GLENN: Here's the headline today. Trump urges GOP senators to pass skinny ObamaCare repeal bill. What does this mean? This means that they have tried for several times to pass any kind of health care reform, and they can't get anybody to agree on it. And so now they're saying. Okay. Let's just repeal just a couple of parts of it. And today is the day. This morning, President Obama tweeted to the GOP.
STU: Is he still president? Did he come back? I may have missed the headline.
GLENN: He's still president.
STU: You said President Obama.
GLENN: Oh, sorry. President Trump.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: Senate Republicans begin their final push today to unravel -- this is a seven-year offensive. Emphasis on the word offensive that takes all kinds of meaning in this story. They hope that a paired down skinny bill, which will repeal several ObamaCare provisions can gain enough support. Several times they have voted this week. Senate yesterday rejected 45, 55 straight repeals of ObamaCare with a two-year delay in implementation to allow congress to work out a replacement. That is what they promised in 2015. Seven Republicans oppose the measure, which was going to be pushed by party leadership. Trump sent this out today.
Come on, Republican senators. You can do it. You can make a move on health care. After seven years, this is your chance to shine. Don't let the American people down. What is he saying there?
I'm going to explain this through a personal story. Nobody in Washington seems to be working for us.
Nobody is actually engaged working for you. The one that they ask you to not only vote but they ask you to go and convince your friends. They got you so wrapped up in it. No matter which side you're on. That you have lost friends and in some cases, family members. You have done so much and work carried so much water because you truly believed that this group of people -- whichever side -- that these people would do everything they can because they asked you do everything you can. I want you to go get friends. I want you to drive people to the -- I want you to talk to people, I want you to convince them. And people did to the point where we can't even talk to each other anymore.
None of them are working for you. And what's happening in Washington, D.C. right now is a prime example. And no one is holding them accountable. There is no accountability. So let me tell you my story.
A few years ago, I started The Blaze. And without getting into all the details, I knew we had a problem when the leader of the company said to me in a phone conversation. I said, "You're just going after clicks. You're just trying to drive ratings. You're -- I don't understand that. That's not what we stand for. What are our principles?"
And I was told Glenn, quote, nobody gives an F about your f'ing principles. And I paused. And I said you realize who you just said that to?
I knew at that point my company was beyond repair. But I hoped. So I -- what I did was I tried to clean house with as little as I could, but it was pretty infested and I don't mean just with people, but I mean with policies and riddled with debt and everything else. I should have shut it down and started over. But people entrusted me, and I had failed them, and I wasn't going to fail, so I went, and I looked for strong people in our own staff that could help.
A year later, I have a meeting with one of the new executives, and I had a meeting for about an hour on a project that I thought we should do. But I wasn't running the company. I was only a -- one of the voices in the company that as an investor, let me advise you where I think we should go. And self-imposed. That's what I self-imposed on the company.
So everybody said in this meeting "That's fantastic. Great. Let's do that."
They left my office and a brand-new employee heard this other employee say -- he went to him and said "Okay. Let's get together because you and I are going to have to work closely on this to get this done."
And the one employee said to the new employee "What are you talking about? We're not going to do any of that stuff."
It took one, brave new employee to tell me that. And after a long time of fighting this and not believing that I was smart enough to fix it or powerful enough to fix it, I was at the point of giving up.
Then the election came. And I was quite honestly just as mad at you as you were with me. I didn't understand you. You didn't understand me. And I think we just missed each other in language. And I'm trying to repair that now to really, truly go back and do the things that I should have asked, and that is -- come on. You're a good friend of mine. This is not normal behavior for you. What the hell is happening in your life? And I would have seen your pain. And things would have been different.
About eight months ago, my wife said "I've had it. Shut it down, honey. It's going to kill you or wipe us out or whatever. Just shut it down. It's not worth it.
I said "no" because, again, I have partners who rely on me. I have employees who rely on me. And most importantly, I started thinking about the vision that was entrusted with me. You know me if you listen to my show, I can be delusional, sure. But I do believe that we're all here for a reason, and I was given this vision of -- to create something for a reason. And I'm not going to give up on it. And so instead, I didn't give up. I said "Honestly, it's my fault. I wasn't running the company. I had nothing to do with, other than I was a big investor, and I was the founder and would make suggestions. But that was all self-imposed. I could have. How -- what crazy idea that I had. The guy who had the vision, the guy who had the most passion than anybody else would self-impose and restrict himself from actually being, holding people accountable for it. That's just stupid because I could hire the best people. But unless they had the vision, unless they had the passion, they were not going to create what I was looking for.
