GLENN: So the question is, is the White House Correspondents' Dinner even going to happen this year?
PAT: I hope not.
STU: You've been wanting to kill this thing off for a long time. You hate it.
GLENN: I hate that thing.
PAT: I hate that thing. It is the dumbest event.
GLENN: No, it's worse than dumb.
STU: Wasn't it a Woodrow Wilson thing? I hate to bring up the name and start a rant here, but...
JEFFY: Oh, boy.
GLENN: Started in 1921. But it was his people that said, "Hey, if we get all the elites together, the ones that are supposed to be guarding us and bring them into the White House and make them part of the family, well, then we're going to be able to get a lot more done." So up until the White House Correspondents' Dinner, the Press Corps was -- was -- they stood against and -- you know, mixing with the politicians. They wouldn't do it. And so it was the White House Correspondents' Dinner that started to get them to mix. And now they're literally just sleeping with each other. I mean, it's almost an orgy.
PAT: I'll never forget that quote, from I think it was Robin Wright when -- what's the name of that show that she's on that you love so much?
JEFFY: House of Cards.
PAT: When House of Cards started, and she was doing research on Washington.
JEFFY: Yeah.
PAT: And she said it was far sleazier than Hollywood is. I mean, there's way more people sleeping with each other.
GLENN: Oh, yeah.
STU: And she was shocked to find out that the script essentially proved true, in her research.
PAT: Yeah. If not a little mild. A little tame.
JEFFY: Think of that.
STU: And if you saw the first season of that show, I mean, there's a lot going -- if that is actually going on, it will blow your mind.
GLENN: So here's the amazing thing though. So it's coming apart. And Samantha Bee is throwing her own, not the White House Correspondents' Dinner. And I, of course, am not going to it.
STU: No. You may be stoned if you were to --
GLENN: Right. Yeah.
Well, I wouldn't anyway. Unless -- unless you could deliver a, "Hey, dummies, you shouldn't have been doing it in the first place," kind of speech. Then I would definitely get stoned, but I would also go.
But the reports that are coming out -- listen to some of these quotes. This is senior editor at the Atlantic.
How can media clink glasses with a White House that makes clear its contempt for press freedom and its admiration for Vladimir Putin's methods? Well, I don't know. You clinked glasses --
PAT: Been doing that for a long time.
GLENN: -- with Barack Obama when he was talking about how much he loved Vladimir Putin.
STU: The reset button.
GLENN: And was actually putting you guys, you know, in jail and listening and wiretapping your phones.
STU: And some people in the press did speak out against those efforts by the Obama administration. They still went. They still went and clinked glasses with them.
GLENN: Yeah. Fox still went.
STU: And that's just -- and it wasn't just Fox.
GLENN: I know.
STU: They use the Woodrow Wilson era rules to out reporters and hurt them more than anybody else. Any president ever has, including Wilson.
GLENN: Combined.
STU: Combined. And I think this is only part of it in that, maybe -- I'm sure the reporters don't want to go because they don't like Trump. I think there's a real possibility, Trump who has already had a bad experience at the White House Correspondents' Dinner is not going to go. And if he doesn't go, what is it? It's nothing. It's dead, right?
GLENN: He's not going to go.
JEFFY: What's the point?
GLENN: Oh, he's not going to go.
STU: I mean, he's -- he does not seem like -- he would be the type that would end this thing. And that would be great.
GLENN: News organizations should buy -- now, this is from U.S. News & World Report. News -- news organizations should buy tickets as usual because it's a good cause, but make other plans that night. And if he does attend, let the ratings and crowd-obsessed narcissistic freak address an empty ballroom.
So there's your opinion --
PAT: Wait. That's U.S. News & World Report?
GLENN: That's the opinion editor of the U.S. News & World Report.
PAT: Wow.
PAT: Oh, my gosh.
GLENN: Calling the president a ratings, crowd-obsessed narcissistic freak.
PAT: A freak. Man. Man. Wow.
GLENN: Right.
PAT: But they're objective. Don't even worry about that.
JEFFY: Yeah. He's not going to go to that.
PAT: I hope he doesn't.
STU: Yeah, it would be crazy for Donald Trump to -- to attend something like that. That plays into everything he's been standing against, right?
JEFFY: Right.
STU: That event, in and of itself, while traditional, is the exact type of tradition people elected Donald Trump to get rid of.
GLENN: Yeah. It's bad.
I went once. I'll never go again. My wife and I went. And honestly, it was grotesque. It was grotesque, the way they were all fawning over each other and pawing at each other. Oh, it was -- it was honestly grotesque.
These are people who are supposed to be guardians of you. And they weren't. They were -- they were puffing their own chest out like they were celebrities and stars. Oh, it was -- it was awful. I hated every second of it. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. Just really bad.
I hope that he doesn't go. And I hope that it is destroyed for all time.
PAT: Me too.
GLENN: But maybe that's just me.
PAT: Has there been a president since 1921 that hasn't gone?
GLENN: No -- I don't know.
PAT: I'd like to know that.
GLENN: Look that up real quick.