Daniel Day-Lewis has announced he's retiring from acting at the ripe old age of 60. The iconic British actor, thought by some to be the greatest actor alive, is a master character actor who has landed plum lead roles a good portion of his career. MTV had this to say about his astonishing ability to create characters:
Renowned for his chameleonic transformations, he was so convincing as the cerebral palsy-afflicted Christy Brown in 1989's "My Left Foot," that when he accepted his Academy Award for the performance, audiences at home (and probably at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion as well) collectively gasped at the fact he wasn't actually disabled. Instead, he was downright gorgeous (funky tuxedo aside) in his "Last of the Mohicans" persona – flowing long hair, healthy tan and perfect posture. And the best part is that, despite the serious subject matter, the first line of his speech was, "You've just provided me with the makings of one hell of a weekend in Dublin."
Which Daniel Day-Lewis film is your favorite?