GLENN: All right. Now, this might not sound like we're compassionate to those who want jade eggs and to eat crickets. (But that's only if you listen to Bernie Sanders.) Here's Bernie Sanders talking about how "not compassionate" Americans are.
BERNIE: The United States of America is the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all people as a right.
PAT: Dang proud of that.
BERNIE: Canada does it. Every major country in Europe does it.
STU: And, no, they don't.
PAT: First of all, Canada is not a major country. Can we get that straight?
STU: Oh, wow. Wait.
GLENN: Alternate fact. Stu is --
STU: I'm very upset about that.
JEFFY: Now you're hurting Stu's feelings.
STU: You have to remember -- notice the words he uses: Guarantees health care. No, they don't. They absolutely don't guarantee health care. They guarantee you to believe they have insurance. Whether you can get care or not is a completely different issue.
PAT: Yeah. Yeah.
GLENN: If health care around the world -- like the ancient Chinese secret, if it was so good, capitalism would embrace it.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: The market would run towards it. If it was so great, we would all run towards it. It's not good.
Here's what it's good for: It's good for the very lowest of poverty levels because they get something. Well, we already -- they already got something. They already can go to the hospital. Now, that's breaking the hospital system.
But let's fix that problem. Okay?
So it's good for the very bottom --
STU: We also have Medicaid, by the way, which is a giant government system specifically designed to help those people to get insurance.
GLENN: Right. So there you go.
You already have the bottom ladder. The top of the ladder, they don't care. They'll get health care -- they'll just pay for it. They'll just go out -- I need to go see a doctor. Okay. I'll write a check.
So the top of the health care, they don't care. Who does it hurt? Everyone in between. That's what socialized medicine does. Hurts everyone in between. It's bad.
All right. Anyway...
BERNIE: Believe that health care is a right of all Americans whether they're rich or they're poor.
GLENN: Stop. This is why it is important to understand that we are based on the Declaration of Independence.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Our rights come from our creator.
Now, how do we get a right of health care from our creator?
Huh. We don't. Huh. There's no way -- I'm trying to think of any way you can interpret anything in nature to tell you that you have a right to health care.
PAT: May I also ask how it's compassionate for any country forced to provide health care for anyone else, how is that compassion? It's not.
PAT: I've been forced. I didn't volunteer that money. That's not a compassionate act.
GLENN: And it makes you less compassionate.
PAT: It's ridiculous.
GLENN: Our nurses -- our nurses and doctors here in America I believe are the most compassionate, some of them in the world.
PAT: Oh, they're great.
JEFFY: Absolutely.
PAT: They're really great.
GLENN: They're great. And why? Because they have a desire to do it.
PAT: And the things they do are incredible.
GLENN: Remarkable. Remarkable.
PAT: And at least in our recent experience, they all did it with such professionalism and compassion.
GLENN: Now, you could go over to the Netherlands and say, "Well, the Netherlands, they had better health care." Well, in some ways they might. In some ways, they might. But can we just look at the Netherlands here for a second. If you look at Sweden, up until recently, it was the most homogenized group of people of all time.
Let's see. They're all white. Blond hair, blue-eyed with the same background in culture. It's not hard to move one group of people, who are all exactly alike, and fit them into this little package. Now that they have to serve two cultures, it's completely falling apart.
America is the entire world coming together. It doesn't work. It's harder to do things in America. There is no one who is as diverse as this country is, in thought and in lifestyle. And that's good.
Why should I celebrate diversity in everything, except when it really counts?
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Celebrate answers in math with Common Core. No. No.
PAT: There's more.
BERNIE: Should people, because they're Americans, be able to go to the doctor when they need to, be able to go into a hospital because they're Americans?
VOICE: We're a compassionate society.
BERNIE: No, we're not a compassionate society. In terms of our relationship to poor and working people, our record is worse than virtually any other country on earth.
PAT: That is unbelievable. That's unbelievable.
STU: Should they be able to go to the doctors when they want to? That's the exact thing socialized medicine can't accomplish. There's long-term waiting.
GLENN: You die. If you want socialized medicine, we have it. Are we compassionate to our veterans?
PAT: No.
GLENN: That's socialized medicine. There it is. That's what -- when they finally kill the free market and we only have a single-payer health care system, that's what it is. That is the least compassionate.