Another school shooting occurred yesterday --- another chance for the progressive left to further their gun control narrative, to further inflame the national dialogue, to continue a debate that ended in 1791. Only yesterday’s shooting at a high school in rural St. Mary’s County, Maryland doesn’t fit the narrative.
A 17-year-old started firing his pistol, wounding a young girl and a 14-year-old boy. Within a minute, the school’s resource officer, Deputy Blaine Gaskill, returned fire, and like that the gunfight was over.
It’s clear-cut: A good guy with a gun shot a bad guy with a gun. Yet, already, the mainstream media have downplayed the incident, saying things like, “Maybe the kid shot himself. We don’t know that the armed resource officer did any good --- we can’t say that for sure.”
This shooting is different, the left will say.
This shooting is different, the left will say. They’ll say, this time, the shooter used a handgun, which is strictly regulated in Maryland. And that those strict regulations likely forced him to use a handgun instead of an AR, therefore gun control is necessary.
In truth, a handgun is just as lethal in a close-quarters shooting. The shooter in the Virginia Tech Massacre, which stands as the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, didn’t use AR’s. He used a .22-caliber Walther P22 and a Glock 19, two pistols.
Of course, the fact that an armed guard effectively stopped a school shooter, and possibly prevented further violence proves that the lethality of the gun is not the issue --- after all, the whole point of having a gun is that it’s lethal. The issue, rather, concerns the mental instability of the teenage boy who was holding it.
But that would challenge the David Hogg narrative that’s been doing the rounds for the past month. The media prefer to ignore what Deputy Blaine Gaskill did. But, remember, he wasn’t just armed, he was what the founders would call “well-regulated.”