Even Moore Accusers.
“He didn’t pinch it. He grabbed it.”
That’s a new allegation from another woman accusing the Senate hopeful Roy Moore of sexual misconduct.
In the first accusation that happened after Moore was already married, Tina Johnson claims that Moore grabbed her behind when she was at his office seeking his legal help with child custody in 1991.
Tina Johnson wasn’t the only person to come forward yesterday with new accusations against Moore.
Twenty-two years prior, Gena Richardson recalled a 30-year-old Moore regularly stalking the mall she worked at. Gena recounts that Moore would often come by her section of Sears and talk to her. On more than one occasion her asked the 18-year-old out. She would usually tell him no and that her dad was a pastor and very strict. But according to Gena, Moore wouldn’t take no for an answer. She was in trigonometry class at Gadsden High when she was summoned to the principal’s office over the intercom in her classroom. She had a phone call.
It was Roy Moore and he had called the high school to ask her out on a date again.
She eventually said yes and they went to the movie theatre at the mall where she worked.
It was a normal date until Moore drove Gena to her car after the movie and forcefully kissed her.
After that, she never wanted to see him again.
Moore’s campaign responded to the new allegations with this statement:
“If you are a liberal and hate Judge Moore, apparently he groped you. If you are a conservative and love Judge Moore, you know these allegations are a political farce.”
It is hard to tell what it true and what’s not here. What’s political cannon fodder and what’s real emotional and physical trauma that’s been hidden away for so long? These women should be believed at face value and their accusations should be looked into.
As for Roy Moore, whether these allegations are true or not, he needs to understand that his campaign is in a death spiral and that the best thing for him to do is to get out.
Mnuchin PR Masterpiece
Republicans are now within striking distance of two BIG objectives: tax reform and FINALLY putting a big dent in Obamacare. The GOP is set to approve their tax-reform measure, which includes a repeal of the individual mandate, sometime later today. The margin of error, however, is small. Just yesterday, Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin announced he would be the first Republican to break off and vote NO. Will anyone else follow his lead?
The hours leading up to the vote are crucial. You could almost hear the gears churning over at the White House communications department from all across the country. How could they improve their image, become a little more relatable, and - in the process- improve their chances of scoring a big win on the Senate floor?
The answer was so obvious! Deploy the Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and his smoking hot actress wife for a super hot selfie with a bunch of sheets of cash! The public would never know what hit them. It would be a PR coup the likes of which would make even Mugabe recoil in fear.
So that’s what they did. Mnuchin held up a giant sheet of crisp dollar bills that were the first to bear his signature. His wife, standing next to him, gave a smoldering gaze at the camera. Dressed uncannily like Kylo Ren, she looked ready to explode into a dark side fueled lightsaber frenzy. Hope Kicks must have sat back in her chair, propped up her feet, and enjoyed this masterful work of communications art. The tax-reform and individual mandate vote were as good as won. The administration hadn’t looked this slick since the President launched paper towel packages at a gathering of Hurricane victims.
The only thing that could have made this look better… MAYBE… is if Mnuchin made it rain with those dollar bills while a hard base hitting pop song rocked the house. Anyway, a win’s a win. Let’s give the Communications Department their props. You crushed it. Game, Set, Match.
Kids Are Bad for the Earth?
Kids are messy, right? But messy is only half the story. Your kids are actually destroying the planet.
I wish I was joking, but earth death is no laughing matter. Our gases and factory fumes are bad enough for the atmosphere. Co2 emissions? Child’s play compared to the havoc your toddler is wreaking on the earth. Okay bad choice of words to call it “child’s play.”
NBC News posted a story yesterday, a think piece if you will, titled “Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them.”
The author says, “We need to stop pretending kids don’t have environmental and ethical consequences.” I agree – you bring a newborn home and it’s going to mess with your environment in a big way. I mean the noise alone, and at night when you’re trying to sleep? Totally wrecks the home environment.
And the ethical consequences… the baby wakes you up in the middle of the night again. Do you pretend to stay asleep and hope your spouse deals with it? Or what about this one – the baby needs a diaper change. Do you pretend not to notice until another family member takes care of it? So many ethical dilemmas with children.
Okay, I don’t think that’s exactly the kind of “environmental and ethical consequences” he’s talking about, but I’m bending over backward to find any common ground here because this is absurd. The author goes on to say that “having a child is a major contributor to climate change” and even better, that “having a child… is one of the worst things you can do for the environment.”
The Left ridicules people on the Right for not taking climate change seriously. Here’s a helpful tip: a lot of times it’s because of ridiculous articles like this one. This author seems very sincere – a research scholar at the Berman Institute of Bioethics. But all over the world, right now, children are starving to death, ravaged by disease, and sold into slavery, yet the premise of his article is that it’s morally wrong to have children because they leave too big of a carbon footprint.
Actually, it’s morally wrong to have children and not take care of them. So until we get that problem solved, you may want to re-think your understanding of “moral responsibility.”
Perspective and priorities – two things the Left really struggles with.