Can We Please STOP the Revisionist History on Syria?

The repulsive chemical attack on the Syrian people has people pointing the finger, trying to find someone to blame. But the blame game won't change what happened. What will change it is rewriting history.

"I don't really care whose fault it is. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to my children or your children or the children in Syria whose fault it is. But I will tell you, the revisionist history does matter," Glenn said Thursday on radio.

RELATED: Susan Rice Scandal: Proof the Media Is in on the Game

Ignoring the Obama administration's "red line" in the sand and failure to respond when that line was crossed is a fabrication and a blatant rewriting of history.

"Oh, and, by the way, I could also throw a bone to the media for covering for them, for not holding [President Obama's] feet to the fire," Glenn said.

Enjoy the complimentary clip or read the transcript for details.

GLENN: First of all, if we could go down memory lane a little bit with the Obama administration. Samantha Power, who is Cass Sunstein's wife -- and she was the architect of this whole Middle Eastern policy. She was the architect for Obama with the Middle East and Israel. The Arab spring. She was all on board with that.

She also was the architect on, let's get rid of Assad. Because Assad is just a really bad guy. So if we could have an Arab spring in Syria, it will work out really well.

And then it was the Obama administration that also said, "Oh, yeah, and we're getting rid of all of the chemical weapons. We're going to get rid of all of them." Let me just take you down memory lane.

OBAMA: -- Syria, without having initiated the strikes. So what else are you talking about?

VOICE: We've got the chemical weapons -- we've got -- we're getting the chemical weapons out of Syria.

VOICE: Well, Chris, all you have to do is look at the fact that today, the final 8 percent of chemical weapons were taken out of Syria.

VOICE: We should commend the administration for the result they got. The removal of chemical weapons out of Syria is a substantial accomplishment.

VOICE: We certainly worked with them in Syria. To bring all of the chemical weapons in Syria.

VOICE: We struck a deal where wedding 100 percent of the chemicals out.

VOICE: 100 percent of the declared chemical weapons out of Syria.

VOICE: We kept chemical weapons -- or got chemical weapons out of the area.

VOICE: We, got, as you know, all of the chemical weapons out of Syria.

PAT: As you know.

VOICE: No small feat.

OBAMA: Syria eliminating its weapons and ultimately having them destroyed by the international community.

VOICE: Syria would still have a declared chemical weapons stockpile. Right now they don't. Right now Bashar al-Assad does not have declared chemical weapons stockpile. And we removed that declared chemical weapons stockpile. And we destroyed that declared chemical weapons stockpile, which means that Bashar al-Assad can't use those chemical weapons against his own people.

GLENN: Except he just did. That's the only problem with that.

PAT: Yeah.

STU: Washington Free Beacon putting that together. That's great.

GLENN: By the way -- Washington Free Beacon is good. By the way, the reason why the White House went on that, hey, there's no more chemical weapons press junket is because this is the country he drew the line in the sand. And he said, "There's a red line. And you don't cross that red line." And then they crossed that red line. And we did nothing.

PAT: Well, we drew another red line. And if they cross that one, we'll draw a third red line. And then if that -- if they cross that line, we'll draw another one. As many as it takes.

STU: The plan is to draw more red lines when they cross the previous red lines?

PAT: That's the current plan right now. And to get them to remove all the chemical weapons.

GLENN: So here's the thing. The reason why I'm bringing this up is -- I don't really care whose fault it is. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to my children or your children or the children in Syria whose fault it is. But I will tell you, the revisionist history does matter.

I'm not looked to place blame because it doesn't matter. It's what we're dealing with today. But the revisionist history has got to stop. This is not Donald Trump -- I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I don't know if you've caught that. This is not Donald Trump's fault.

PAT: My gosh. He just got into office.

GLENN: Right. This is the fault of the past administration, saying we draw a bright red line and then doing nothing about it. And then lying about the chemical weapons, period. That's what it is.

Oh, and, by the way, I could also throw a bone to the media for covering for them. For not holding the president's feet to the fire. You would have never done that -- where -- where are the investigations going to go? Where are we going for to hear -- when are we going to hear from the media and the left about chemical weapons in Syria? Because the exact opposite happened. We went to war because of chemical weapons in Iraq. And there were no chemical weapons. Uh-huh.

How about this one? The administration said there were no chemical -- we got rid of them all. And you all carried water for them. We got rid of them all. And we got to pat ourselves on the back, and you did the patting. And now people died.

Bush lied, people died. Obama lied, people died. Are we going to hear that? No. Why? Because the media has no intellectual honesty. And don't pat yourself on the back, people on the right, because, quite honestly, the right has no intellectual honesty either. It's the same story, different side.

Now, what are we going to do about it? Right now, they're deciding what we're going to do about it. And higher on that scale is North Korea.

President -- is it Xi? Is that how you say his name?

STU: Xi.

