How Adam and Eve Became Victims of the Greatest Character Assassination Ever

Three thousand years before The Happiness Movement told us relationships matter, the Bible had already done it with Adam and Eve.

Bruce Feiler, author of the new book The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us, joined Glenn in studio on Thursday, revealing how a visit to the Sistine Chapel with this daughters inspired him.

"They're complaining. My feet hurt. This boring. I'm like, get into the Sistine Chapel, girls. I'm going to blow your mind. They look up, and one of my girls looks at Adam and God --- the fingers, right? Across the sky --- and says, 'That's only men. Where am I in that picture?' And her identical sister looks up and sees . . . under God's arm is a woman," Feiler recalled.

The woman, of course, was Eve.

"That's when I realized . . . this story has been at the heart of every conversation about men, women and sexuality for 3,000 years. And as crazy as it sounds, maybe it has something to teach us," Feiler said.

Enjoy the complimentary clip or read the transcript for details.

GLENN: Hello, America. Welcome. And welcome to Bruce Feiler. How are you, Bruce?

BRUCE: It's great to with you, Glenn. Just happy to be here. And nice to see you looking so great. This wonderful room. So thank you for having me.

GLENN: Thank you.

We were -- the first time we met, you were riddled with cancer. Didn't know if you were going to make it. And you wrote one of the most honest books. It just -- just grabbed me by the heart and the throat. I don't remember the name of it.

BRUCE: The Council of Dads.

GLENN: Council of Dads. And you were putting together a council in case you died. Here are the -- I pick this guy because of these values. I pick this guy because of these values.

BRUCE: Yeah.

GLENN: It was a fascinating study.

First of all, how are you doing?

BRUCE: I'm well. Cancer-free. And -- you know, they say cured. I'm not sure I like that language. But healthy. Walking around.

GLENN: Good. And then you wrote America's Prophet. Which was another book that just riveted me because it really told our American story and put it into real context. Important context. Now you're a big star and you're on PBS. And you write all kinds of, you know, number one best-sellers. And this one is about Adam and Eve.

And I'm fascinated, especially since you're here in week, because I thought a lot about Adam and Eve. And my relationship with my wife. Just last week, I was pondering Adam and Eve for some reason and how much that story has to teach us. And then, you know, I start reading your book, and, you know, you've taken a little pondering. And taken it the full hundred yards.

Let's start with the Sistine Chapel.

BRUCE: So this journey in some ways begins in the Sistine Chapel. My process really begins at my kitchen table. I have a working wife. I have children. As you know, my kids are almost exactly the age of your children.

And we talk a lot about the changing ways that men and women are relating to each other. Right? This moment of sort of tectonic change. And most -- and I write a lot about this in my last two books, New York Times columns. And mostly it's about technology or the latest app. We're going to do it differently. I care a lot about the ancient world and the Bible. Spent a lot of time in the Middle East. And I can't help, but wondering, is there nothing from the past that's not worth preserving?

GLENN: Uh-huh.

BRUCE: We go to the Sistine Chapel, day one. It's a business trip for my wife. And I'm like, okay. I'm going to take my sleep-deprived daughters to the Vatican. It doesn't go well. They're complaining. My feet hurt. This boring.

I'm like, get into the Sistine Chapel, girls. I'm going to blow your mind. They look up, and one of my girls looks at Adam and God, the fingers, right? Across the sky. And says, "That's only men. Where am I in that picture?" And her identical sister looks up and sees -- by the way, my mother is an art teacher. I never noticed this. Under God's arm is a woman.

She says, "Is that Eve?" And that's when I realized -- I had one of those moments that you know -- you've gone on these journeys writing these things out of nowhere. This story has been at the heart of every conversation about men, women, and sexuality for 3,000 years. And as crazy as it sounds, maybe it has something to teach us.

And you mention Walking the Bible earlier in the lead-up to this in the last hour. So I'm an experientialist. I like to go to places. I climb Mount Ararat and cross the Red Sea. But where am I going to go. Right? I mean, you can go to the Garden of Eden in Iraq.

But what happens is I start tugging on strings, Glenn. And this whole opportunity -- every generation we've looked at this story, right? So Michelangelo and John Milton and Ernest Hemingway and Mark Twain and Beyonce and Bob Dylan and Pope Francis -- so I get to go on like this incredible scavenger hunt, all over the world, trying to look at how people have explored this story and try to figure out what lessons it can hold --

GLENN: So let's -- I'm going to have you on for an hour tonight on television. And I invite you to watch. It will be a fascinating -- trust me, Bruce is a fascinating guy. And I want to talk about your journeys and the different things that you found as you went on these journeys and the way that everybody looks at it.

But help me out with, why does it matter? What can it teach us today? Because right now, I think we are living the Kipling poem. And if you don't know it, look it up. The gods of the copybook headings. We are living those times right now, where everything that is known to be true is just thrown out.

BRUCE: Right. Right.

GLENN: And we're just making it up and saying, "This is true." We have no idea if that's true.

So we throw things out like Adam and Eve.

BRUCE: Yeah. So I think -- look, there's -- I was interviewed in TIME magazine this week on the last page. Eight questions with Bruce Feiler, and one of the questions they asked me was coding class or Bible study? Okay? And what I said was, you know, for my daughters, they like math. And they believe like all kids, that every bit of knowledge is behind that screen. If they look long enough into that computer, they're going to know everything. I was like, you know what, it's rare, and it's kind of counterculture and it's almost outrageous today to say, you can learn something from the past.

So I said Bible study. You know, to me, in some ways, this book is about -- the first love story -- is about, let's remember that there's wisdom in the past.

You mentioned this in the lead-up to this conversation, Glenn. Positive psychology. The happiness movement. What has it said to us? Relationships matter, okay?

You and I have been connected. We don't see each other all the time. We are connected. We have that connection. Happiness is other people.

The big threat is loneliness. Young people, middle-aged people, the opioid crisis, suicide crisis -- what's the first thing God says about human beings in the Bible? Upon looking at Adam, it's not right for humans to be alone.

The Bible gets there 3,000 years before social science. And if you're one of those people who thinks, science, who needs the Bible? Here's a beautiful example where that's not true.

And, by the way, if you're the kind of person that says the Bible has everything, not science. Also, not true. You put the two in dialogue with each other.

So I actually think that the story itself is a beautiful story about resilience, forgiveness, togetherness. They make missteps. They have problems. You can call it sin, if you want to. But they stay together, right? They start together. They leave Eden. They stay together. They have two children. One of them murders the other. They reconcile. They come back together. Right? We know. What's the key to a relationship?

You've been married a long time, as I have. Going on 15 years, in my case. Being able to mend a rupture, right? Heal a broken heart. Get over our mistakes. Admit mistakes. That's key.

