GLENN: I hope to unveil it at the M1 Ball. And then that way, I will be able to take my competition out at the -- for the armadillo race, who I believe has to be cheating. Welcome to the program, Jeff Fisher.
JEFFY: Hello, Glenn. Hello, Stu.
STU: Hello, Jeffy.
GLENN: So we're doing an armadillo race, which, by the way, they are carriers of leprosy, I just want to throw that --
JEFFY: That's not going to scare me.
GLENN: No. So we're having an armadillo race. I've never been in an armadillo race. But you can bet on us, and all the proceeds go for charity. And for some reason, Jeffy is creaming all of us.
And, I mean, I don't even know how. He doesn't even have a show. Nothing.
STU: Now, Jeffy, of course, was -- was hosting The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson this morning. I happened to see that when I came in.
JEFFY: Yes, I was. Filled in for Doc last couple of days. And on the Blaze Radio Network. Other than that, I got nothing. I got chewing the fat on the Pat Gray Unleashed program.
STU: Yeah. Chewing the fat with Jeffy --
GLENN: Yeah, yeah. Well, nothing else.
JEFFY: Yeah, a podcast.
GLENN: Eh, what's that?
JEFFY: Other than that.
GLENN: Those podcasts, that's a fad.
JEFFY: No kidding.
GLENN: So, Jeffy, I wanted to bring you in.
JEFFY: Yeah.
GLENN: Because a listener --
JEFFY: Oh, boy.
GLENN: Yes. A listener wrote in.
Glenn and Stu, you should know, did I tell you that I felt really, really bad that I broke the boot off of the armadillo the other day?
JEFFY: What? Yeah.
GLENN: Yeah, I broke the boot off the armadillo. It was here, and I broke it on the air.
JEFFY: The trophy? That I'm going to win?
GLENN: And it really -- it really bothered me.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: It bothered me deeply.
STU: He was worked up about that. Because it was the big prize for the armadillo race.
JEFFY: For the actual race. The race of financial -- that's another race.
GLENN: This is a trophy.
JEFFY: I'm already winning against him.
STU: You are winning so far.
JEFFY: I've been practicing.
GLENN: Yeah. So, anyway, just an FYI, Jeffy broke the armadillo leg. He did it on Facebook Live last week. He just stuck it back on there. It's not Glenn's fault.
STU: Is this true?
JEFFY: Absolutely true.
A hundred percent.
STU: You let Glenn suffer on national radio and television.
JEFFY: Absolutely. I was going in the other room, going, Mercury One, do not come over to Glenn Beck. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. I asked her later that day if she had come over and told you that it was already broken.
GLENN: No, we have listeners that like us.
STU: Not enough apparently. Because I'm second to last place. And Glenn is third to last place.
JEFFY: I mean, it broke. It broke.
STU: So how did you break it? Did you take a break out of it, or what happened?
JEFFY: Yes, it was lunchtime. That's what happened.
STU: I heard, if you fry them up --
JEFFY: It goes up --
GLENN: They're carriers of leprosy.
JEFFY: Not after you cook them.
No, the people are kind enough to have me in front --
STU: I mean, seriously, you are up by give or take 50 percent over Pat.
JEFFY: I know.
STU: Who is in second place. And you're crushing us. You're three times basically Glenn and I.
GLENN: Okay. Listen, people. Listen, people.
JEFFY: Oh, don't.
STU: Fix this, America. Fix this.
GLENN: This is wrong. Go to and fix this.
STU: is how you can get there. You can see the race. You can donate.
JEFFY: And you can donate to me.
GLENN: All the money goes to charity. All the money goes to Mercury One.
STU: Right. So when you do that, when you donate something, you can select who it will benefit on the armadillo race.
GLENN: It cannot be Jeffy.
STU: Obviously, it should not be Jeffy.
GLENN: It could be anyone. Leprosy, I would be okay.
STU: Doc, Pat, Brad -- anybody. Just not Jeffy.
GLENN: Jeffy.
JEFFY: Really?
GLENN: Can't be done. Can't be done.
STU: I mean, a vote for Jeffy is a vote for leprosy.
GLENN: It really is. It really is. You hang around him too much, and your fingers start to fall off. Your arms fall off. So it's ugly. It's ugly.
So thank you, Jeffy, for making me feel --
JEFFY: Well, it was great to stop by and see you --
GLENN: Yeah, it was always good to see you. Yeah, oh, man. Oh, do I miss you every day? You bet. You bet.
STU: And thank you for breaking the trophy.
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: That was incredibly nice and honest of you --
GLENN: No, I thought it was classy that you owned up to it too. And go, oh, crap, and stick the boot back on. No, that's a classy move.
JEFFY: Well, what else are you going to do?
GLENN: I don't know. I don't know. Admit it.
JEFFY: I did.
GLENN: Okay.
Thank you, Jeffy.