A lot of politicians don’t know when to call it quits --- especially the career ones. Take 75-year-old Joe Biden. Guys like Joe just can’t let it go. They’re worse than pro athletes when it comes to knowing when to walk away.
Apparently, out-of-work Joe needs something to do, because there he was on Sunday, keeping his foot in the door for a 2020 presidential run by showing up on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show. (I can’t believe I just said the words “Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show.”)
Biden’s eight-year paid vacation as Obama’s vice president apparently wasn’t enough of a victory lap for this former senator from Delaware. He needs one more go-round. I guess the prospect of a schoolyard rumble with President Trump is just too good to pass up.
Old habits die hard for career politicians.
Old habits die hard for career politicians. If we concede that guys like Biden can’t let go of the limelight, couldn’t he at least make it interesting and try to be original? Nope. He hasn’t even officially announced his candidacy yet, but on Sharpton’s show he pulled out the same tired, old party lines about Republicans trying to keep working-class and black people down --- that they especially don’t want them to vote.
This particularly tired party line is frayed and full of holes. In fact, it doesn’t even make sense. Of course, Republicans want as many black people to vote as possible --- they just want them to vote for Republicans. Funny how the same strategy applies, regardless of race.
If Joe Biden really wants to keep score over which party has fought more for the fundamental rights of black Americans, he’s not going to like the historical evidence very much. But then, Biden never has been a stickler for the truth. This is the guy who had to drop out of the race for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination after he was caught plagiarizing speeches.
For too many career politicians, like Joe Biden, the truth only matters when it’s convenient.