Boy, do Adam and Eve do that, and, boy, their mistakes were a lot bigger than ours are. Okay?

Also, there's a kind of balance between independence and interdependence. Like, you need to be together, but you also need to be yourself. Right? I think of this Kahlil Gibran quote that you may know, right? Love is the antidote to loneliness, as long as there's aloneness within it. Right? We have to be ourselves, but be connected. And then to me, the number one thing that I've learned -- and as I've been out there in the country and talking about this book and people responding to it, is that love is a story we tell with another person.

It's co-creation through narration. The storyteller in you can really relate to this. You and I are in a relationship. We have to tell a story together. We hit a bump in the road or we have a downturn, we have to write a new chapter in our story together. And that's what I think is powerful about the Adam and Eve story. Is that, think of all the other figures in the Bible, by the way -- Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, Paul, what do they have in common? They're all singles.

Adam and Eve, they're a couple, right? Not Adam. Not Eve. Adam and Eve. They're reminding us that that connection is at the start of the human line. It's very powerful. And this especially matters to women and to the men who along with women are rewriting the story. Because this story was weaponized against women for centuries.

GLENN: Yeah, I was going to ask you about that. Because I think that's an important thing to get to, is at least in my faith, we don't look at Eve as, you know, the evil one.

BRUCE: Right.

GLENN: Or the weak one. So -- but a lot of people do. And they're still carrying around original sin.

I mean, it had to be.

BRUCE: Right.

GLENN: How did you -- what did you find on the weaponization of Eve?

BRUCE: Yeah, so when you go back to the original story that created in Genesis 1, both in God's image. What's true for the man is true for the woman. And, you know, there's this kind of seesawing of power, but what happened was organized religion got a hold of the story. They used it. They essentially weaponized it. I think that Adam and Eve were victims of the greatest character assassination the world has ever known. And then -- but what's happened is. I mean, we now live in a world where women are kind of dominating religion. They're propping it up. They care more. They're involved more. They take the responsibility for passing on values, and they weren't going to do it if this story was going to put them down.

I mean, I don't know if you know this story. As you know, it's in the back of my book. Maybe you knew it before. I didn't.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, at the birth of women's movement in the 1840s, she's out there with Susan B. Anthony, fighting for property rights and voting rights for women. And they kept hitting a stumble. Why? Because someone would say, the Bible says, you know, Eve was created second. Or the Bible says, you can't vote because Eve was created from Adam's rib.

And she realizes her biggest problem is not politicians -- it's preachers. So if women are going to have equality in this country, she's got to rewrite the Bible. And she does. In 1895, she writes a book called The Woman's Bible. It goes back to the Adam and Eve story, back to Genesis 1. And says, look, our Creator has us formed at the same time. Don't tell me women are not equal. The book is a landmark. It's a best-seller. It's a disaster.

Okay? The organization that she started with Susan B. Anthony gets together and they kick her out, okay?

So the reason that we all know Susan B. Anthony and she's on our coinage is because Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the most famous woman in America at the time, takes on the most famous couple in the world and gets flattened. Absolutely destroyed. It was not for a century until this story was told again because that's how powerful this -- I think of it as the negative branding of Adam and Eve. You have 3,000 years of negative branding.

GLENN: Yeah, yeah.

BRUCE: But the reason this matters is because today, can anybody deny that men and women stand equally before God?


BRUCE: No. It was a 30-century battle to reclaim this story. And why does it matter? Because that's what we want to tell our daughters, that you can stand before God, that you deserve to have a loving relationship, that you can overcome it. We owe this to Adam --

STU: It does make me a little nervous about rewriting the Bible though. Doesn't it sound like that --


BRUCE: I'm not saying rewriting the Bible. I'm saying reread the story. Go back to the Bible. Go behind.

STU: Right.

BRUCE: Go behind the layers of tradition. This is what -- I mean, the great -- look --

GLENN: Here. Explain this. Because this will really help. By the way, we're talking about the new book The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us. Bruce Feiler is the author.

Explain this. Because is -- just little things like this that you point out in your book, I think are so important. How was Eve made? From a rib, right?

BRUCE: Not correct.

GLENN: No. Not correct. Go ahead.

BRUCE: It's a tsela. Okay? So the Bible, it says, she's created from the tsela. By the way, the ultimate Hollywood meet cute. Okay? So what you have is Adam -- you have the animals are there and Adam. So Adam -- God creates the animals before. And you have this like swipe left, swipe left, swipe left. He doesn't want a hippopotamus. And he looks up. And God says, you know what, it's not right for you to be alone. I'm going to create one of you. So he falls asleep. And he wakes up, and there's a girl, by the way, and he's happy. This is the one. Right? Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, he's like ready to go.


And, by the way, very positive. The two of them are naked and know no shame. Sex positive. They're having a good time. It's almost like the honeymoon moment.

But what is she created from? It's not the rib. It's the tsela in Hebrew. Thirty-eight times that word is used in the Hebrew Bible. It means side or side rib. So they stand side by side.

Why do they pick the rib? Because they said a rib is small and insignificant and given to putrefaction. I'm talking church fathers. I'm talking the rabbis. Because women are small and insignificant and given to putrefaction. I mean, even if you put dirt by a side of Adam, Adam is created by the dirt. Right? Put dirt by the side of the road. It doesn't smell. Put a rib, it starts to stink. That's why women have to wear perfume. I mean, you cannot believe what is there.

STU: Wow.

BRUCE: Even if you know there was patriarchy, you just cannot believe. But when you look at the story, Adam is into her. Even when they're kicked out of Eden, God blesses them. Protects them.

GLENN: Yeah.

BRUCE: Remember, what's the first commandment God says? Be fruitful and multiply.

He needs them to succeed, and they do succeed. It is a success story. Even with the misstep, even with this, we can't let that overshadow that this has got to get the Biblical story.

But to your point, Stu, this is why I want to say -- you know, who has done more to popularize American history than you, Glenn? I'm serious. I know how you responded to America's prophet. We just heard a session on Calvin Coolidge before we came on here. The reason we can have this conversation about religion today in this country is because of the rewriting of religion. Because we are -- our forefathers, our Founding Fathers said there's going to be a expression of church and state. What did that mean?

That means there was not going to be a state-sponsored religion. So all the places where there's state-sponsored religion in the world, except where there are dictators like Iran, but all -- and like in Europe, those religions have all died. Our religion is still here. Why? Because it adapted. Because it was able to meet people where they were and change and say, religion was going to be relevant to their lives.

GLENN: And become enlightened. I mean, so many of these stories were written this way or spun this way for control. And you --

STU: Because you're talking more about religion than -- because I -- there's a separation maybe between religion as it stands, as an organization, people what they've done with these -- with this original truth.