GLENN: Xi. I like to call him -- President Xi. I like to call him President 11, from China is meeting in the White House today. And this is their number one priority, to talk about what's going to happen with North Korea. I am not one to say, hey, we just sit around and see what happens with a guy who is crazy and has nuclear missiles. He now has solid fuel boosters. So we can no longer tell when they're fueling up for a missile. It's solid fuel. The door opens, and it's launched.

Now, I don't think he can make it to the United States, but he might. He could at least make it to Hawaii. I know. But why would an Asian nation ever attack Hawaii?

GLENN: Ever attack Hawaii.

STU: Why would they do that?

PAT: It's ridiculous.

STU: It's just a beautiful vacation location.

GLENN: It's not like a world war would ever really just start --

PAT: It's paradise. You never attack paradise.

STU: Well, that's what we were saying, if you want to make everybody safe, let's put like a bunch of our resources like in one harbor there.

PAT: Like all the ships we have in the Pacific. Put them in Hawaii.

STU: Yes! We'll store them all there where they're going to attack, and everything will be fine.

GLENN: Right. Right. So if they could at least hit Hawaii, they could hit Japan. They could hit South Korea.

PAT: South Korea for sure.

GLENN: And that starts a global war. Now, what are we going to do about it? I had a briefing from a guy who just left the CIA, I don't know, about six months ago.

And -- and he tried to convince me that things were far worse in the world than even I think, and he's a fan of the show. And I'm like, no, I don't think -- and he said, no, I listen to you, Glenn. It's much worse than you think. And I said, that's not good. That's not good. And I brought up North Korea. And I said, "What do we do?" And he said, "We're out of options. We're completely out of options." He said, "The problem is, is this guy is truly crazy."

PAT: Yeah, that's what that defector just said. High-level defector.

GLENN: It's not like, oh, Osama bin Laden, he's crazy. No, he wasn't crazy. He was very, very smart and well thought out. We just disagreed with him.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: He was just on the dark side, if you will.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: This guy is crazy. He believes that he can actually win a war against the United States of America. And he will launch. And he said, so that leaves us with what option? He said, "We can't negotiate anymore. There's no negotiation." He said, "There's nobody that we can reach out to because he kills everybody who disagrees with him."

PAT: I've been saying preemptive strike for a while. And maybe that's what you have to do.

GLENN: I don't know. I don't know.

PAT: You can't allow the guy to just continue to threaten us and do nothing.

GLENN: Do we we not have a patriot missile system that we could put for a -- I know rockets, you know, ICBMs. You don't want to miss.

PAT: I don't know that we have anything in place on the mainland, do we? We certainly give them to Israel. I don't know if we --

GLENN: Don't we have something in South Korea? Don't we have something that we can put on a ship that can intercept a missile?

I don't want to do a first strike. I just don't want to do a first strike. I don't -- quite honestly, congratulations, I don't want to put this president in charge of war.

PAT: I know. That's hard.

GLENN: I don't want him in charge of war. If it comes, it comes. Let's not hasten anything.

STU: We saw this in the documentary, Superman: For The Quest For Peace, where we do obviously have at least that one weapon. Superman, to stop any nuclear launch. If he doesn't show up at the right time --

GLENN: Can you write this down, meeting today --

STU: For example, there's this reporter that they're never at the same place at the same time. And if he's in the middle of a story, can we get Superman to stop these missiles? We don't know. I mean, has Bannon addressed that? No.

PAT: No.

GLENN: Could we just -- do me a favor, write this down for a meeting today. I think you guys misunderstand the difference between -- just put, define documentary. And I'll remember that.

STU: Okay.


Government Caught Paying $34.3 Million for Politico Subscriptions?!

Thanks to the work of Elon Musk’s DOGE, it was recently revealed that Politico has received $8 million from USAID and other government agencies. The money was reportedly payments for subscriptions to Politico Pro. But BlazeTV’s ‪@lizwheeler‬ joins Glenn to discuss her findings: The $8M was just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, the government has spent $34.3M on “subscriptions” over the past few years. But that’s a hefty price per subscription, especially since taxpayers are paying for it! So, what’s really going on here, and can it explain why Politico has led the way on pushing disinformation about things like the Hunter Biden laptop story? Plus, Glenn reveals how the government treated news organizations like TheBlaze...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Liz Wheeler is here. She's the host of Blaze TV's the Liz Wheeler show.

She broke the news early yesterday, that the federal government has been subsidizing Politico. Not to the tune of 6 million. But $34.3 million!

She has the receipts. Liz, welcome to the program!

LIZ: Hi, Glenn. Thanks for having me.

GLENN: You bet. So the media is now saying, this is a right-wing conspiracy. There's nothing to see here. But if the Trump administration -- if -- if those people were all subscribers to TheBlaze and we were getting 6 million or 35 million dollars from the Trump administration, even if it was all legitimate, they would go apoplectic. So tell me why --

LIZ: As they should.

