Bill Maher is no fan of conservatives. In fact, he pretty much can’t stand them. He spouts a lot of crazy, left-wing stuff on his long-running HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher. But if there is any redeeming factor about his show, at the very least, he sometimes allows opposing viewpoints.
Of course, when he does allow them, it’s mainly so he can try to belittle, intimidate and shred them. But it’s his show, and at least he occasionally allows different views, which is more than you can say about a lot of TV these days.
And once in a blue moon, Bill Maher actually veers into common sense and takes a stand on something conservative Americans can get behind. Friday night was one of those rare occasions.
He defended Laura Ingraham on principle.
It was refreshing to hear, even though he still felt the need to qualify his defense by saying he knows this “sounds ridiculous,” and calling Ingraham a “deliberately terrible person.”
After almost two months of conservatives pointing out that the Parkland Brat Pack should be willing to take some criticism if they’re going to launch their attacks on conservatives through big media, someone on the Left finally made the same argument. And it turned out to be Bill Maher.
Empathy is a huge missing ingredient in our national dialogue. But it’s what allowed Bill Maher to defend Laura Ingraham because he knows exactly what she’s going through. After the 9/11 attacks, he disagreed with characterizing the hijackers as cowards and said, “we have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away.” That comment ultimately caused advertisers to flee and ABC canceled his politically incorrect show.
For once, Bill Maher got it right.
For once, Bill Maher got it right. This is about principle. The worst lesson that the Parkland Brat Pack and the rest of America’s youth are learning from all this is an inability to agree to disagree.
That’s not enough for the Left anymore --- if they don’t like your viewpoint, their only response is to try to destroy your livelihood. That is ultimately more dangerous to society than any number of guns.