STU: And the original truth.

BRUCE: Exactly.

GLENN: You study the Torah, which I would love to actually really study like Jewish people do.

Christians are so far behind the eight ball. They have no concept of what the Old Testament really says. You read it outside of its original language, you lose 80 percent of it. You really do. Do you think I'm exaggerating, Bruce?

BRUCE: Well, I think -- look, when you actually go back and read it -- I mean, first of all, where are people today? Religion is very fluid in this country. Half of Americans change faith in the course of their lives, right? Four in ten Americans are in an interfaith marriage.

We live in a time of fluidity, where you kind of make your own faith. It's harder, but ultimately, it can be more fulfilling. You mentioned the Sistine Chapel at the outset of this conversation. What's the center of the Sistine Chapel?

Not God and Adam, okay? That's the fourth panel. The fifth panel, the one in the center, it's not the creation of Adam. It's the creation of Eve. You have Adam lying to the left, God to the right, and Eve occupies the center of the Sistine Chapel. So Michelangelo did more than anybody to elevate Eve and to kind of fight back against this tradition of downplaying Eve.

And when you go back and you look at the story, you see that they're basically over the 30 centuries this story has been told, it was used to downplay women and elevate women. And now men and women, we're all struggling with it, this story is the road map --

GLENN: I cannot wait to have a long conversation with you today. 5 o'clock on TheBlaze TV. Bruce Feiler. The name of the book is The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us.

Really, really worth it. And join us for this conversation because you're always fascinating. And I've got something that I don't know if you know, but you'll be very excited about to -- to learn if you don't. But if you do, we're going to have even a greater conversation.

Bruce Feiler, thanks for being with us. Now, here's our sponsor this half-hour. Delta Defense. The United States Concealed Carry Association is doing something right now. They want to buy ten people the gun of their dreams.

Is THIS the Democrats' Plan to Remove Biden From the 2024 Ticket?

Is THIS the Democrats' Plan to Remove Biden From the 2024 Ticket?

Rumors are spreading fast that President Biden may soon drop out of the 2024 presidential race. But who would his replacement be? Are the Democrats stuck with Kamala Harris? Will they tap California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? Or will their reluctant knight in shining armor, Michelle Obama, be drafted in an open Democratic National Convention? Glenn, Pat, and Stu speculate. Plus, they also discuss whether Biden will step down willingly...or if the Left will use a much dirtier trick ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Listen to this. The Republican vice presidential nomination included J.D. Vance, and he dropped an Easter egg of white nationalism. An Easter egg. Quoting, I know there was not the same red meat sort of blood and soil nationalism you might hear in I don't know, other parallel universe Republican conventions. So now we're into parallel universes.

But I do think there were sort of Easter eggs of white nationalism in his speech. One of the things that stuck out to me, was when he started talking about what America is. He said America is not just an idea.

It's a group of people with a shared history. And a common future.

The thing about America is, it's not a group of people with shared history. In fact, I think a lot of people would argue, it's quite the opposite. It's a lot of people with different histories and different heritages. Oh, my gosh. And then she goes into how he wants to be buried in Kentucky.

But not in San Diego, where his wife's foreign parents are from. And it's like, are you out of -- I mean, these people have literally gone insane. Literally gone insane.

STU: Again, gone is an interesting way. I don't know that they were ever -- was there ever a moment of sanity that -- I may have missed that show that they put on.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: But, yeah. It's interesting.

And here's a thing. And I don't know if you guys feel this way. But I will just throw this theory out here for a second. While I, of course, mock them relentlessly for these crazy theories. And honestly, some people on the right, are coming up with crazy theories, and I mock them a little bit as well.

I feel like everybody comes up with crazy theories. At least that's how I would normally react in this particular situation. This particular story though is so bonkers. They're so -- it's so hard to believe, that they just were like, eh. I guess let's leave that roof unattended.

These things are so crazy, that I give a little bit more grace on conspiracy theories here than I normally would. Do you buy that one, Glenn?

GLENN: Yeah, but that one at least makes sense. Doesn't it, Pat?

I mean, the one, we didn't go up on that roof, because it had a slant to it. I mean, you want to talk about safety first.

PAT: I know. I know.

GLENN: Holy cow. It had a slant to it. Yeah. Like a 3-degree grade.

PAT: And forget the fact that it had a slope.

GLENN: It's nuts.

PAT: What about, I don't know. Station somebody at the ladder that leads to the roof. Could you do that? You're so worried about -- about your agents not being able to stand or sit or lay on that slope, that you wanted them inside the building instead. But you couldn't put somebody out where the ladder is that leads to the roof?

Kind of insanity.

STU: Yeah. And I don't know if you guys saw this, but sorry -- the New York Times had a video that they put out of this -- this whole incident. And they showed the two pairs of snipers on -- from the Secret Service or police on the two buildings. One of the sniper teams was set up in a position in which a tree blocked that building.

PAT: Hmm.

STU: This is why the farther away sniper team is actually the one with the successful shot. But like why on earth would you set up in a position in which there was a tree in between you and the one elevated position in the entire field?

Like, I just, it's impossible.

GLENN: Because we have sniper Sam and sniper Sid. Right, Sniper Sid? You're there with the Secret Service. I'm there. Sniper Sam and Sniper Sid.

STU: It's bizarre.

GLENN: Who is running that place? Who is running that place? And then the other one that, you know, just gets me. They're not talking about a conspiracy of COVID.

He's got COVID.

Come on. How many times has that guy had COVID?

I don't know anybody who has COVID anymore, and is like, oh, I'm just wiped out with COVID. I just can't handle it. I think that guy could die in his sleep in the next week. It's like, you know, he'll have to decide if he will die or not. He will have to decide, will he drink the medicine we'll give him every night or not? Because it will be his decision.

I mean, I just think that they're serious about getting rid of him.

STU: And to add to this, it was immediately after an interview he gave, in which for the first time he opened up the possibility of stepping down for a health crisis.

Like, it was -- it was literally the last thing he did, before the COVID isolation, was to say, yeah, if a big health crisis came along.

But then he went -- and, excuse me.

Then he went and got into people's faces at a Mexican restaurant, and gave them all COVID. But after that, he went into isolation. I mean, it is -- every single story is impossible to believe. That's where we are.

GLENN: So what happens from here?

Pat, what do you -- I mean, I think that there is a real chance.

Remember, Abraham Lincoln was elected the nominee, by the Republican Party on the 50th ballot.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: And that's when they all just started going crazy. And they're like, I don't know. The guy with a wart on his face.

And I could see that happening with Michelle Obama. They go through, and they're just doing an open convention. And they can't decide on somebody. And somebody is like, Michelle Obama.