GLENN: What?

LIZ: As they should, when that was happening. This is one of the biggest media scandals of this decade. And it's also a litmus test, anybody in the swamp, anybody, an elected politicians, anybody getting this amount of money from the federal government, they're part of the problem. They're the baddies. Not the goodies here.

So what's happening is yesterday, we woke up to news, that Politico had received $8 million from USAID. USAID, of course, is a so-called autonomous agency of the federal government, that Elon Musk has been DOGing.

He's been exposing corruption in that agency.

GLENN: It's a CIA front.

It is in charge of all the Colour Revolutions all around the world. And the Colour Revolution that they've been trying to pull here in America. Anyway, go ahead.

LIZ: That's exactly right.

I was going to say, it's the nexus of the Censorship Industrial Complex. They've taken their political warfare run and aimed it back at us.

So no better target for Elon Musk than USAID.

This is a scandal in and of itself.

That Politico was receiving $8 million from them in 2024. But what my team and I did is round this website, where any American citizen can find out how their taxpayer money is spent. It's called

And you plug in the name of any recipient organization group. We type Politico as the key word.

And then instead of just looking at year 2024, we said all fiscal years. Let's see how much Politico has received in the last 10 years. And what we found, before our very eyes, it began to populate millions upon millions of dollars, totally -- it's $34.3 million.

And, Glenn, this is not just from USAID. This is from a variable laundry list of the most corrupt federal government swampy agencies like the Department of Education. The Department of Health and Human Services.

Subagencies like the FDA. And the CDC. And the EPA. If you look at when these subsidies started, it started just about the moment that Trump descended on that golden elevator in 2015. That's when the gravy train for Politico started.

And then you can see it year by year in 2020 and 2021 when Joe Biden took office, all of a sudden, these subsidies for Politico increased exponentially.

Exponentially. And, of course, you'll have these defenders saying, well, these are just subscriptions that federal government employees paid for Politico pro. It's like a 10,000-dollar a year subscription. They claim it's a premium service.

GLENN: Aimed right toward the Beltway. Aimed right directly at the Beltway. So go ahead.

LIZ: 100 percent.

Well, first of all, that's clinical insane to pay $10,000 for a subscription service.

That's not a subsidy. That's a patronage. If you're paying $10,000, this is what money laundering is. It's nebulous. It's vague. Money is fungible.

So if the bulk of your revenue. Or a huge percentage of your revenue is coming from so-called federal government employees, that are paying this exorbitant fee, what are you going to expect in response?

You're going to expect in response, coverage exactly like Politico is giving us.

Where they told us the Hunter Biden laptop wasn't real. That it was Russian disinformation.

GLENN: But they were the leader on that. They were the leader. Yeah.

LIZ: They were! Of course, which makes sense where they're getting all this 33.3 million. They were defenders of the COVID-19 jab, the Moderna jab, even for young men, which we now know is dangerous.

They're the ones that led, when the Supreme Court leaker leaked -- when the Supreme Court was going to overturn Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs case. They were the ones that published that. So they are the arm, the propaganda arm of the federal government. And here's what's funny.

My team and I got a hold of one of these log-ins for a Politico pro-subscription. We just borrowed it from a friend because we're normal people. That's what everybody normal does.

Aren't going to pay for this. And we went in there. And we went, well, what does Politico pro offer? They said it's a critical function of their job to have access of this.

You know what is behind their pay wall there?

It's a glorified Rolodex. It's just like the phone numbers of staffers and the federal government, kind of a rumor mill. All very publicly available information, if you just exert the tiniest bit of effort.

We're still digging into it, and we'll keep you updated. We'll have more on this Monday on the show.

There is, so far, absolutely nothing useful that would justify even one 10,000-dollar subscription, let alone $34.3 million!

GLENN: This -- as you said, is the biggest scandal in media. So you know, Liz, just a point of information that most people don't know.

During the Obama administration, it may still be true.

I don't know.

You couldn't not only get to Blaze TV, to log on. On a government computer.

You couldn't go to It was banned as a website. For the government! Yeah. Yeah.

LIZ: What? Wow, man. It's so nuts.

GLENN: Yeah. So anybody who is like, you know, they were just -- well, there were a lot of people who wanted to subscribe. And subscribe personally, not through their office.

And just be able to listen or watch. Or just get their news from the news site,

And they were blocked! Every government employee was blocked.

LIZ: I did not know that. It proves exactly what we've been saying. First of all, there is no justification on the face of this earth, for $34.3 million to be given from the federal government agencies to a supposedly objective media organization.

There is just -- there's no explanation for it. We all know that. The swamp creatures that are defending it are exposing their true colors here.

We're not always lucky enough to have an email that says, this $10,000 is for the big guy. Or the 10 percent is for the big guy.

But we know! We're smart people. We use common sense. We know how human nature works. We know if the federal government is giving this exorbitant amount of money to a media organization, what they're going to get in return is coverage and cover-up and propaganda.

