Glenn gives the latest coronavirus numbers, updating YOU on everything needed to know as Americans and officials monitor China's new COVID-19 virus:

Daily Stats as of 5:30 AM CT (from John's Hopkins)

  • Total Confirmed Cases Worldwide: 1,862,254 (up from 1,615,092 Friday)
  • Total Confirmed Deaths Worldwide: 114,980 (up from 96,791 Friday)
  • Total Confirmed Recovered Worldwide: 431,666 (up from 362,542 Friday)
  • US has 560,433 Confirmed Cases and 22,115 Deaths, up from 468,895 cases and 16,697 deaths Friday
  • US now leads the World in both Cases and Deaths from COVID-19
  • US now accounts for ~30% of all confirmed cases and ~20% of confirmed deaths globally
All 50 US States Declared Disaster Zones For The First Time in US History
  • All 50 states are under a FEMA disaster declaration for the first time in U.S. history, after President Trump approved Wyoming's declaration Saturday.
  • Within 22 days, Trump has declared a major emergency in all 50 states and most territories.
  • Trump approved the first major disaster declaration for coronavirus in New York on March 20, followed two days later by Washington and California, the early hot spots of the virus.
  • New York has become the hardest-hit state, recording 188,694 positive cases and 10,000 deaths from the virus, according to the state's health department.
  • The U.S. Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, Washington, D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico all received approved major disaster declarations.
  • American Samoa is the only U.S. territory that has not received a disaster designation.
Cue The Fat Lady? US Federal Reserve Buys Everything, Destroying the Free-Market
  • The US Federal Reserve is purchasing approximately $625 Billion per week in US Treasury Bonds, US Municipal Bonds and Corporate Bonds.
  • At that rate of spend, The Federal Reserve will own all outstanding US Public Debt - Federal and Local - by September-October 2020 and all US Private/Corporate US Bond Debt by December.
  • The Federal Reserve is already the largest single holder of US Government Bonds...Of $20 Trillion in outstanding US Debt, the Federal Reserve owns approximately $5.7 Trillion and is now adding $1 Trillion in new US Bond purchases every two weeks.
  • This comes as the Bank of England skips the Bond Market entirely and is simply printing new currency to fund UK expenditures directly, This is also known as Modern Monetary Theory.
  • As of this week's Fed Open Market Committee meeting, The Fed is also willing to purchase so-called Junk Bonds from US Companies in distress.
  • The Fed also issued a new fund to buy US Mortgage Assets from Banks, pledging $200 Billion per month to US Banks plus Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy distressed mortgages that may become insolvent due to COVID-19 mortgage delinquencies or defaults.
  • The US Federal Reserve is now officially the largest landlord in the world.
  • At this point, the only major asset in US Equity Markets the Fed is not directly buying are US Stocks
  • In his latest FX Special Report, Deutsche Bank Senior-macro strategist George Saravelos stated, after last week's unprecedented Fed takeover of capital markets, "there is no such thing as a free market anymore."
  • Note: Ultimately, it is the US Taxpayer who is responsible for all of this debt, NOT the Fed.
  • The Treasury, using the Exchange Stabilization Fund, will make an equity investment in each Fed Fund and be in a "first loss" position, making US Taxpayers responsible should any of the investments or underlying funds fail...
  • As such, the US Treasury, not the Fed, is really buying all these securities and backstopping of loans; the Fed is acting as banker and providing financing.
US Could Face Rolling Lockdowns & Social Distancing Orders for 18-24 Months: US Federal Reserve
  • Without an effective therapy or a vaccine for COVID-19, the U.S. economy could face 18 months of rolling shutdowns as the outbreak recedes locally and then flares up again, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari said.
  • "We're looking around the world. As they relax the economic controls, the virus flares back up again," Kashkari said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation."
  • Kashkari is an influential voice at The Federal Reserve and is a voter in 2020 on the Fed's policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee.
  • "We could have these waves of flareups, controls, flareups and controls until we actually get a vaccine. I think we should all be focusing on an 18-month strategy for our health care system and our economy," he said.
  • Kashkari noted that as South Korea, Japan, China and Hong Kong attempted to re-open economies after periods of shut down, new-outbreaks of the virus caused additional states of emergency to be declared and new rounds of house-arrest to be ordered.
Hunt for Vaccine: A Year Would Be a Miracle
  • Scientists indicated that while there are some hopeful signs for a COVID-19 Vaccine, with 2 such vaccines already moved into rapid-development and human clinical trials, 12-18 months is a very optimistic view of when one might be available.
  • SARS-1, MERs and the Common Cold have all been known examples of human-contagious Coronavirus for years, even decades. None have a working vaccine despite hundreds of attempts by pharmaceutical companies and researchers.
  • "Vaccine development is much harder than people think. Of the hundreds of known viral-infections that can be fatal to human beings, only about 25 have working, approved vaccines," said Dr William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt's School of Medicine.
  • "There have been times in the past where vaccines have been justifiably rolled out and they haven't measured up," said Dr. Schaffner.
  • According to a recent LX/Morning Consult poll, 75 percent of U.S adults said they'd likely get a coronavirus vaccine if it passed clinical trials.
