DOC: Doc Thompson in for Glenn. I'll be with you tomorrow, then Pat Gray will be pinch-hitting on Thursday and Friday as well.
Coming up immediately following this broadcast, on TheBlaze Radio Network, Pat Gray is going to be covering the Alex Jones video from yesterday.
KRIS: He connected the dots. I'm so glad Alex Jones is in our lives.
DOC: I cannot fully do it justice.
DOC: I didn't talk about it. I didn't discuss it this morning on our broadcast, on The Morning Blaze because I knew I couldn't do it justice like Pat Gray.
KRIS: Oh, he's so good at it.
DOC: Pat Gray has covered the crazy that is Alex Jones for a while. Even on this program, you know if you're a regular listener of this broadcast that Glenn and Pat and Stu and Jeffy have covered this quite a bit.
Alex offered up some insight to the shooting in Las Vegas.
KRIS: Brilliant.
DOC: And by brilliant, we mean.
KRIS: Amazing.
DOC: And by amazing, we mean crazy.
KRIS: Crazy.
DOC: Even for Alex Jones, this is like crazy. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, here's what's going on!
KRIS: Does it have to do with gay frogs?
DOC: No. But he throws out -- and I'm not going to spoil it for you. He connects a lot of dots --
KAL: It's all about the flicker rate!
DOC: He connects the dots and even brings in a dot that is not a dot, it's so far off the chart. But you're like, okay. All right. There we go.
Pat will cover that today. for more information. All right. We'll get some calls. 888-727-BECK. 888-727-BECK. We'll also get to some tweets and some comments from the Facebook as well.
KRIS: Oh, sorry. Yeah. Fell asleep on that one. You have this one. This is interesting, Doc, because you've been very critical of the left.
DOC: I was like, when specifically -- you mean beginning in 1995?
KRIS: The last two hours.
DOC: Oh, yeah. That's true.
KRIS: Very critical. You're mocking them.
DOC: Have I been mocking them?
KRIS: Very mockfully.
DOC: Really? Really?
KRIS: Yes. Yes.
DOC: Okay.
KRIS: Ron brings a good question. And actually I support Ron right here.
DOC: Okay. Let me have it.
KRIS: I've heard a lot of mocking others for offering solutions.
DOC: Yes. Yes. And I'm glad you bring this up. Because we bring up solutions all the time.
KRIS: But none from you. See. You all about blah, blah, blah, blah. What about you?
DOC: Okay. Yes, I'm about the blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't appreciate the high-pitch blah, blah, blah, blah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
KRIS: Yeah.
DOC: Yes, I have solutions to this thing. Are you talking about the shooting in Vegas?
KRIS: Yeah. What's the solution?
DOC: The mass murder. How do we keep that from happening?
KRIS: You have Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico saying gun control.
DOC: Right.
KRIS: You got Jimmy saying, hey, we need to push more gun control.
DOC: Right.
KRIS: So what is your solution, Doc Thompson, go.
DOC: I will offer those solutions now. Let me first say, as far as gun control goes, the reason that is not a solution is because, first of all, when has gun control ever been inclusive of the government or the people in power? Chuck Schumer talks about gun control, and he owns a gun. Lots of these politicians talk about gun control. They own guns. Lots of the political left, the Hollywood, the limousine liberals out there, they talk about gun control. They own guns.
Many of them have security that own guns. They hire security forces with guns. So they're being hypocritical. What they're saying is they don't want you to have a gun.
Gun control has been used to keep you, the masses from having guns. The history of the world is one of oppression. That's the truth.
The history of the world is about some people having power. Now, they can set it up as a dictatorship, an oligarchy, a theocracy, any of these. They can even set it up as a seeming democracy or even a republic. That can happen as well. Because what happens -- well, even an oligarchy, those people in power, whether it's power through money, influence, or an outright dictatorship, theocracy or any of these, they still have access to guns. And they want access to keep you, the masses, from having them. That's the history of the world.
Part of the genius of America was that we would do the best to stave that off, to keep that from happening. And we have, for the most part. There are still those influential powers. Obviously, there's corrupt members of the government and some people that are powerful because of the money and influence they have.
But that's the reason I fight so hard for the Second Amendment and others. Is because as long as it's there, the playing field is level.
Gun control only controls the guns from some. And it's not just the criminals. Of course, the criminals are still going to have them. But also those people in power.
So my solutions, Kris Cruz and --
KRIS: I still don't hear any solutions. Ron.