And emotional manipulation.

And exactly what we've seen from Politico for the past -- for the past -- for the past decade.

You know, coincidentally since this gravy train began. And one comment on, you know, TheBlaze TV.

I double-checked this morning to see how much our subscriptions are. Because I was like, okay. I pay for a couple of subscriptions to even mainstream media outlets. Although, I really try not to. Because I don't like to give them my money. But I need to for research sometimes.

Normal people pay $100 a year. That's why -- if you go to, it's $120 for an annual subscription, and you can get $20 off. That's what normal people pay.

And even then, they probably share a log in. Which also normal people do.

GLENN: Well, we don't encourage that. But, yes. You're right.

I mean, you know, my initial payment to open the doors, I had a few partners. And they -- I can't remember what they gave. But it was probably around 10 million, together.

And I had put in 20 million, myself.

We started this entire operation, with $30 million!

$30 million, is what kicked off TheBlaze.

When the technology didn't even exist.

That we had to invent all of this stuff to do it.

To have 34 million dollars coming in from the federal government, they are your master!

They are absolutely your master. Could you talk about one thing, Liz?

The press is hanging their hat on the fact that some media outlets said, that was -- that was the cause of them not making payroll. Was DOGE. That didn't have anything to do with it, did it?

LIZ: Well, it depends if you're a swamp creature. And if you view the world through your own twisted reality or if you're a normal person that can look at things, that probably aren't coincidences.

We were told that -- we were told that, according to this initial report. That Politico would never miss a paycheck before.

So I would just pose those questions, to all of us normies, you think as a coincidence that the day the gravy train is cut off, they're not able to make payroll.

GLENN: It's funny. It's funny. Because one of my producers knows one of the people at Politico.

And on the phone, all day yesterday, arguing back and forth.

And this person said, we have payroll glitches here, all the time.

And I thought, I've never had a payroll glitch!

If -- I would get another payroll service, if it was glitchy all the time.

So, I mean, they either have the worst payroll service, which you -- there's lots of them out there, you can get, that actually work.

Or there was something else going on. But that's not the story. The story is --

LIZ: No. That's what they're using to distract from the $34.3 million. Even those subscriptions are a distraction because they don't want us to think, $34.3 million given from basically the Biden regime to Politico.

It is one of the most significant scandals the mainstream media has been exposed without an excuse. Being in the middle of, that I can remember.

GLENN: So we also found out the other day. That our federal government gave millions of dollars to the BBC.

The BB-freaking-C. That have that's supposed to be the queen's money. Not our money!

What the hell are we doing funding the BBC?

I mean, the -- go ahead.

LIZ: No, listen.

This is what is so critical to understand.

The reason why -- I don't know if you've been watching Brian Stelter, it's quite funny. They're freaking out about this.

Jen Psaki on MSNBC, she's like, there's a hostile takeover of the federal government happening. Because you and I are identifying ways that taxpayer money has been corruptly abused. That's a hostile takeover in her mind. But the reason they're freaking out about this, isn't just because their pet projects won't be funded anymore.

They won't have a log-in to their gospel rag. Politico magazine or whatever it is.

Reason they're freaking out. Is because their mechanism of controlling us.

Hinges on the mainstream media outlets.

These corporate media outlets running propaganda for them.

They'll never be able to lie to us. Or emotionally manipulate us.

If the media is not taking a leading role on that.

And now, they can't.

GLENN: On top of that, they also have lost their gravy train through the NGOs.

They found a way to get all of their radical friends to open up an NGO, and then funnel millions of dollars into it so they can do everything that they want with taxpayer dollars!

If you look at just USAID's 2023 fact sheet, they -- the agencies supported 6200 journalists, 707 news outlets, 279 media sector civil society organizations, and the -- and this comes from the Columbia Journalism Review. Now, I don't know.

If you've got 6,000 journalists on your payroll, you could probably influence a few people.

This has got to stop. And I don't know what it's going to take for your neighbors, to stop listening, to the mainstream media.

That's why it's important not to say, in my opinion, that this is why they didn't make payroll. Because we can't prove that. We don't know.

I mean, great coincidence. But we don't know. It's important to say, but this is provably true! It's the thing with Ben Stiller. And, you know, Angelina Jolie going over to Ukraine, getting $20 million.

That didn't happen. That's not true.

You need to know what the truth is! Because the truth itself is so unbelievably powerful!

That you need to know what that is. And that's what we try to give you here, every day.

Liz, thank you for this exposé. It's great!

LIZ: Thanks, Glenn. I appreciate it.

GLENN: Liz Wheeler from the Liz Wheeler show on Blaze TV.


