Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is keeping the pressure on when it comes to replacing Obamacare. He recently went on record about the replacement Republicans are putting forward:
I think what they're putting forward is Obamacare light. It has a new entitlement program in there, which we're having trouble affording what we have now without creating a new entitlement program. It has a Cadillac tax similar to the Obamacare bill. I thought we were for repealing the Obamacare taxes, not keeping them. And it also has the individual mandate. Instead of paying a penalty to give the government if you don't get insurance, you'll pay a penalty to the insurance company when you go to buy insurance. But it's an individual mandate, just simply different. And what I object to in the house leadership bill is I think these are Democrat ideas dressed up in Republican clothing.
Republican leadership also seem to be pulling a "Nancy Pelosi" when it comes to making the bill public.
"Listen to what he said when he went to try to find the bill. It's amazing," Glenn said on radio Friday. From Rand Paul:
It was under lock and key with cards and sure enough when we got there, we were not allowed to see the Obamacare repeal bill. We know it exists. It's probably hundreds of pages long, and we didn't get to see it, and we're upset about that. In my state in Kentucky, it's against the law to have closed meetings where the public is not allowed to see the process.
Thanks for the transparency, Republicans.
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program: