It's Not Looking Good for Roy Moore
It’s not looking good for Roy Moore.
Senate Republicans really don’t want him to get elected. And neither do at least five women.
Yesterday, Beverly Young Nelson announced at a news conference that Moore attacked her in his car when she was 16-years-old and he was 30.
Nelson said Moore offered to drive her home one night after her waitressing shift was over at a local restaurant. He drove her to the back of the restaurant where she said he groped her, tried to take her shirt off, grabbed her neck and tried to force her head toward his crotch. She said, “I thought that he was going to rape me.”
After she struggled against his advances, she said he dumped her out of the car in the parking lot and sped away.
She also said Moore told her that he was the District Attorney and she was a child, so “no one will ever believe you,” if she tried to report the incident.
Moore still says this is all a witch hunt. But even if just one of the allegations against him is even partially true, he should drop out of the race and check into therapy.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell believes the women and wants Moore to drop out. Now Republicans are brainstorming ways to kick out Moore even if he wins Alabama’s special Senate election on December 12.
One option would be for Republicans to allow him to be seated in the U.S. Senate, then move to expel him. Some are even considering a write-in candidate. That seems unrealistic this close to the election, but then, no Democrat has won a Senate seat from Alabama in 25 years, so maybe it’s not so far-fetched.
This Alabama Senate election is a microcosm of America’s current social and political quagmire: the flood of sexual assault and harassment accusations against powerful men, and the willingness of voters – on the Right and Left – to overlook serious character problems in candidates in order to win.
Some things are more important than winning and we need to rediscover them quickly, because our sons and daughters are watching.
Rand Paul Update
What if I told you Bernie Sanders’ legs were broken by his neighbor when he was outside recycling his RC Cola cans?
What if I told you Elizabeth Warren’s arm was pulled out of her socket by an angry neighbor when she went to pick up her Amazon Prime box of custom presidential buttons?
You would be outraged. Why? Because you’re human and have feelings. No person should be viciously assaulted by another person. At that point, your political opinions don’t mean anything.
But speaking of political views, could you just imagine how crazy the Left would be over one of their own being treated so badly? They would be livid and calling for immediate criminal prosecution.
Why is it that I hear crickets when it comes to Rand Paul’s attack?
In his first interview since he was assaulted by his neighbor, Rand struggled to speak. Six broken ribs and a damaged lung will do that to you. Despite his injuries he tried to explain that there still was no motive that he could imagine. Rand said that his first encounter with this neighbor was when he was attacked. They never had words over anything.
There has been speculation that the neighbor attacked the senator because of his anti-Trump views. Sure, Rand has a record of siding with Trump, but he is by no means the president’s biggest cheerleader.
There was also talk that they had an argument about maintaining yard work where they share a property line, but neighbors have debunked that as a false narrative.
Only time will tell what the real motive actually was.
But we do know one thing for certain: Rand’s neighbor, who was charged with fourth-degree assault, was released on Saturday on $7,500 bail.
It’s time to speak up about one of our fellow humans and make sure this attacker knows that his behavior is never acceptable—not matter what your political bent is.
Citizen Kap
GQ has named their ‘Citizen of The Year’, and his name… is Colin Kaepernick. You know, it kinda makes you wonder what exactly their selection criteria is. I’m having a hard time seeing this one, so let’s take a quick run down memory lane. Back in 2013 Kaepernick was one of the best players in football. A true ‘Citizen of The Year’ would have begun his activism when he was on top, but Colin was mysteriously quiet during this time. Oh he was posing naked in ESPN’s ‘Body Issue’, but activism? He didn’t have time for that. He had a brand to build.
Kaepernick’s meteoric NFL rise was rivaled only with his fall. As his play declined and the magazine covers dried up, suddenly he appeared VERY interested in speaking out. Colin didn’t have to move far to begin taking a knee, his position on the bench made it a quick trip. But GQ apparently doesn’t find this suspicious. They elevated him to the level of Muhammad Ali and Jackie Robinson, forget the fact that he was NEVER interested in speaking out until it became convenient for him to do so. And when it stopped being convenient - and as his prospects in the NFL ran out - he went silent for an entire year to try and get his job back.
So let’s recap Colin Kaepernick’s ‘Citizen of the Year’ campaign: the winner of GQ’s award went to a man that began a misguided cause for selfish reasons, and who abandoned that misguided cause - again - for selfish reasons. Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned that he glorifies Che Guevara - a mass murderer and that he admitted that he doesn’t even vote. This qualifies as ‘Citizen of The Year?’
How many people can you think of, JUST OFF THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD, that are more deserving? How about J.J. Watt? He raised over 37 million dollars to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. 37 MILLION… completely on his own, with NO outside help, and NO selfish reasons. What about Stephen Willeford? Willeford is the definition of a private citizen exercising his rights - the 2nd Amendment - and, in the process, stopped a mass murderer. What about the police that took down the NYC truck terrorist, the Green Beret’s that died fighting terrorists in Niger, or Collette Sulcer, who sacrificed her own life to save her infant daughter from Hurricane Harvey flood waters.
All of my examples were of heroes committing uncommon acts of selflessness. Can GQ say the same for Colin Kaepernick?