EXPOSED: How Our Government Funded the Illegal Immigration Disaster | Tom Homan | Ep 411

Did you know our own government — using YOUR tax dollars — funded the illegal immigration disaster? While it was bad under President Trump’s first term, it ballooned into an epic disaster under the Biden White House. Even the New York Times had to admit it was the “largest immigration surge in U.S. history.” The Biden administration let in an average of 2.4 MILLION migrants per year during his first three years in office. But the new Trump administration is tackling the mess head-on with a deportation operation targeting dangerous criminals and restoring law and order at the border. It’s a promising start, but to fully dismantle the Biden policies that got us to this point, it requires pulling the plug on the insane funding of NGOs that drive the steady stream of illegal immigrants to the border. Most Americans are completely unaware of how vast the illegal immigration industrial complex is and how WE are funding it all. Glenn reveals a tangled web of corruption that shows how NGOs get paid BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, which flow from the alphabet soup of federal agencies including the State Department and USAID, FEMA, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security. President Trump’s no-nonsense border czar Tom Homan tells Glenn in an exclusive interview that he’s “very concerned” about reports that Mexico’s drug cartels are planning drone and explosives attacks against U.S. Border Patrol agents. He predicts there “will be violence on the border” and warns that if cartels hurt any federal agents or members of the U.S. military, President Trump will "rain hell down on them" and “wipe them off of the face of the earth.” He also has a message for anti-ICE politicians, like New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who suggest they're knowingly harboring or concealing illegal aliens: “It’s a felony,” and Attorney General Pam Bondi is watching.


Why Trump’s Gaza Takeover Promise is GENIUS

President Trump shocked the world when he announced that the United States will move to take over Gaza, relocate the Palestinians somewhere else, and rebuild it into…practically EPCOT?! But is he serious about this? Glenn argues that Trump is NOT bluffing…but this also probably isn’t his Plan A. And that’s what’s genius about this: Trump moved the Overton Window so that now, countries are discussing whether Israel owns Gaza!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Last night, he stands up with Bibi Netanyahu on his side, and he says this. Cut one.

DONALD: The US will take over the Gaza Strip. And we will do a job with it too.

We will own it, and we will be responsible for dismantling all of the dangers, unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

DONALD: Level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings. Level it out.

Create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area. Do a real job. Do something different. Just can't go back. If you go back, it will end up the same way it has for over 100 years.

GLENN: Okay.

Hmm. Kind of unexpected. America is going to build I guess Epcot in the Gaza Strip. Kind of a Rivera thing. So what the hell is that all about?

Well, let me explain. Let me play cut two. This is what he said, before. Listen to this.

VOICE: How many people are you thinking about --

DONALD: All of them. I mean, we're talking about probably a million Senate people. A million Senate people. Maybe a million eight.

But I think all of them. I think they'll be resettled in areas where they can live a beautiful life. And not worry about dying every day.

GLENN: Okay. So he's talking about all of the Palestinians in Gaza going away.

Going to Jordan or Egypt or anything else.

What is everybody talking about today?

Everybody is talking about, wait. The United States wants to make Gaza into the Rivera. We are not talking about moving 1.7 million people into other countries.

Interesting. Isn't it? It's called the Overton window. And Donald Trump has an amazing ability on the Overton window.

Now, here's the best thing about Donald Trump. He never bluffs. He never, ever bluffs.

Is this something that he thinks would be great? Yeah. I believe that he believes, that he could go in.

You know, or we. Under his supervision. And we could bull dose everything, and make it into a nice resort.

Is it he believe that's a great thing for the people in the Middle East? Yeah. Does he believe we could do it? Yeah. Does he want to do it?

Hmm. I don't know. Maybe. If he's allowed to do it, yeah!

He would do it. Is that his first priority?

No! Uh-uh.

So what he's doing is saying, you know what, we're going to do, we're going to build the greatest city of all time. People will be laying by the pools.

Gaza will come and bring you drinks. There will be peace on earth. Snow in the Middle East at Christmastime. It will be beautiful. That's what he is saying.

Does he mean it?

Yes, he does.

Would -- if he's given the opportunity, do that?

Yes, he would. Is that the plan? I don't think so for a couple of reasons. First of all, did you notice what Bibi Netanyahu said right after?

Bibi Netanyahu said, the press was like, would you -- I mean, are you -- Israel would be cool with that?

Okay. That's Israeli land. That's what they've always been saying. That's Israeli land! Should the United States own part of Israel?

Absolutely not. Absolutely not. From my perspective as an American, no. Should you, if you were an Israeli, would you be for that? No! That's Israel's land. So what did Bibi Netanyahu say. None of that.

He said, well, I think it's a good proposal, really smart people. And I think we should discuss it!

Wait. So instead of talking about relocating almost 2 million people, getting rid of the Palestinian state idea. Getting rid of Palestinians being in that hellhole. Instead of talking about that. Instead of, well, what do you think Saudi Arabia is going to say.

Or Jordan. Or Egypt. About relocating.

We're not talking about that. He's moved the Overton window.

The guy is a genius.

Because he means it!

Now, here's something else, I came away with, watching that -- watching the press conference yesterday.

The guy sees things completely differently.

He's not a president like you're used to a president!

And everybody is going to have to get used to that. He wasn't prepared to be president, last time!

He didn't know how the machine worked. I mean, the bad part of the machine.

He didn't know what he was up against. He learned in the first four years. And in the next four years, oh. He went to -- he went to school!

He wrote everything down.

He planned all of this out!

He surrounded himself with the people that could execute it.

And he is just checking off a list of one by one.

And it's overwhelming the system. What are they doing? Let me ask you this. With the USAID. Come on! Seriously.

On Monday, you hear USAID. Something that nobody knows about. USAID has been shut down.

Is the average person standing in front of USAID with Chuck Schumer, with signs they made at home.

That says, you can't shut USAID down? No. Nobody at the grassroots level is doing that.

No one. No one. So they're -- all of these protests are all hyped. And I'll bet you, some of the money from USAID is helping plan some of these things. At least the money that was coming to them.

So they have no place to go.

Because he's exposing everything.

I'll tell you, I wouldn't be surprised if -- and I don't have any information on this. But I wouldn't be surprised if Kash Patel releases the Epstein black book, day one.

He walks in, and goes, oh, by the way.

Boom. Here are all the names. And I'll tell you why I think this: Because look at what Bill Gates is doing right now.

Bill Gates is all over going, you know, that was a stupid thing.

You know, I -- I was with Jeffrey Epstein. And that was really stupid. But he was kind of blackmailing me. Because I had an affair. Did you hear that lately?

So wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Before, there was nothing wrong. And it went that way, for a long time.

But as soon as Donald Trump came in, you're like, yeah. That was a mistake. But he was kind of blackmailing. Bullcrap Bill Gates. You are crapping your pants. Because you are all over that black book.

And you know it's coming out!

Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. You have -- we have been talking about USAID for a decade!

Maybe -- maybe a decade and a half. And nobody did anything about it! It was -- it was -- it was right there in front of you. All you have to do is follow the money. This is the first time anyone is following the money. And this is going to happen on all fronts. The Democrats and anybody, I don't care which side you were on. If you were dirty, you're done. You're done. Did you hear about the -- the -- the offer made to now every member of the CIA?

By the way, we'll give you eight months severance. If you want to go right now.

The CIA. Every CIA agent is being told, yeah. Because we're going to -- we're reshuffling. We're going to change the game now with the CIA.

These people are not fooling around.

You just might get your government back. You just might get it back.

And how is he doing it?

By looking at things! He's the guy that I have wanted now, my entire life, I've been saying, we need a president like John K. Kennedy. That would point to the moon.

And say, we're going there. And return a man back to earth, in ten years.

Except, he's not doing that.

He's saying, we're going to Gaza an absolute hellhole.

A place that has been nothing, but terrorism for the last 100 years.

I'm thinking about making it into a resort. We will build a pool over there.


And he's doing it day after day after day. This guy is going to go down as the greatest president, maybe in league with George Washington!

When I watched that last night, the other thing that struck me, was when he was talking about Iran.

He actually meant how bad he felt about putting sanctions on Iran.

He said, I hated doing that to the people. Because the people are good. It's just their leadership. And I know the people are going to hurt. But I had to do it. And we almost had them! We almost collapsed that system!

And the people have to be free!

And I love the people. But I'm going to have to do it again. And it really bothers me.

That's true!

Everything he said about the Palestinians. None of it was based on hate. He was like, look, they're people just like you. Just like me.

They want to live in peace. If they don't want to live in peace. Then they're going to have to be killed. But if they do want to live in peace. Let's help them!

It was amazing. It was, I'm not an enemy of anyone. Unless you're an enemy of peace!

Unless -- unless you're trying to kill other people.

We're not your enemy.

And, you know, every country can choose how they want to run themselves. This guy just thinks differently. Thinks differently. And acts like -- like a CEO.

And we've never seen a president like him before. I have to tell you, so far I like everything that I see.

Now, I'm not sure about the whole resort thing. But I'm willing to give him the rope of negotiation here.


Why Trump SHOULD Dismantle USAID

President Trump has faced major backlash from the Left and media over his plan to shut down the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), or at least merge parts of it with the State Department. But Glenn explains why Trump SHOULD either dismantle USAID entirely or let Secretary of State Marco Rubio clean house. This isn’t a “humanitarian aid” organization, Glenn explains. USAID is a CIA front and the reason why the rest of the world hates us. It has been used to influence regime change and force nations to embrace things like transgenderism and abortion. But if Elon Musk, DOGE, Trump, and Rubio succeed in reforming it or dismantling it, the America people are in for a good surprise!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. Let me tell you about what happened this weekend with DOGE.

This is something that was tucked beneath the political squabbles, and the Grammy night celebrity nonsense.

It is a story far more important than any of our daily distractions. And it makes me, oh, so very happy.

And you'll understand why, in a minute.

This story pulls the curtain back, on who really holds the reins of power in our country. I want to connect a few dots with you, here in the next 40 minutes, or so. We will talk about USAID.
We are going to talk about Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and DOGE.

The Department of Government Efficiency. DOGE and the Trump team are battling it out with USAID. Okay? We cannot let Elon Musk see our books! We are not giving him. Really?

You run an aid program. What's so top secret that you can't let him see it?

This is about control, control over the flow of information, over government secrecy.

And, yes, control over your tax dollars.

So here's the story in a nutshell. In case you didn't know, USAID, the US agency for the International Development, had its Director of Security, Jonathan Voorhees and his deputy, Brian McGill, placed on administrative leave.

Why? Because they refused to grant access to security systems, and systems containing sensitive personnel files, security clearance information, even classified materials, to employees of DOGE.

When Voorhees and McGill said, no, you're not allowed to see any of this. That's when the DOGE team threatened to call in the US marshals. The US marshals over a bureaucratic disagreement? No. Uh-uh.

Remember, this is about something much, much bigger. It's about who controls the machinery of the government, when it comes to foreign influence.

Covert operations. And the shadow games, our government is playing overseas.

So let's start with USAID.

On paper, it sounds great. Right?

The US agency for international development. They're the folks who help develop countries, build schools. And fight diseases.

And support democracy.

First of all, I don't want to be in that business, as a government.

But if you've been paying attention, history will tell you something else.

It's well-known that USAID has been much more than an aid operation.

Since its inception in 1961 -- by the way, can you tell me anything that happened, you know, with the government and overseas, things that was good that happened in the '50s and '60s. Maybe the Peace Corps. Maybe the Peace Corps. But I doubt it.

USAID say covert CIA operation. They do covert black ops, all around the world.

And their money just comes in, and it just -- no. This is aid. Black hole.

Now, this is not a conspiracy theory. This is historic fact. In the Cold War, USAID funded cultural organizations. And student groups.

And agricultural projects. Uh-huh.

They were covers for intelligence gathering. And they have been accused of everything from influencing elections in foreign countries, to helping overthrow governments that didn't align with our interests. Do you want any country doing that?

Don't we have a big problem with other countries influencing our elections? How dare they! Uh-huh.

Black ops. Do you remember the Colour Revolutions in Europe? Yeah. Yeah.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that every employee at USAID is a covert operative. Most, I'm sure, good, decent people trying to do their jobs.

But the agency has always had a dual identity, part humanitarian, part shadow extension of US foreign policy through the CIA.

And that's really the part that I think is interesting here.

Because every nation knows, that this is a CIA front.

Except, the American people. We don't -- we don't know that apparently.

No, no. We're good. You know, it has billions of dollars, in black covert money, flowing through it.

We just -- we just don't know it. Because those with oversight. Can't see the records. President team has just been denied access.

Wait a minute. Who works for who?

This is an aid thing. What do you have that is so very top secret.

So here comes DOGE. The department of government efficiency.

Sounds pretty harmless. Yeah. Like a bunch of accountants, trying to balance the budget. That's all we're trying to do.

But those who are running black ops, know that DOGE has two agendas. And the president has made it very clear.

Yes. Cut the waste. Downsize the government.

But it also has another very specific mission. Except, this isn't a black op.

Again, this mission is right out in the open. Where all missions should be.

They -- their mission is not only to cut the budget.

But to break up the entrenched bureaucracies, that have been running Washington like their own personal fiefdoms.

Trump's goal was to drain the swamp. And DOGE is supposed to be one of the tools that is headed by Elon Musk, to drain that swamp.

Now, I personally like it for a couple of reasons. Elon Musk is one of the world's greatest minds. I mean, when he goes into his own companies, he sits with every employee for about five minutes.

And just says, what are you working on, this week.

And if they don't have something that he feels is really moving the company forward, you're not necessary.

You're fired. Okay.

He has a knack for cutting waste, and making companies more efficient and also coming up with some really good products.

He's a disrupter.

He doesn't do things like everyone else. He doesn't think like everybody else.

That's his strength. He advertise erupts industries. He challenges the norms.

And he's been a very public mission to expose and challenge what he sees as government overreach.

Whether it's with Twitter for X. Or even the critiques of regular agencies. Now, he can come in and look at these things and go, wait a minute.

This doesn't seem to be exactly, you know, what you're supposed to be doing. This is different. This isn't about posting memes and calling out the woke mind virus.

This is about accessing the very heart of the government's covert machinery.

That's what's happening with USAID because it's not about aid programs.

It's all about data. It's all about networks.

It's all about the hidden influence, that the US experts, you know, flex all around the world.

Including perhaps inside the United States, against their own people.

But we don't know. And now for the first time in decades, somebody from the outside of traditional power structures are -- are saying, huh.

