Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse broke the tension of the long 11 hour confirmation hearing of Justice Neil Gorsuch with a bit of humanizing humor on Monday.
Having just come away from a grilling by Sen. Al Franken that actually prompted an eye roll from Gorusch at one point, Ben Sasse took his turn. Instead of continuing with a thread of gotcha questions, Sasse – as is in his nature – decided to inject a bit of humor to break the tension.
“My wife also sent me a text a little bit ago and said – and I’m sure she didn’t expect me to read it, but – ‘how in the world is Gorsuch able to go so many hours at a time without peeing?'” Sasse said, reading from his phone.
Sen. Ben Sasse asked Gorsuch about the "SCOTUS bladder" #GorsuchHearing
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 21, 2017