  • But whether that's enough to provide herd immunity remains unclear. When it comes to measles, 90 to 95 percent of the population has to be vaccinated to guarantee sufficient protection, research has shown.
  • Dr. Schaffner summed it up bluntly: "The stakes really are high."
Kentucky Churchgoers Met with Nails in Road, Surveillance of License Plates,
  • In a scene being repeated in states all over the US, Kentucky Churchgoers who are refusing to follow government guidelines for Quarantine are meeting Government resistance.
  • Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) urged residents to remain indoors for the Easter holiday and mandated that anyone who breaks the state's stay-at-home order will have to self-quarantine for two weeks.
  • Beshear will enforce his state's laws by recording the license plates of any person attending Easter services or other gatherings. The residents will then receive quarantine notices in person, served by Country Sherriffs.
  • "This is a time and weekend, a whole week for multiple faiths, that is about faith. It's about knowing we have faced as people – as Christians, as Jews, as members of many faiths – many difficult, dark times, and we have prevailed," Beshear said Friday.
  • "This is the only way we can ensure that your decision doesn't kill someone else," he added. "You aren't just deciding for you, your actions might injure or kill other people unintentionally."
  • Beshear said the state government was only aware of six churches that were planning to hold in-person services for Easter. Those attending any gathering will be charged with a misdemeanor violation of the emergency orders issued by the governor and Kentucky Department for Public Health.
  • Public officials have credited social distancing measures with helping slowly curb outbreaks in a number of states and have warned that reversing such practices could lead to a dangerous COVID-19 resurgence.
  • However, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) slammed Beshear's order:
  • "Taking license plates at church? Quarantining someone for being Christian on Easter Sunday? Someone needs to take a step back here," Paul, a staunch libertarian, tweeted.
  • Another Kentucky church defied orders and held a packed Easter Sunday service — despite a heavy police presence and even nails blocking the parking lots, according to a report.
  • Maryville Baptist Church appeared to have a near-full house for its Sunday service despite orders to avoid in-person services.
  • Worshippers arrived even after police warned that they would record their car plates to force them into 14-day quarantines.
  • Many — including the defiant pastor, Rev. Jack Roberts — arrived with their plates covered, with officers instead recording their VIN numbers, the paper said.
  • Even more desperate measures appeared to have been taken to keep the faithful away — with "piles of nails" blocking each entrance, according to photos shared by the Courier-Journal.
DOJ To States: 1st Amendment Still the 1st Amendment
  • Attorney General William Barr indicated the DOJ is monitoring State and Local Government actions related to limitations of religious services, and will potentially prosecute local officials if they violate the Civil Rights of religious people.
  • The Justice Department (DOJ) may take action next week against local governments that have cracked down on religious services as widespread parts of the country are shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • "While social distancing policies are appropriate during this emergency, they must be applied evenhandedly [and] not single out religious [organizations]," DOJ Director of Communications Kerri Kupec tweeted.
  • The DOJ move would come as some churches are standing up to city governments that have blocked them from holding in-person services during the outbreak -- even in "drive-in" formats that keep people separated and in their own cars.
  • A judge in Louisville, Ky., on Saturday issued a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of Mayor Greg Fischer's ban on drive-in church services there.
  • "The Mayor's decision is stunning," District Judge Justin Walker, a former clerk to Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, wrote in a memorandum to the order. "And it is, 'beyond all reason,' unconstitutional."
Oil Wars Over? Maybe...
  • OPEC+ rolled out a 9.7 Million Barrel per day production cut, to be phased in over the next 30 days, a joint-release from Russia & Saudi Arabia said.
  • Trump had been pushing for a 12 Million barrel per day cut to help stabilize oil prices and protect US Shale oil producers.
  • Trump said he intervened Friday to help resolve the stand-off, speaking with Mexico's populist President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who told Trump that Mexico will cut its production by 100,000 barrels per day.
  • Trump also spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi King Salman in a whirlwind bout of diplomacy to try to get the deal to stick. He celebrated the outcome on Sunday, which is the largest oil market intervention in history.
  • "The big Oil Deal with OPEC Plus is done," Trump said in a Twitter post. "This will save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States. I would like to thank and congratulate President Putin of Russia and King Salman of Saudi Arabia. I just spoke to them from the Oval Office. Great deal for all!"
Is Democracy the Ultimate COVID-19 Victim?
  • France and Bolivia have postponed elections. Peru handed its president broad new legislative authority. Israel sharply ramped up the reach of its surveillance state.
  • The US is curtailing religious services and searching for out-of-staters door to door in some areas.
  • While leaders around the world fight the spread of the coronavirus, they're amassing sweeping new powers.
