GLENN: Can we just discuss something and you guys convince me it's not creepy? Can you guys do that? I need to be convinced that this is not creepy.
PAT: Sure.
GLENN: The president signed an actual executive order making the day he was inaugurated retroactively like a national holiday.
PAT: That we can't celebrate because it already happened?
GLENN: Well, is it for every year? This is what I'm trying to make sure --
STU: No, I think it's just a one-day --
GLENN: Just a one-day thing. Retroactively -- what did he name it, Stu?
STU: Give me one minute. I think it's National Patriotic Devotion Day.
GLENN: It's scary. That's spooky to me. It's just spooky to me.
PAT: That's not spooky at all.
I can see other countries doing that.
JEFFY: We get to celebrate it.
GLENN: Raise your hand if you think that's at all spooky. Yeah, okay. Two for, two against. All right.
STU: It said -- it was the forty-fifth president proclaimed January 20th, 2017, his Inauguration Day, to be a National Day of Patriotic Devotion. Trump made the proclamation, quote --
PAT: Does that mean to him then, kind of? Sounds like --
PAT: Sounds like a tribute it to himself.
GLENN: Listen to the --
PAT: All right. Let's hear the body of the work there.
STU: In order to strengthen our bonds to each other and our country and to renew the duties of government to the people.
PAT: Okay.
STU: A new national pride stirs the American soul and inspires the American heart. We are one people, united by a common destiny and shared purpose.
GLENN: Can I ask, when did nationalism become okay?
STU: November 7th, right? Wasn't it?
GLENN: Seriously. When did -- people write about this new nationalism --
PAT: We've always been super patriotic. Used to be called jingoistic. But --
GLENN: Yeah, but we're not nationalist. Yeah. But we were never -- when somebody would say we were a nationalist, we would say --
PAT: Well, when does patriotism become nationalism? I don't know. I don't know where that line is.
GLENN: When you lose reason. When you lose reason.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: So I don't know. But people are throwing around that we're a new nationalist country. And I don't like that. That's not good.