If Planned Parenthood had their way, the next Disney Princess would be one “who’s had an abortion.”
That’s what the Pennsylvania branch of Planned Parenthood tweeted yesterday. One of the real downsides of social media is the way it often amplifies the random thoughts of the clearly insane.
Just when you think the far left can’t come up with anything more idiotic, they come through with something even more absurd and upside-down like this.
Planned Parenthood Keystone tweeted a whole list of Disney Princesses that America needs: “We need a Disney princess who’s had an abortion... who’s pro-choice... who’s an undocumented immigrant... who’s actually a union worker... We need a Disney princess who’s trans.”
They weren’t really clear whether they meant one princess with all of those traits, or four separate princesses.
Naturally, the tweet has already been deleted, because you know, that keeps everyone from knowing about your crazy tweet.
I’m not certain of this anymore, but I’m pretty sure Disney won’t be marketing a post-abortion princess anytime soon. It could be a great strategy for Planned Parenthood, though. They could do a whole line of books, dolls and an animated series. Just imagine “Progressive Princess” on a lunch box. I’m surprised they haven’t tried already.
If you’re going to tweet stupid things, at least do your own homework first.
It might even fund their whole murder enterprise and get us taxpayers off the hook. If they could harness their genius to figure out a way to make abortion appealing and fun for little girls, imagine all the future abortion they could accomplish.
If you’re going to tweet stupid things, at least do your own homework first. For example, wasn’t the Little Mermaid technically an undocumented immigrant? And wasn’t she also sort of trans (fish to human)? Or how about Mulan? Isn’t that whole plot about her trying to pass herself off as a man? Maybe it’s just me, but a Disney Princess who is also a union worker doesn’t really make sense.
Why is Planned Parenthood tweeting about abortion in the first place? I thought they mainly provided basic female health services, that without Federal funding would cause women to keel over in the streets.
Little girls are not pining for a “Progressive Princess,” because little girls tend to prefer life.