And everybody is like, yay! The next ballot Michelle Obama wins, and she's drafted.

I mean, I just think that's so plausible.

PAT: Except, I don't think she will run.

She doesn't want it. She does not want it! She hates this country too much to do that kind of work. She loves her life too much to do that kind of work.

STU: But if the hatred of the country is a big feature --

PAT: She could continue to destroy it.

GLENN: Reason to do it.

STU: Yeah.

PAT: The other aspect is, how much she loves the life of a 100 million dollar deal from Netflix, and all the fruits of that deal.

And the life they're living now. She doesn't want to give that up.

STU: And I think we can all realize that she deserves can that life.

PAT: She does. Yes. Please.

STU: She should continue to enjoy it forever. There's only reason to be involved in politics, Michelle. You're above this now!

GLENN: The only reason you're saying that, is Stu just doesn't want to lose the $6,000 bet.

STU: Six! You keep inflating this. It's three, and you know it's three.

GLENN: It's Bidenflation, I don't want it to keep going up. But it's Bidenflation.

STU: I think very much you do at this point. We're at the point almost, where I can't win the bet.

That's the problem. Because I had -- as Biden would be on the ticket. You had Michelle. And there is this in between ground where Biden steps down, and it's Kamala Harris, and neither of us win. And we're getting into that ground right now, and it does not make me comfortable.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: You know what is amazing to me?

Is that if you look at this, with Michelle Obama, what you just said, she loves her lifestyle too much.

She hates America so much.

But she loves her lifestyle more than she hates America.

So she would never do it. Okay?

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Look at Donald Trump. He's got an amazing lifestyle. They've destroyed it. They've destroyed his family. They've hauled him in front of court after court after court.

And then they shoot him. And he stills gets up on the stage, and says, I'm running, because we've got to stop this insanity.

PAT: Yeah. Big time difference. Big difference.

GLENN: Which one? Yeah, what a difference!

PAT: Yeah. It does look like -- I'm sure you guys mentioned it earlier. It does look like this weekend might be it though, for the Biden campaign. I don't know. That's what they're saying. And there's a pretty detailed -- where did I see this?

I don't know. MSNBC, I think. No! It was NewsMax. It was NewsMax.

They were talking about this really detailed plan now, to open up the convention and bring in Kamala Harris.

And she's already preapproved her running mate, supposedly. And also, there would be Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer.

And those are the three that are going to battle it out on the floor, at the convention. Do you buy that?

STU: I think it goes right to Kamala Harris, honestly, which is not an exciting opportunity for the Democrats. That sort of plan that could lead to Glenn winning this stupid bet, which I never agreed to.

GLENN: Wait.

STU: Which is that Glenn, you have those three. Fighting it out.

It gets so ugly. No one can make a decision. Then Michelle comes in over the top, and says, oh, here I am. She comes down from the sky. With clouds and light beams.

PAT: And people are like, look at those arms. Look at those arms. They need to be in the Oval Office, those arms.

STU: Yes, that's the only they can live, and then she winds up coming in over the top and then just wiping all of this out and winning. It's still -- I think it's a long shot for it to happen.

PAT: She's not going to do it.

STU: There is some scenario, where it gets so chaotic. They need something like that. I mentioned to Glenn, I think off the air. I don't know if we talked about it on the air again today. I'm very confused. It was a very late night last night.

But all of the reporting about the Biden stuff, about him stepping down this weekend, is all nonsense.

It's all like, one headline from the New York Times yesterday was, Biden now is warming to the belief, that he may have to step down.

That isn't saying anything! What do you mean he's warming to the -- this is like one of those old School Al Gore statements, that is filled with so many disclaimers. It doesn't mean anything about the climate. It's all this tough. It's all leaked by Nancy Pelosi. She wants him out. She's leaking every negative thing about him. His own -- his own people inside. Like his close advisers. And everyone says, are the people around him. Are all saying, this stuff is all fake. It's just all included in the paragraph. Like paragraph 12 of these stories. Like Nancy Pelosi screeds against this guy, and the New York Times wants him out, and the Washington Post wants him out. And MSNBC wants him out, and CNN wants them out. So they're just all running with it.

He may very well get pushed out by all this pressure. It may work.

But they have a plan. It is very consistent with what the left does, when they want an outcome. Which is lie and leak. And then force the person out, with the pressure.

I don't know that he'll survive this. Almost nobody can.

Can't remember a politician who survived this much pressure. The only one I can remember is rod --

PAT: Doug.

STU: Trump is a good example. That's a good example actually. Trump, they hit him with everything.

It was opposition pressure.

PAT: Yeah. It wasn't his own party.

STU: But Blagojevich was hit in his state, and by everybody to the point that he got to a 4 percent approval rating.

Four. It's the lowest I've ever seen of any -- I think Jeffrey Epstein might have five.

4 percent is about as low as I've ever seen for a public figure.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

Which is also his dating age.

STU: He stuck it out the whole time -- it was. It is.
Oh, people. No. No.

GLENN: Oh, that's just wrong.

"I've Never Seen Him Like This": Glenn Beck's Biggest Takeaways From Trump's RNC Speech

"I've Never Seen Him Like This": Glenn Beck's Biggest Takeaways From Trump's RNC Speech

When former President Donald Trump took the stage at the RNC, it was obvious that something had changed. "I've never seen him like this," Glenn says. "He was humbled." Surviving an assassination attempt sure seemed to change him, and made him realize that only God's will matters. But it wasn't just Trump. Glenn says he also has never seen a Republican National Convention like this. Glenn and Stu review why they have hope for the future of America after this event. But of course, the Left immediately returned to the narrative that Trump will be a fascist dictator. So, Glenn and Stu review the facts, along with the Left's latest conspiracy theory: that Trump staged his own assassination.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I've been watching the convention, this week.

And it is the best convention I have seen, and I think it was better than the Reagan conventions. And those were regulated. This -- this had everything you needed in the Republican convention.

It had all of the right people speaking, I thought. All the way through the week. If people spent the time and watched it, actually listened to it.

They saw a very different party, than what they have ever seen before. At least I did. And last night, a very, very different Donald Trump.

I've never seen him like this. Never heard him speak this way. I've never seen him, take the stage the way he did.

He was humbled. And I think, you know, he pushed back on the crowd.

Or the crowd pushed back on him, halfway through the speech. He said, you know, I was not supposed to be here tonight. I'm not supposed to be here.

And they started chanting, yes, you were. Yes, you were. And he said, no. I wasn't.

An assassin wanted me gone. And I wasn't supposed to address you today. But God saved my life. And it was not a moment of boasting. It was a moment, I thought of clarity.

