevada this year, despite vehement local opposition.)
He broke policy and precedent with a trip to Cuba, embracing the abusive Castro regime. Just a week before leaving office, Obama issued a final salvo, ending a longstanding policy that Cuban refugees be welcomed in the United States (after all, they'd be killed, imprisoned or tortured if forced to return to Cuba).
Finally, in the last days of his presidency, Obama has ramped up pardons and commutation grants, commuting the sentences of nearly 1,400 individuals in all, more than any president in this nation’s history and more than the past 12 presidents combined --- and he's not done yet.
Glenn had a few predictions about who might be next when Obama waves his magic wand.
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program: