Bannon's Ghost Writing Debut
After reading Michael Wolff’s new book, I’m posthumously giving it a working title. Hell hath no FIRE AND FURY like a Steve Bannon scorned. “Fire and Fury” must have been easier to fit on the binding. They say the Devil’s greatest accomplishment was convincing the world he doesn’t exist, but Wolff rivals this in convincing his readers that this book actually about Trump rather than his real pro… I mean AN-tagonist.
Oh there’s plenty of juicy Trump details to chew on during this 300+ page bomb dropping bonanza. I’m sure some of it is true, A LOT is just rumor, but - make no mistake - this is not a book about Trump. The description of the book on the front cover, “Inside The Trump White House” is merely the vehicle used to highlight the real focus of this narrative… Steve Bannon.
I say NARRATIVE, because that’s primarily what you’re getting here. You get 5 parts confirmation of what we already knew about Trump. YES, his election caught everyone by surprise… apparently even his own campaign. YES, Trump and his team had close to ZERO POLITICAL EXPERIENCE and stumbled their way through the first nine months. This is all confirmation of what we already knew. You also get 5 parts rumor and tabloid-level gossip. Did Trump REALLY not want to win and rather just use his candidacy as a launching point for a new TV network? Is his marriage with Melania THAT bad? Does Trump REALLY try and bed all his friends’ wives? We’ll probably never know. That sure didn’t stop Wolff from publishing it though.
Regardless, the other 90% of the book was all Bannon narrative. Trump’s picture on the cover was equivalent to bookstore clickbait. Bannon and his agenda was constant throughout the entire book. According to Wolff, Steve was the only one in the administration that was smart, well read, and had a plan. Even things that could be considered as critical of Bannon, were nothing that he wouldn’t readily and wholeheartedly admit about himself anyway.
For Bannon, Fire and Fury was about launching his next phase. To separate and distinguish between Trumpism and Bannonism. This was the last paragraph:
“The disruption had just begun.
Trump, in Bannon’s view, was a chapter, or even a detour, in the Trump revolution, which had always been about weaknesses in the two major parties. The Trump presidency—however long it lasted—had created the opening that would provide the true outsiders their opportunity. Trump was just the beginning.”
Buckle up ladies and gentlemen. The next few years might be a wild ride.
Time Is Up Golden Globes
Justin Timberlake, Reese Witherspoon, Natalie Portman, and mostly everyone at the Golden Globes last night, all wore the same thing: lapel pins with the words “Time’s Up” on them.
They wore the pins to show their support for all those who have experienced sexual misconduct, especially in the entertainment industry.
How very brave of these celebrities to compromise the integrity of their designer outfits with a lapel pin!
Give me a break.
It’s just another empty gesture by the Hollywood elite.
They tried to make a meaningless, indulgent award show into something more than just a meaningless, indulgent award show and failed miserably.
If Hollywood was genuine in their interest to stop sexual assault, they would have stayed home.
They should be embarrassed to attend the Golden Globes after all the years they condoned the actions of their peers and never uttered a word.
But they can’t turn a chance to celebrate themselves down.
And when the host, Seth Meyers, joked about Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey’s demise, they boo-ed him.
They gave Kirk Douglas a standing ovation and special award even though he has long been rumored to have raped actress Natalie Wood when she was 16 years old.
Meryl Streep couldn’t say one bad thing about Weinstein all night, only vaguely referencing him by telling Ryan Seacrest, “I think that people are aware now of a power imbalance and it’s led to abuse and we want to fix that.”
How courageous!
It just goes to show that Hollywood has apparently not learned its lesson. They can dress in black and wear lapel pins, but that’s not adequate contrition for their sin of silence.
“Time’s Up” on your hypocrisy, Hollywood.
Fire and Fury
“Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff. You may have heard of it. Judging by the media coverage about it over the weekend, it was the only thing that mattered in the entire world.
So much for changing the narrative in 2018.
A book like “Fire and Fury” is business as usual. Dozens of books like this are written about every president while they’re in office. It wouldn’t even really be newsworthy except that the President heaped attention on it. And that’s a problem the President needs to fix.
Here is the simple solution for a President who so obviously wants to be liked: he must accept the fact that at least half the country will never like him. Just stop griping about books like “Fire and Fury,” because there will be a new book just like it every few weeks for the next three years.
The President tweets as if this is a winnable game. It’s not. He can’t control what the critics say, but he can control how he responds. So, he should just focus on his job. Show that he cares more about the country than criticism about him.
Americans are sick of the daily grind of this war on the president. The President won’t be able to stop the media war against him, but he could certainly stop throwing gas on the fire with every tweet.
A year into the Trump presidency, you would think this incessant game of he said/media said would have died down. But we’re stuck in the same annoying loop.
So what if this annoying game doesn’t stop in 2018? What do we do? You and I have a choice to make about today and about this new year – are we going to be part of the solution or part of the problem?
Making America Great Again has unfortunately become a punchline, but shouldn’t that really be the goal of every American, regardless of politics? It’s our job to build a better country in spite of the politicians and media. What can you do to make your home great again? Your neighborhood? Your community? How can you serve a fellow American today?
Less focus on the President, the media, and your side winning. Less focus on ourselves. More focus on serving others. That is what matters most.