Now, there's something else that happened, that I haven't heard a lot of people talk about. In fact, I haven't heard anybody talk about this yet. And I think it's very, very telling.

Donald Trump has kind of shifted gears into this -- into this zone of, I know what I know. I know what I feel.

And I know who the other side is, and they're dismissed. He's not fighting them like he was before. Now, that doesn't mean that he's not fighting -- the one thing about Donald Trump, is he's a fighter. But it's almost as if he feels like the outcome is already there.

And he doesn't need to -- he doesn't need to push the envelope anymore. He just needs to say the truth.

So he came out quiet, humbled. He did about 30 minutes of just riveting material, that he wrote himself. He tore up the speech. Wrote the speech himself. Which is also not Donald Trump. He usually will ad-lib. He doesn't usually write his own material. But he wrote the first 20 minutes. And probably the last 20 minutes as well. The rest of it was kind of a stump speech. But he -- he came out, humbled. And told the story of the assassination. He said at one point, Joe Biden's name. And at one point, when he said it, he said, I'm only going to say this once.

And he talked about telling the story of the assassination, and said, it's too painful. So I won't tell this story again.

You'll hear it the first and last time from me.

Tonight. When he brought up Joe Biden, do you remember the context Stu, on when he first brought up Joe Biden, and then apologized, and said, I'm not going to say his name anymore?

STU: Yeah. He was talking about the 10 worst presidents of all time, and how all of them added up together, wouldn't get to Joe Biden, and that's when he said his name.

GLENN: Right. Right.

And he said, you know, I didn't want -- I didn't want it to be unclear, who that president was, that was worse than the ten worst combined.

He said, but I'm not going to mention his name anymore.

And to me, that may be lowering the temperature, a little bit. I think that's one way to read it. But I think more importantly, I think he strategically is now looking at the fact that Joe Biden is not going to be the nominee.

I just don't believe he's going to be the nominee.

And it's only a matter of time. And Donald Trump, why waste his hour of television, or in his case, 90 minutes of television, making a case against a guy who is not going to be running?

And that's why he kept saying, they. They made these things. This administration did this. And did not say, Donald Trump. Or, did not say Joe Biden.

And did not say Kamala Harris. Now, that -- the Kamala Harris thing, I think is because he just doesn't know that Kamala is running. And why look back at the people that are so far behind you, at this particular point?

But the hopeful side of me says that he didn't mention Kamala. Because he knows it will be Michelle Obama. And I only say hopeful, because Stu will owe me -- I think it's four grand, isn't it, Stu?

STU: Three. It's definitely three. It's 100 percent three. And even that, with inflation, I don't even know if we can really count 3,000. I think we can probably lower.

GLENN: It should be five. It should be five.

Yeah, because three just wasn't what it was six months ago, when we made this bet.

STU: I will say, thank God for Bidenflation. Because by the time I paid this bet off, it will be worth nothing. The three thousand dollars will be like what a loaf of bread is.

GLENN: We won't be able to buy a sandwich. No. We won't. We won't.

All right. So there's a couple of -- a couple of stories here that explain the speech. The first one is the New York Times. And the New York Times, Trump in an RNC speech struggles to turn page on the past. Well, it's a little difficult, you know, when the past involved assassination attempts. You know, a little difficult there.

Donald J. Trump has been a man long undone by himself. He imperiled his presidency and political campaigns with personal grudges, impulsiveness, and an appetite for authoritarianism. You know, it's really strange how they keep saying authoritarianism in Donald Trump, when he's not done anything authoritarian.

I mean, he might say, you know, we should go after the press and take away their license. Until he's reminded, they don't have a license. And he wasn't serious in the first place.

Lock her up!

Until he wasn't serious in the first place.

I can't find the authoritarian streak in him, high school. Of anything that he's actually done.

And then they say, also, he's caused himself problems for his casual approach to the rule of law.

Now, Stu, out of he who shall not be named. And Donald Trump.

Which one has the casual approach to the rule of law?

STU: I don't know. Should we go over the latest cord to overturn his student loan debacle?

GLENN: I know. I know. I read that this morning, in the New York Times, after reading the casual approach to the rule of law. And then, you know, the next story is, oh. Another court said, you can't do that with student loans.

He just keeps trying to go around the law, over and over again.

STU: Yeah. The courts overturned his attempts at student loans. The same day, he announced another attempt, for I think it was $1.5 billion of student loan relief. I mean, he's addicted to giving away money to these people, it's incredible.

GLENN: His unwillingness to accept electoral defeat, and his actions that have resulted in $83 million in penalties, nearly three dozen felony convictions, and additional legal trouble ahead. I mean, that's how they start. And, I mean, you've got to be -- I mean, you're just under the spell of witchcraft.

If -- if you buy into any of that. But on Thursday night, with his right ear still bandaged five days after he was wounded by a would-be assassins bullet. Okay. Can we talk about that for a second, Stu?

STU: Sure.

GLENN: The bandage. What they're trying to say here is he didn't need the bandage.

Do you think he needed the bandage still?

STU: Yes. My guess is, that his ear looks pretty funky right now. And he doesn't necessarily want to walk out on stage looking that way.

GLENN: Yeah. I was actually hoping that he would take off the bandage. Because I think his ear probably looks worse. He lost the top of his ear. And, you know, that's kind of a -- you know, you have to be -- I mean, there's conspiracies thrown around. Now, a third of Democrats believe that he set this up with the Secret Service. What?

To have his ear blown off? I mean, how delusional do you have to be? First of all, he's not the guy who has the in with the Secret Service, and, you know, the spy agencies and everything else.

The conspiracy doesn't -- it falls apart pretty quickly, you know.

STU: Yeah. It's not rational by any means, and this is something, Glenn, you see in polling every single time.

If there is a conspiracy theory about your political opponent, about a third of people will believe it, no matter what it is. Now, you can get higher than that. The Democrats, about 50 percent of them believed that 9/11 was an inside job, when George W. Bush was president. You can find numbers that get higher. But like the baseline number for a conspiracy theory for your political opponent is about a third. It just is.

A lot of people just taking the position they think hurts their opponent more than them actually believing it, I hope.

But there are a lot of people. I mean, Joy Reid is on television every single day, talking about this stuff. I mean, they threw poor Joe Scarborough off the air. What did they think this guy was going to say? I mean, what do they think of Joe Scarborough, if they leave Joy Reid on the air?

GLENN: I never thought of it that way. You're exactly right.
STU: That's amazing.

GLENN: So let me just switch gears here. Joy Reid posted a video of herself, working through a bizarre conspiracy theory, suggesting that the Secret Service helped Donald Trump to create the defiant photo image from the shooting.

She noted the Biden campaign released a lot of detailed medical information about his condition within minutes of the announcement. That he had contracted COVID-19 again.