I'm the one who has the vision. I'm the one who believes in it. It's my responsibility in the first and the last place.
Blame others? No. Hold people accountable? Yes. But I need to take charge of my stewardship. So I was faced do I pull the rip cord? Do I eject? Or not.
This is the point of the story that will take you now to Washington. I pulled the rip cord. But not the one that the rest of the world will tell you you can pull. Just give up.
I pulled the rip cord, the one that stops everything and says "Stop. I'm not playing this game anymore. I'm changing the rules to common sense rules. I'm the owner of this place. It's my vision, it's mostly my money, and it's my life. And you know what? I found that this company is full of people who worked here because they have a piece of that vision, and they're passionate about that vision. And they have been waiting for me to step up and say "We're going here." They're here because they too believe.
And so the last few weeks or couple of months, I've been asking them. You've got to help me. If you believe, you've got to help me. Here's where we're going. Here's the point on the horizon. Refocus, teach, and empower. Now, I don't know. We might not make the turn. I think we are. I think we're going to change everything again. And we're not going to get there for a while. It's going to be hard. But in the meantime, I can make a few small movements in the right direction. And then perhaps others will go "Well, I see what they're going for. I see where they're headed. And they'll help us. How does this relate to health care?
Let me reread the tweet here.
GOP, on health care, after seven years, this is your chance to shine. Don't let the American people down.
Mr. President, take responsibility. You have been for any and all of these bills. You were elected because you are the deal maker. You're the guy who said you could bring everyone together. You haven't even, it seems, tried to bring all of your party behind you. Because we as the American people don't feel you have a passion for this deal or that deal. You have a passion for any deal. That doesn't work.
This is your chance to shine, Mr. President. This is your chance to bring the GOP together, not to point fingers and say "It's just the GOP."
Because that doesn't help. Sorry. I -- I don't want to make this about the president because this isn't about the president. Just like my company isn't about people who used work here or anything else. It's about today and what can I do?
Nobody is being held responsible or accountable in our country. Those guys go to Washington, they tell you anything, and then we never fire them. They are the ones who listen to us in our town halls, and then they go out in the hallway and somebody who's new in Washington and sincere says to the older guy "Hey, so we should meet on this."
And the other guy says "What are you talking about? We're not going to do any of that crap."
That is Mitch McConnell. That is Paul Ryan. That is a majority of the DNC and the RNC. They will tell you whatever they have to tell you so you stop looking at them. And then when the crap hits the fan, they blame it on someone else.
So how are we going to fix this? There's one answer. This is your country. This is your money. This is your life. This is your future. This is your children's future. There is one cord that you can pull to eject out of this, and it is called Article V. It's in the constitution. It is the last resort given to the people because the founders knew this was going to happen. Because they didn't talk about the better angels. If we were surrounded by better angels, we wouldn't need the constitution. The constitution is not a restraint on you, the people, it's a restraint on those people that have power because the founders knew every single time power corrupts.
And so at the end of the constitutional convention, they said you know what? We haven't given the people. We've given it to the states. But what happens if the states go bad? We haven't given it to the people. And they wrote in Article V, which allows the people to stand up and say "Enough. You're not doing our work. We're going to put term limits on you. We're going to put spending limits on you. Because you'll never do it. And these things have to be done.
You get involved in first, defund the GOP and DNC. Don't give those people another dime. They're using you.
Second, start listening to common sense. Start looking at the whole picture. Not just the picture given to you by the people who are making you feel good. You need the truth. So look for the truth. And then get involved in the Article V constitutional convention movement. Just Google search Article V.
Find out how you can get involved and get this moving because it was given to you the way out. But more importantly, the -- it was given to you the responsibility. You believe in the vision. They don't. You own this. You have the vision. How can you possibly give that vision and responsibility to guard that vision to somebody who doesn't actually believe in the vision? It will never work. It must be done by you. Get involved now and get Article V enacted and call for a constitutional convention. Those of us who actually believe and know that America is good and deserves better than this. Get involved now.