GLENN: What's amazing is in Stu's lifetime, his adult life since he's been able to vote, there is only two possibilities of an election. One, a democratic win. And two, a Republican win that the Democrats claim is illegitimate.
George HW bush was the last "legitimate" Republican president. Dole was a GOP win. 2000 selected unelected. This Barack Obama --
STU: You skipped 2004. 2004 was Ohio, fixed voting machines, John Kerry people saying Democrats should vote on the wrong day, do you to some weird waffle-head vehicle running through the streets.
GLENN: I don't know what happened there.
STU: I don't know either. But, yeah, they complained about that one as well as illegitimate.
GLENN: Well, I just count. He was an illegitimate president. I forgot that they claimed it twice.
STU: Uh-huh. Both elections he won.
GLENN: Then Barack Obama won. Then Barack Obama won. And now this president, and he's illegitimate.
STU: That's insane. I mean, it's since 1988 there hasn't been a Republican president elected."Legitimately" in the eyes of Democrats.
GLENN: Okay. So think about that. You're born in 1990. You think you have been taught your whole life that the Republicans only win when they steal it.
STU: Wow that's incredible.
GLENN: What are you -- of course they need safe spaces. The Republicans only steal things. And they're going to come and steal everything you have. Pretty amazing. We're going to go into the scandals that Obama has forgotten coming up.