But when it comes to what happened on Saturday, with former President Donald Trump, this assassination attempt we know almost nothing about his medical condition. Bum-bum-bum.

How come no one has any information about this wound?

We still don't know for sure, whether Donald Trump was hit by a bullet, or whether he was hit by glass fragments. Whether he was hit by shrapnel. We don't have any of those details.

Glass fragments?

Where were the glass fragments from?

Was that the teleprompter, that they say was hit?

STU: There was an initial report. And I don't remember who reported it. But there was a report that it was glass fragments. And it wasn't even a liberal reporter. I remember reading it like, what? What are you talking about?

Then about five minutes later, you can see pictures of it, where both the teleprompters were fully intact. It was a crazy theory. That was debunked immediately. But people who are like Joy Reid who are impossibly stupid continue to believe it.

GLENN: And we have a picture unlike anything we've ever seen. A picture of the bullet, in flight. As it's about to hit his head.

STU: Right!

GLENN: I mean, it's incredible.

STU: Yeah. I think it's actually just --

GLENN: It could have been a fly. A really big mosquito. We don't know. We don't know.

STU: It's just after it passes his head. But, yes, it's about as -- I mean, it's one of the most incredible photos ever taken, and the photographer who took it has basically the most impossible photo you can take.

And it's still not the iconic photo of the incident. Which is kind of -- you go through -- you caught a bullet in your picture. And still like, somebody else got the picture of him standing up with his fist up. With the blood streaming down his face. Which is still the iconic photo of that day.

It's so tuned.

They believe everything.

They believe that, you know, the bandage is fake, that he didn't actually get injured.

Like, I don't know. I thought it was glass that hit him. Now he didn't get injured at all. He doesn't need the bandage. It's just, everything they come up with is dumber and dumber.

GLENN: They're just crazy. Really, truly crazy about him. They lose all reason. And for Joy Reid to be on the air, on MSNBC is remarkable. And not because they should fire her because of her points of view. I don't believe that.

Just because she's dumb as a box of rocks, man. She's crazy. She is crazy.

STU: Yeah. To be fair, I don't believe that Joy Reid has lost all reason. She just didn't have it any point, so it's impossible for her to lose in particular.

Biden's Message of Unity is a LIE if He Doesn't Do THIS For Trump

Biden's Message of Unity is a LIE if He Doesn't Do THIS For Trump

After the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Democrats including President Biden called for unity and a lowering of the political temperature. But do they really mean it? Senator Mike Lee joins Glenn and Stu to reveal the one thing Biden could do to prove that he’s serious: “It’s really cute for the media and for people on the Left to tell us to take the temperature down when they themselves do quite the opposite of that…The best thing that they could do to take down the temperature would be to end the political lawfare.” Plus, Glenn and Sen. Lee discuss the clear differences between this RNC and previous years.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let me tell you about Senator Mike Lee, who is joining us now. The good senator from Utah. Mike, I don't -- are you at the RNC convention this week?

MIKE: I am. Very much so. It's good to be here.

STU: Thank you so much, Senator, appreciate that. Glenn is having a little bit of audio trouble, and cannot hear anything. So we're going to pick this up from -- it's been a heck of a take. It's been a heck of a week, as you may have noticed.

Senator, we're at the RNC, and what we're getting just after a terrible, terrible weekend, and weekend that changed the country for a very long time. We're getting an idea, from every source, right now, to attic temperature down.

And, of course, this is a good instinct.

I know something that I think you agree with.

But do you agree with the -- the messaging here from the media, who I think has participated in rationing the temperature up quite a bit over the past few years.

MIKE: It's really cute for the media and for people on the left, to tell us to take the temperature down, when they themselves do quite the opposite of that. And then nitpick at every single stage, what Republicans do, what nonprogressives do.

Look, the best thing that they could do, to take down the temperature, would be to end, for example, the political lawfare.

I have said from the beginning, that President Biden really wanted to do that.

He could call for the criminal charges against his political opponent. To be dismissed.

You know, he can do that directly for the federal charges. For the state charges. He could call upon the governors of New York and Georgia, to do that.

That was a better signal than anything I could think of. And, look, it's not going to cost them anything anyway.

Because the way things are going with the Florida charges being dismissed, with the likelihood that the other cases will run into trouble anyway.
It's not panning out the way they had hoped.

It doesn't look like there's a credible path for them to be able to lock him up before November anyway. He would get some credibility, I would think, by doing that.

But instead, the left continues by saying, yeah, Republicans got to change their messaging. And they nitpick at anything, any Republican says, by highlighting the differences between the parties as a reason why we're doing it wrong.

GLENN: So, Mike, Keith Olbermann just came out yesterday. And said, the judge in the Florida case, needs to be arrested by Merrick Garland, even if you have to make up charges. There's nothing like made-up charges to save a democracy.

But what is it, they're definitely going to take this to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Is -- do you know anything about the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, and how this might play.

MIKE: Well, look, the judge was right to dismiss those charges. Justice Thomas pointed out some very legitimate reasons why Jack Smith's appointment would pass Constitutional muster. I think he's right. I think the district judge was right to do this. It's very difficult to predict how the 11th Circuit might respond to this.

But I think if the 11th Circuit held this correctly under the law, they are going to affirm that decision.

And in any event, the idea that Keith HEP Olbermann would say that, and I've not heard that until now. It's disgusting.

That is -- it doesn't get much more Third World dictatorish, than that.

It doesn't get much more state-owned media than that. For a media figure to come out and suggest that a judge making a ruling should be arrested, even if it's necessary, based on trumped up, contrived, nonexistent legal charges.

GLENN: So, Mike, yesterday, when -- when I was watching the convention. Before Trump got in there.

It had a sense of joy to it, that I have not -- I mean, it was the happy warrior. It was Reagan 1984.

Ask it at least connected with me. I don't know what it felt like on the floor. And then when Donald Trump walked out, he seemed different. Is it just me?

What did it feel like in the room?

MIKE: He seems much more somber.

He seems shaken, but reinvigorated by the support that he's getting. And I think that shows.

And I think it's impossible for him to have gone through that experience. Nearly getting killed.

It almost being possible to not feel that.

To feel something had changed.

And perhaps, even on kind of the spiritual level, to have felt like he had a mission, and a purpose for which he had been preserved. And that's my sense of things.

GLENN: It is -- does it feel like to you, that we've turned a page, and we're in a different chapter now of this American story?

MIKE: Absolutely. Now, particularly, as it relates to this election cycle. My sense is that on the left, there are -- there are still some weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth going on as to this election. But I think they've almost ripped it off now. They're almost to the point now that -- where they're realizing, this is a lost cause.

