PAT: All right. Could be a fascinating four years. It has already been a fascinating four weeks. And we've barely begun here. We haven't even scratched the surface of how interesting the Donald Trump presidency is going to be. Last night Colbert had Jake Tapper on, and he went through this litany of the things that Donald Trump has already called his network.
Fake news, fraud, unwatchable, a disgrace on the broadcasting industry, disgusting, phony reporting, unprofessional, bad television, and CNN can go to hell.
STU: A long list there.
PAT: Yes. But that's what Donald Trump does.
STU: Yeah, that's what he does.
JEFFY: That's what he does.
STU: Sometimes earlier nails them. Some of them are satisfying to hear. Some of them don't really make sense in the case. I thought it would be a good time because he's not here to defend himself is go through the insults that Donald Trump has leveled against Glenn Beck. Are these legitimate? Are these good quality insults accurate ones? Or do you think these really apply, or do they not? Are these fake insults?
PAT: Uh-huh.
STU: So let's start off. I mean, I think he starts off on the right foot here. His endorsement means nothing. Right there.
PAT: You got that one right.
STU: You got that one right for sure. So there you go. That one is a good start. Dumb as a rock. No. Look, I mean, he might not be -- as he said many times. I'm not a scientist, but I'm a thinker. I think he's slightly elevated from a rock.
PAT: I would have to say, no, he's smarter than a rock. Got that one wrong.
JEFFY: Absolutely.
STU: Next one. And I don't even know if it's an insult. But the New York Times listed on every insult Donald Trump has made against everyone. He made this insult against Glenn Beck. Crying.
Now, this is a tough one because, first of all, I don't know if it's actually an insult. Yeah, crying I guess it could be an insult. But I get what he's going for. It certainly was applicable at one time.
PAT: Yeah, he did cry a lot for a while.
STU: Not a lot.
PAT: He cries a lot less now.
STU: A lot for an adult male, I would say.
PAT: Yes, I think we can give him crying.
STU: We'll give him crying. Although, it's a little outdated.
PAT: Yeah, it is.
STU: I haven't heard Glenn cry for quite a long time. He's lost all credibility.
PAT: No.
STU: I don't think he's lost all credibility. Obviously, Trump is going to say that. But that's largely because the Trump criticisms that Glenn has made in the past. I mean, you know, there's still a lot. Like, for example, has he lost all credibility when he says Neil Gorsuch is a good nominee? Probably not. He has just lost credibility on the things that he disagrees with Donald Trump on.
PAT: Uh-huh.
STU: So next up, failing. Now, we were supposed to go out of business a while ago.
PAT: Quite some time ago.
JEFFY: Yeah.
STU: What's the schedule on that?
PAT: September, wasn't it? It was a Friday in September.
STU: Specifically.
PAT: And we are still on the air. I'm going to have to call that one false. Count that wrong.
STU: Irrelevant. Is Glenn irrelevant?
PAT: The President of the United States still talks about him. Can't be irrelevant. I'm going to say no on that one.
STU: All right. Next up is wacko.
PAT: I mean, I think that one -- that's pretty subjective but, yes, we'll give him wacko.
STU: That was a very good job by the president there. How about -- this is all enclosed in one installment. Failing, crying, lost soul.
PAT: Failing, no.
STU: We gave him crying. We didn't give him failing. So really this comes down to lost soul. Is Glenn a lost soul? Glenn might argue he's a lost soul. But I don't think so.
JEFFY: He might. But I don't think so.
PAT: I can't give it to him. Can't give him lost soul.
STU: Sad. Absolutely. I am giving him sad.
PAT: He is sad.
STU: He is absolutely sad.
PAT: He's much more sad than a guy that successful should be.
STU: Yes, Glenn is --
JEFFY: Right.
STU: I honestly think Glenn could be President of the United States and have all the money Donald Trump has and have a 100 percent approval generating, and he would still find a way to be depressed over it. So, yes, sad I'm with. Has zero credibility.
PAT: No. Again. No.
STU: Because that's essentially the same as lost all credibility. Next up is very dumb and failing. Donald Trump insults of Glenn Beck.
PAT: Going to give him a no and no on that one.
STU: Another irrelevant. We already covered that one. This is an is interesting one. Donald Trump insults of Glenn Beck. Mental basket case.
JEFFY: That's a tough one.
PAT: That's a hard one.
STU: As a guy who employs us, we should probably say no on that one. But there's some evidence. I'm going to entertain that one.
PAT: Can we give him a yes and no on that? Like, partial. That works.
STU: He's not going to be pleased with that generating.
PAT: No, both sides of the issues, Glenn. You wanted us to be fair.
STU: How about viewers and ratings are way down? That one I know is not true because I get the spreadsheet every month.
PAT: Not true.
STU: A real nut job.
JEFFY: See, that goes back to the other one.
STU: I just --
PAT: I'm going to say he's not a nut job. He's not a nut job.
STU: Look, the Ninth Circuit court had a three judge panel here. Let's not just jump to conclusions. We've got our own three-judge panel here. I mean I -- a real nut job. I mean --
PAT: I'm going no on that.
JEFFY: A nut job is different than a basket case.
STU: It is different than a basket case. But it's job as -- we're judges here. We are so-called judges here. We can make a determination. Is Glenn Beck a real nut job.
PAT: I can see where you want to go "yes" on this. Don't you?
STU: Here's the thing. As the third judge here if I say both of you say "no," my vote won't count.
JEFFY: What was the one two ago that was --
PAT: Mental basket case.
JEFFY: Mental basket case. And we said "yes" on that.
STU: Well, we said -- we gave him a half.
JEFFY: Half and half.
STU: I can see how you get there.
PAT: Nut job. Some people are calling him the most reasonable man in the room now.
STU: Yeah.
PAT: I'm going to say no on nut job.
STU: Control room disagrees with that ruling.
How about always seems to be crying. Now, crying we gave him.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: But always seems to be crying.
PAT: No, not anymore. That's old.
STU: At this point, I'm going to go with no. And last one here. Insults by Donald Trump against Glenn Beck. The last one in our collection. Wacky. I think wacky's fine.
PAT: Sure.
STU: Wacky is a -- probably an okay -- he's going to love this segment. Can we not air what we just did? I know it's a live show. But can we not air it to a -- one specific household. Is that possible? Can we make the Internet go out for, you know, just a short time? Oh, by the way, we should also mention happy birthday, Glenn.
JEFFY: We're so sorry you're sick. We wish you were better.
STU: He's, like, I take -- I'm off on my birthday because I'm sick.
PAT: And this is what I get?
STU: I think, again, we praised Jake Tapper for being fair.
PAT: Right.
STU: And what did we do? We went through this list. Some true. Some false.
PAT: I think it was fair.
STU: I'm sure Glenn would appreciate it. Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I think maybe.
PAT: You would like to think he would appreciate it.
STU: Some of it.