What is it that you guys do here?

And guess what? The machine doesn't like it.

The people who have been running that machine, also don't like it. I want you to remember who was in charge of USAID. Does anybody remember?

Anybody. Bueller. Anybody?

Samantha Power. Now, Samantha Power. She's the wife of Harvard professor. Obama adviser.

And author of the really super important book called Nudge.

How to get people to do what you want them to do, without them knowing. Nudge.

So the wife of that guy, who I'm sure has nothing to do with nudging or dig do go anything like that.

Even though she was with the Biden -- or the Obama administration, forever! She didn't know anything about that.

GLENN: This is why John Voorhees and Brian McGill push back.

That's why they're risking their careers to say, no. You can't come in here. Because they weren't just protecting the files!

They were protecting the status quo. They're protecting a system that has operated in the shadows for decades, with that to no accountability to the American people!

And here's where it gets even more fascinating. The employees at USAID and across the federal bureaucracy, aren't just fighting to protect sensitive information.

They are fighting to protect their power. He's getting in to the roots now.

He's opening up to -- you know how Donald Trump is kind of like a -- a human hand grenade. I've said this to his face. You know, I think you're kind of like a human hand grenade.

What do you mean? Well, you're the greatest human hand grenade I've ever seen, don't get me wrong. You just kind of throw yourself into things, and then a wall comes down.

And then as the dust is settling, everybody goes, wait a minute.

What's on the other side of that wall? That's what's happening.

Except, this time they're not just lobbing grenades in. They know where it is.

Over the years, we've created this massive administrative state. Which is a fourth branch of government that nobody votes for. Wholly unconstitutional.

No one really controls it. You noticed that the people on Capitol hill, they're afraid of the intelligence agencies.

Hmm. So who is really boss then?

They operate with a level of secrecy, that would make our Founding Fathers roll in their graves.

This many of us state has been the gatekeeper of information.

Deciding who gets to know what.

Both here, at home.

And abroad.

Does the president even know?

So when Trump and Musk come knocking, knocking, knocking, at the door.

Trying to peak behind the curtain. The reaction is swift and fierce.

Because if they succeed, they'll manage to pull USAID's operations. And put it right under direct control of the State Department. Or even worse, in the public eye! They'll be held accountable for things!

We can't have that. It will expose decades of covert actions.

Questionable alliances.

The dark side of US foreign policy.

That has been hidden under the guise of aid.

It's why the rest of the world hates us.

Think about some of the crazy things we've done in the name of foreign aid.

We funneled money to warlords in Afghanistan.

We gave money to the Taliban.

Money to Gaza to prop up Hamas.

We've run guns to the Syrian groups ISIS, propped up dictators in Latin America. Even funded opposition groups in countries, where we wanted regime change all under the banner of freedom and democracy.

Again, this is why everybody hates the American government.

Her people see our influence as good and benevolent.

And sometimes, I think we are.

Other times, America is anything but!

So in exchange for our tax dollars, we've asked countries to change their laws. To accept abortion, in places where the people are morally outraged. We promote transgenderism in their schools.

We -- we tell them, that this is the enlightened way to go.

Otherwise, they lose their aid.

We force them to open their markets to multi-national corporations that sometimes don't have their best interests at heart. And we conduct military operations on their soil. You will do it our way. And yet, you don't know anything about it.

Most Americans don't have any idea. Because it's all wrapped up in the nice shiny package of humanitarian assistance.

So here's what happens if DOGE succeeds.

What happens if Musk and Trump manage to pry open the lid to this operation?

Well, for once, the bureaucrats lose control of one of their many hiding places.

Intelligence community loses one of its more useful tools.

And the American people might finally get to see just how much of their hard-earned money has been used, not to build schools or feed the hungry, but to manipulate foreign government and maintain our empire of influence. And here's the kicker.

This isn't about just the past. It is about the future. Because if Musk and Trump can break through this wall, it sets a precedent. It says no part of the government is beyond scrutiny of our elected officials.

And that tariffs people who have been running the show.

So what do we take away?

One, pay attention.

Stories like these are not bureaucratic squabbles.

This is the battlefront.

This is the battle line, right there, that will decide who actually runs the country.

We will see more on this, and the intelligence agencies are not going to like it.

So one thing I would take away from this is don't take any news story at face value, for a while.

There are many hiding places. And those who receive and use dark money for black ops are going to fight back.

Second, ask questions.

Continue to ask questions.

Why does USAID have classified systems that other government officials can't access?

Why is there so much resistance in an aid organization to transparency.

And third, remember the people that are screaming the loudest about protecting democracy are often the ones most afraid of the people actually seeing how the sausage gets made. So this isn't about USAID, DOGE, or even Trump or Musk.

It's about whether you have the right to know what our government is doing with your money.

Stay curious, America.

We will get to the bottom of this. But we have to be willing to go through the tough times, remain determined, and vigilant.