Because whether they stick with President Biden or try to cast him off, for someone else. There's so many political problems with that happen.

There's not really a good outcome. But regardless, now that President Trump has been attacked like this. And shot. There's so much sympathy. That naturally goes out to have.

I don't like to use the word unbeatable, because we don't tempt fate. But it's target to feel a little bit like that.

GLENN: Are you hearing that from your colleagues on the other side of the aisle?

MIKE: No. They don't say it. They don't say it out loud. But there are -- there's very much a sense of -- I don't know. It's not quite resignation.

But there's less fight in them.

They don't really have a clear path anymore.

All along, they've been relying on all sorts of things. To demonize Donald Trump. With media. Demonize him further, through the lawfare against him. There were very much looking forward to the perp walk moment where they could cuff him, arrest him, and take him into custody.

And they've thought that that was going to be their big shining moment. And now with the immunity ruling, with yesterday's ruling. From U.S. District Court for the southern district of Florida.

And the -- more recent developments with Trump. Being shot.

Nog none of those things are panning out for them well. And it almost seems like they've all backfired for him. Because again, the public sympathy is turning toward Trump.

GLENN: So it looks like, when Lester Holt asked who was in charge of Secret Service, that the president didn't even really know who was in charge of the Secret Service.

MIKE: He mis-gendered her. He mis-gendered her. He said I -- the head of the Secret Service, it's a woman. So that really raises all kinds of questions, as to whether he knows or is in touch with who is running the Secret Service or not. And I think we know the answer to that now.

GLENN: So the idea that this could happen. And honestly, no one would even have the honor, to step down.

It's another case where something horrible has happened, and no accountability. Is there going to be accountability on this?

MIKE: But there will be an accountability. It's -- it's unfortunate. But the accountability doesn't seem to be coming, because as you pointed out, this thing happened on Saturday. And we absolutely should have seen some accountability, by now.

Even though, it's only Tuesday. But with each passing hour, that nothing happens. It seems less likely during this administration.

But I can assure you with the way things are going. We're going to have most likely, Republican control of the Senate and the House and the White House this year. So I can absolutely assure you, that by then, we will have robust, aggressive investigations. And we will be able to figure out what happened here.

But in the meantime, just basic conversations that I've been having, that I'm sure you have been having, Glenn.

With people who know what they're doing in this area. With current and former Secret Service agents that I know, and people who have sharp shooter experience from the military or otherwise.

Have had conversation after conversation with experts in this area. Who point out things like, look, it is the most elementary point of securing an area, that you don't allow an elevated perch only 148 yards away from the place where you're supposed to be protecting someone.

You don't allow that to go unintended. To go -- you also don't ignore multiple observations, by multiple attendees. Saying, hey. There's a guy with a rifle on that roof.

Somebody ought to check that out.

The minute they were made aware of that.

The president should have been kept off the stage. Or if he was already on the stage, removed immediately.

Until they neutralized the threat.

It's also difficult to understand, why it is that there were so many requests made apparently, from President Trump's campaign for increased security, when they didn't provide it. They just didn't offer that. And that's unfortunate. So it's kind of a perfect storm, in some ways.

Some of it was an unfortunate asset of circumstances.

My understanding is Jill Biden. Vice president Harris. Former President Trump, were all in Pennsylvania, on the same day.

And the Secret Service is stretched thin.

That too, is something we have to look at. Glenn, if they're stretched that thin, maybe we need to restructure the Secret Service.

Maybe, just maybe, we should look at the fact that the Secret Service ought to be devoted entirely to dignitary protection. My understanding is that at any given moment, most of the human resources are devoted to the investigation of financial crimes.

That things like counterfeiting and stuff like that, had been historically part of their mission. Look, the mission of the Secret Service, is kind of a dog's breakfast.

It reminds me a little bit of a union, that Homer Simpson belongs to in the Simpsons. It's like the union of nuclear power plant workers, valet dancers, and patriot chefs.

This -- this odd combination of things that have nothing to do with each other. Maybe the Secret Service needs once in a while, to just about dignitary protection.

GLENN: Well, I -- as somebody who has spent a lot of time with Secret Service, and I admire some of the Secret Service agents, even those though that are just Treasury agents. When they come to town, when a Donald Trump or a dignitary comes to town, these guys are called off their desk, and they're put in the line of duty. And they're not trained for that. I mean, maybe they're trained.

But they're not prepared for it. They're desk people. And it's a totally different mindset, from -- from a desk person, to somebody who has to put their body in the way. And absorb a bullet.

Mike, the thing that you hope you will see, or we will see, this week, from the RNC?

MIKE: Okay. One of the things I want to hear. I haven't heard yet. I hope and expect that it's copping coming.

We hear a lot of talks that sound like a little bit of a diagnosis of the problem. Without a prescription for the cure. I want to hear as much detail as possible. About what it is, that we're going to do to get at the ailment. And by the ailment. I mean first and foremost, the ailment within. And the ailment surrounding the ailment infecting our government. Our federal government.

I -- I want to hear some fairly specific plans about what we're going to do to deweaponize the platform, that is the United States government. I want to hear plans about tax reform, about regulatory reform.

Plans that talk about how it is that we're going to shift power back to the American people, where it belongs.

GLENN: Was it significant to you, that -- what's-his-face?

Turtle head. Stu. That he was -- McConnell was booed yesterday?

MIKE: You know, things like that happen from time to time. And you hate to see that. Any person going through that. I think there are some people who don't like him, and they make their minds known, yesterday, loud and clear.

I don't know whether that's exactly the most productive way of going about it. But it is what it is. I was a little surprised to see it.

GLENN: Yeah. Well, there you are. I'm a better Christian that you, says Mike Lee. (laughter)
Thanks a lot, Mike Lee. I appreciate it. Thank you. All right. Good to talk to you, my friend.

THIS is What Trump is Fighting For

THIS is What Trump is Fighting For

The Left insists that former president Donald Trump is a fascist, practically akin to Hitler, whose immediate response to nearly being assassinated was to tell his followers to "fight." But Glenn has a different take: Trump clearly wasn't telling his supporters to take to the streets. In fact, Glenn believes there's only two reasons why Trump threw his fist in the air: “Either he’s a psycho or he actually believes in something that’s worth fighting for.” That "something," Glenn explains, is the true American way, not the ACTUALLY fascist global government system that President Biden is all on board with. In fact, Glenn says, that's why the global elites must destroy Trump: He's the only one standing in their way.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Well, the convention started last night. And something unusual happened.

Donald Trump appeared at the convention. That's something that doesn't usually happen on the first night. But Donald Trump was anxious to get there. And he walked in, about halfway through. I think it was probably 10 o'clock Eastern. 10:30 Eastern.

And he was different. He was different.

