GLENN: Some great phone calls. 888-727-BECK. We're going to get to them here in just a second.
I just want to show the press some of the things that were said by Barack Obama that you were silent on. And this is what we heard, and we wondered why you didn't stop and say, "Hey, that wasn't true." Here's just a couple of things...
OBAMA: You can keep your plan if you are satisfied with it.
If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like your plan --
GLENN: Okay. We knew that that wasn't true from the very beginning. We knew that wasn't true.
PAT: We said it over and over and over again.
GLENN: Right. You didn't get there until it was too late. You could have done the homework that we did and said, "Read the bill. There's no way you'll be able to keep your doctor. There's no way." But you didn't. You called us conspiracy theorists, until it was too late.
But once you got there and it was too late, it no longer mattered. It had already passed.
OBAMA: I'm in this race to tell the lobbyists in Washington that their days of setting the agenda are over.
PAT: Uh-huh.
OBAMA: They -- they have not funded my campaign.
PAT: Lie.
OBAMA: They will not work in my White House.
PAT: Okay. They won't work at his -- other than the 64 he hired to work in his White House.
GLENN: Right.
JEFFY: They held his feet to the fire --
PAT: Yeah. Yeah.
GLENN: And the number one person that went to visit him was Richard Trumka, and number two I think was SEIU. Andy Stern.
PAT: Andy Stern. Andy Stern and his people.
GLENN: And where were you on the Trumka saying, "I talk to the White House every single day?" Where were you on that? When we were debating health care, who was pushing it?
SEIU and the AFL-CIO. And they were in touch with the White House every single day. But you didn't report on that. And when you did report on the fact that he was not going to put any of these lobbyists in the White House, it was very small and almost angelic, well, no president can do that, at the very beginning, at least that's the way I remember it.
Now, here's the next one.
OBAMA: As a society, we choose to underinvest in decent schools.
PAT: Do we?
OBAMA: We allow poverty to fester.
GLENN: Not true.
OBAMA: So that entire neighborhoods offer no prospect for gainful employment.
GLENN: Not true.
OBAMA: We refuse to fund drug treatment and mental health programs.
GLENN: Do we?
PAT: And here it comes.
OBAMA: We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.
PAT: I mean, that is absolutely ridiculous. That is ludicrous.
GLENN: Okay. Where were you on that? That is the most outrageous thing you could say, at a time when the country was trying to get our arms around school shootings, the president comes out and says it's easier to get a Glock than a book or a computer.
Now, here's what you're thinking, "Well, he didn't mean that literally. Just listen to the overall message. He didn't mean that literally." Well, wait a minute, isn't that the argument that Trump people are saying? He doesn't mean that literally? It's the overall direction.
Why is it okay for your side to say, "I've been thinking a lot about bombing the White House," and them not being marked as a terrorist. But if somebody on the right would have said, "I'm thinking about blowing up the White House," they would have forever been marked as a terrorist.
And if you don't think that's true, Sarah Palin were targeting these districts. That's the problem, press. It's not that complex. You don't need a focus group. It's not that complex.
And if you -- if there isn't someone -- if there isn't someone with the authority, I warn you, either this president or the next president will start to say we need to license reporters and journalists. We need to shut down those outlets that are telling alternative facts.
Now, those alternative facts are only -- get to be designated by the person in power. Press, you think you have the handle on the truth, but some day, there will be someone in that office who says, "That's not the truth, what I say is the truth, and I will deem what you can report and what you can't."
Now, you will believe this now. But I've been saying the same thing and warning you of this under Barack Obama. Not about Obama. That it will be him or the next guy or the next guy after.
I don't know who it will be. It will be this president, the next one, or the next one after, if we don't fix, A, the civility and plant reason firmly in her seat. Back in a minute.