GLENN: Walking over to the audio vault. A couple of things you need to hear. First of all, here's Maxine Waters on impeaching President Trump.
PAT: And his relationship with Putin.
MAXINE: And knowing that he's responsible for supplying the bombs that killed innocent children and families and -- and -- yeah, in Aleppo.
PAT: She had to be told by Nancy Pelosi where that was happening because she seriously --
GLENN: In Aleppo.
PAT: -- I don't think she knows. I really don't.
GLENN: Maybe Aleppo. But the next one definitely not.
MAXINE: As a fact that he's wrapping his arms around Putin, while Putin is continuing to advance into --
GLENN: Into Korea.
MAXINE: -- Korea.
PAT: He's advancing into Korea.
STU: He shouldn't do that.
PAT: Well, I was okay with Korea. But when he went into Thailand and Taiwan, and then he got into Tai Chi. That -- that's where I said, "Okay. Enough. Enough."
GLENN: When he started to cross the border into Siam, oh, man, I was upset.
PAT: Because the king was -- I think he was singing at the time, wasn't he?
GLENN: Yeah, he was. He was.
PAT: And his song had to stop because of the invasion.
GLENN: Of Siam.
PAT: And that ruined our musical.
GLENN: Putin isn't going into Korea. Maybe you meant Crimea.
PAT: I don't think she did. I don't think she did.
GLENN: No, I think someone said Crimea around her. And all she heard was the "area." And thought it was Korea.
PAT: Thank goodness she didn't think it was diarrhea. Because it could have just as easily been that.
GLENN: Right. And he's going into diarrhea. Oh, my gosh.
JEFFY: Tremendous.
PAT: So bad.
STU: I mean, at least Crimea and Korea shares a couple of letters. It's closer than she normally gets.
PAT: Yes.
STU: We can give her that.
GLENN: So bad.
PAT: That's actually a pretty good moment for Maxine Waters.
GLENN: So bad. So bad.
STU: That's one of her better moments. I mean, "good" is probably not the right word.