I don't know how to describe it. Don Jr had tears in his eyes. I think probably a lot of people did, and I saw a softer man.

I -- for the first time, I saw -- I don't know how to describe it. Maybe somebody who went I shouldn't be here. I -- I was not supposed to be here.

And here I am. And I think it was a humbling moment, and I'm anxious to see what Donald Trump has to say.

He walked in. People are making fun of him, for walking in with a big bandage on his ear.

Well, he lost part of his ear. I mean, this is -- this is such a miracle. There was a 5 miles an hour wind, and just that and him turning his head, made all the difference in that.

Remarkable. Now, when he walked out, people were chanting at the convention, here's that sound, cut seven.

VOICE: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

GLENN: So now, let me put this into context. Because you will hear people say, they were screaming fight, fight, fight. Yeah. They were.

They were.

For a couple of reasons: First of all, in something that I thought was one of the most heroic things I have seen from a president, in a very long time.

President Trump, unlike, I think I would be, stood up after being shot in the head.

He's disoriented. You can see that he's kind of had the wind knocked out of him from the dog pile of the Secret Service.

He's standing up. And he makes a point. You can hear him on the tape, saying. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait a minute.

And he's telling the Secret Service to stop rushing him off of the stage.

So he can let the people know that he's okay.

And he raises his fist. And he says, fight! Fight! Fight!

That is a hero moment. No matter who you -- what you think about Donald Trump, I'm sorry. That is just stirring to see somebody, who for political reasons, they tried to kill.

They hid him, and he still stands up. The reason why people admire Donald Trump, is that, they have put him through everything.

They tried to bankrupt him.

They tried to call him all kinds of names. They tried to destroy his business.

Then they've tried to put him in Yale.

They've done everything. Impeachment, two separate sometimes.

They smeared him and his family. And now they tried to kill him. And the guy is not stopping! Why? Well, either -- either he's a -- a psycho, that just loves pain and destruction, which earnings.

Or he actually believes in something. That's worth fighting for.

And what is that? Donald Trump doesn't believe in the global government.

He doesn't believe in the global economy. The way it's being fashioned now, in a much more fascistic way. With public/private partnerships. You know, you play ball with us. And then you'll be able to take over. And crush your competitors. And everything else.

Because we'll protect you. But you need to play ball the right way. We're going to change capitalism. That is what's happening.

There is a new economic system, that has already been introduced. And that economic system, part of it, is -- is called modern monetary theory.

I talk about it in my book, The Great Reset.

And, again, in the follow-up book.

Modern monetary theory, six years ago, was insane!

Basically, what it says is, we don't have to have the tax revenue, to pay these bills.

We can just print as much money as we want.

Well, that's what they're doing! Well, that's what they did in Germany, in the Weimar republic. We know, because math remains math. There is something as an absolute truth.

And the closest we can get to it is mathematics.

It doesn't work.

But that's just to bring the United States. In my opinion. To bring the United States down, to everybody else's level.

For 40 years, we tried to bring the world up.

And it worked. Not universally.

And not everywhere. But wherever it was truly tried. And tried without corruption, it did improve the lives of people.

Capitalism works. Well, the Chinese thought of this new idea of fascism.

Bringing the state in with business.

Instead of taking businesses away from people. And owning the businesses. They let people own and run the business.

As long as you're in line with the state.

Well, that's what we're building now.

Donald Trump does not believe in that.

In fact, the reason why they have to kill him, I believe. Is because he's the only one that stands in the way of this new global government. And this new global business elite.

He doesn't believe in it. People are saying, he's saying fight. The first words out of his mouth were fight, fight, fight.

Yes. Isn't there anything worth fighting for?

And I don't mean with guns.

I don't mean a Civil War.

Isn't there anything -- are your children worth fighting for?

Of course they are. Your children worth standing up for? Of course they are. Are your children worth dying for?

Yes. Yes, they are. Hopefully, you don't ever have to get there. But, yes, they are.

You know you would sacrifice your life for your child. You know it.

Here's what I want you to do. When you hear the fight, fight, fight.

I want you to think, Donald Trump doesn't mean just that it's worth dying for.

Because I do believe our country and our freedom of our children. And the future of our children, is worth dying for.

But I don't want to get there. I hope we don't ever get there.

Fight, stand up.

Because our children and our children's future is worth living for.

That's the key. Now, yesterday, there was a really awkward interview with Lester Holt.

Where Joe Biden is just engaging in the same lies.

And I would really like to make it very apparent, by using the audio of both what Biden has been saying over and over again, and the audio of what was actually said, at the time.

And then you decide.

Who is telling you the truth?

Here is Lester Holt, and Joe Biden, talking about Charlottesville, again.


BIDEN: I wasn't going to run again. Because I lost my son. I must feel -- until I watched what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. Those folks are coming out of the woods with torches. Carrying swastikas, singing the same Nazi bile, accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan. And a woman was killed. And -- and it was a bystander.

And the president -- then president was asked what he thinks. He said, there are very fine people on both sides. There are not fine people on both sides. No excuse.

GLENN: Okay.

You can go to Snopes, and look this up.

But I urge you to do that. But why take the time to do that, when I can just present you with the actual audio, of what Trump said in 2017.

Listen. And you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people. On both sides. You had people in that group, excuse me. Excuse me.

I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group, that were there to protest, taking down to them, a very, very important statute, and a renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another that I am. And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned, totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?

GLENN: So now you are left with this question: Why would president Biden continue to tell this lie?

There's one thing you can -- you can dismiss that, you know, no. No joke. I was a truck driver. No, he wasn't.

No. No joke. I was a constitutional scholar for many years. No, he wasn't.

No. No joke, the ladies loved me. No, Joe, they don't. Well, the children love me. No, they don't either. They're creeped out by you.

The one thing that you can say about Joe Biden, is he always is self-aggrandizing. And I think that's because he's really never done anything. I mean, he was a senator, yes.

But he was not the world's greatest senator by any means, and there's lots of senators on both sides, that kind of fall into this category. And he thinks of himself as a great man.

You can take those kinds of lies and kind of feel sorry for him.

Not this one. And these -- these lies like this one, that the left continues to tell, they are told for a reason. To get you to believe, something that is not true.

So if you're listening today, for the first time. And you're thinking anew. And you're thinking, maybe I missed something.

This is what you're missing. I talk to people all the time, who have no clue as to what is going on in the world.

They -- they have only heard the mainstream media. And the left. And they have left out facts. Now, we can spin things any way we want.

But facts are facts.

Why listen to people, who constantly, knowingly, tell you something about a fact, that is not true?

Don't worry.

Inflation, it's transitory. Don't worry. People are doing better.

Is that true? And can you afford another four years of that?