DOC: -- other guy. Ron. Number one, as far as this guy is concerned and what happened in Vegas, better mental health screenings, better mental health services. And you know where we would get and have about right mental health services? In a redesigned health care system, where we would have access to more medicine. Where all people would have access to medicine because it would be cheap and it would be plentiful. And how do we get that? Less government, less rules, less regulation, and what we have never had when it comes to medicine in America, and that is a free market. The closest we've come is in the infancy of medicine in America, when a person could go to their family doctor out in the country and pay them in -- in a chicken or, you know, a couple dozen eggs or something like that. Or a couple of quarts of honey for fixing their kid. That's about the closest we've come.
A free market health care system would offer better mental health care services. It would be plentiful. It would be cheap.
What else would stop this from happening? A better economy. One of the reasons people go crazy and do these things, one of the trigger points is a bad economy. How do they radicalize people in the extreme -- extremist Muslim countries? How do they radicalize people in America? In the West to join their crazy exploits?
By telling them, how come you don't have more? You're just as good as everybody else. Join us. We'll make you strong. Look, you don't even have anything.
I mean, Kal, your family is from Egypt. The Middle East, a lot of poor people. A lot of poverty.
KAL: Yeah, primarily poor.
DOC: And because of that, a lack of education, a lack of money. People are easy to be preyed upon, to be radicalized, because they say, you don't have.
A better economy and better education through a better economy and less government rules and regulations and a free market, provides for more money and opportunity for people.
A secure border. How else have people attacked people in America? By bringing guns or bad people to America, when we don't know who they are or what they have.
Secure the border. What else would help? More guns! Yeah, sounds kind of counterintuitive. More guns likely wouldn't have happened -- or excuse me, wouldn't have helped with what happened on Sunday night in Las Vegas. Because the guy was in a room. More guns on the street from the average person probably wouldn't be able to stop him, but a lot of these other cases -- Adam Lanza. How about Cho at Virginia Tech? How about the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, with James Holmes? These were all gun-free zones. They were all gun-free zones.
There were no guns, except for the illegally gotten guns from those criminals who had nefarious intent.
More guns in those places would have at least given the opportunity for people to stop the rampage of those knuckleheads.
By the way, most casinos are gun-free zones. Not that he shot people in the casino. But he was in a hotel. Did it stop him from taking the gun in the hotel?
No. So more guns is something. What also helped? A less oppressive government. What do I mean by that?
I mean with a less oppressive government, I get to make more decisions for myself. I get to have more money and keep more money. To make my life and my family better. More education. More opportunity. And a government that will stop pissing me off by telling me how I'm supposed to raise my children and run my life. Because that is less of a trigger.
And finally, when it comes to some of this stuff, better police work. I'm not criticizing the cops. Cops do a pretty good job. But their hands are tied quite often because of police unions and the political left telling them that they're bad and they're just indiscriminately shooting people. Or even worse, purposefully shooting people and killing them because of their race. Better police work and more respect.
And finally, more appreciation for life. And we get that by recognizing our higher power and being more thankful of what we have. Human life is cheap in most parts of the world. Human life doesn't count for much. They don't value it. It just doesn't matter.
We've always valued it in America because we have that higher power and different covenants with God. We help each other.
The history of America is people getting together for barn buildings, to help their neighbor. In times of crisis, look at what happened with Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma and even now with Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Americans help people. Americans help the world. America has saved the world countless time from bad guys.
So more faith and more appreciation for what we have. And a little more respect from our neighbors. These things will all stop some of this violence from happening. But you've got to remember one thing: Nothing will stop all of it. There will always be some bad.
We can tamp most of it down. We can get rid of most of it with the things I just mentioned. But there will always be some. And at those times, we have to fight against the natural knee-jerk reaction from a lot of the people we've discussed today on the air, to say, "Something must be done," as they wring their hands and call for more oppression.
Government oppression has led to more bad than guns. So when those rare cases under the system I just discussed, happen, we have to make sure we don't join with those people who are obviously upset, emotional because of the circumstances and say, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it. Mourn. Be upset. Get the information. Get closure. All of that's therapy. That's fine. But stop right now, before you make a knee-jerk reaction, based on your emotions."
As long as the imminent threat is gone, hold it. Wait. Stop. We can discuss this. We can move ahead. Because most of what you want to do is a slippery slope that's going to bring about a lot more bad.
There's a story at I have had my differences with Bill O'Reilly over the years. Seems like a nice guy. I think I met him one time. I don't agree with a lot of what Bill says. And I agree with some of what he says. But I've had differences. But one of the smartest things Bill has said is a story that's posted at Bill O'Reilly said of this tragedy -- and I'm paraphrasing, but this is the price of freedom. Some bad will always happen in a free society. But good people will keep a lot of it from happening. And when it does, we'll make sure that there are the best circumstances in that bad.
This is the price for freedom. If you're willing to give up some freedom because of some bad, you will end up with neither safety and security, nor freedom. To paraphrase Ben Franklin. Back in a minute with more on the Glenn Beck Program.