  • As legislatures limit or suspend activities in the name of social distancing, many of the norms that define democracy - elections, deliberation and debate, checks and balances - have been put on indefinite hold.
  • The speed and breadth of the transformation is unsettling political scientists, government watchdogs and rights groups. Many concede that emergency declarations and streamlining government decision-making are necessary responses to a global health threat. But they question how readily leaders will give up the powers they've accrued when the coronavirus eventually subsides.
  • "We've put our economies on hold and we can debate how we bring those back. But we've also put Democracy on hold. We have to bring that back, too," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.
Cost of COVID-19 Phase I & II Bailout: NASA's Budget...for the Next 207 Years
  • The cost of the $4.7 Trillion Bailout Packages equates to NASA's $22.6 Billion x 207 years of operation.
  • Said another way: Cost of the Bailout is equal to fully funding Six Mars Landers/Rovers missions to the Red Planet every day... for over 1 year.
  • Just the Phase II deal of $2 Trillion = $7,500 per American (cost) or $16,500 per taxpayer (only about 50% of US Citizens pay Federal Income Taxes).
  • No word yet on why it costs $7,500 in actual taxpayer cost for each American to receive $1,200 in stimulus checks.
Congratulations, You Don't Have COVID-19...Maybe
  • False-negative results from coronavirus tests are becoming an increasing concern, say doctors trying to diagnose patients and get a grip on the outbreak, as a surprising number of people show up with obvious symptoms only to be told by the tests that they don't have the disease.
  • Some doctors described situations in which patients show up with clear symptoms such as a cough and fever, test negative, and then test positive later on.
  • It's a particular issue in New York, where the disease has likely infected far more than the 174,000 people confirmed through limited testing. At Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, doctor Jeremy Sperling says so-called false-negative tests are now a frequent occurrence in the emergency room.
  • "If a patient presents with classic COVID-19 symptoms, but tests negative, they've still got COVID," said Sperling, who is the chair of emergency medicine at the hospital. "There is just nothing else it could be in New York City in 2020."
  • While still more research is necessary to determine the true prevalence of such false-negative results, experts agree that the problem is significant. False Negative rates in China and Europe exceeded 30%, according to some research studies.
  • False negatives not only impede the diagnosis of disease in individual patients and an accurate understanding of the extent of its proliferation but also risk patients who think they aren't ill further spreading the virus.
  • Concerns about false negatives arise from a mix of factors: quickly created tests from dozens of labs and manufacturers that haven't been extensively vetted by federal health regulators; a shortage of supplies and material for the tests that may impact results, long incubation times for the infection, and the challenge of getting an adequate sample from a patient from swab tests.
  • "We're testing patients 2-3 times each, days apart, just to be sure," Dr Sperling said.
Shortages for Toiletpaper, Masks, Purell...Now Meat?,
  • Smithfield Foods is closing one of the largest Pork processing plants in the US, due to an outbreak there of COVID-19 among workers.
  • The Plant was ordered to be shut-down by Health Officials. No word yet on when the plant might reopen, although the current order is for a 14-day shutdown.
  • The announcement came a day after South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken wrote to Smithfield and urged the company to suspend operations for 14 days so that its workers could self-isolate and the plant could be disinfected.
  • The plant, which employs about 3,700 people in the state's largest city, has become a hot spot for infections.
  • Health officials said Sunday that 293 of the 730 people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in South Dakota work at the plant.
  • "As a critical infrastructure employer for the nation's food supply chain and a major employer in Sioux Falls, it is crucial that Smithfield have a healthy workforce to ensure the continuity of operations to feed the nation. At the same time, employees need a healthy work environment," Noem and TenHaken wrote to the plant's operators.
  • The plant closure comes amid closures by Tyson Foods, Miller Beef and other major meat processors around the US.
COVID-19 Attacks Immune System, Not Just Respiratory System
  • Scientists in China & The US confirm COVID-19 impacts more than just the respiratory system.
  • SARS-CoV-2 also targets the immune system itself, taking over T-Cells that normally fight off viruses.
  • The discovery may help explain why some patients become so critical so quickly, researchers said. "The Immune system itself becomes a carrier, and virus can spread to the heart, kidneys and brain through this (T-cell) transmission," the study from China indicated.
  • US researchers have also found T-Cells infected with the virus.
  • T-cells that are supposed to protect the body from harmful invaders.
  • One doctor said the concern is growing in medical circles that effect could be similar to HIV, where the Immune System is fully compromised by COVID-19.

UPDATE: Here's how the discussion went on radio. Watch the video below.

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: The Fed is buying 625 BILLION DOLLARS a week in bonds (debt that YOU will pay!)

POLL: Do you think Trump is going to win the election?

Kevin Dietsch / Staff, Chip Somodevilla / Staff, Kevin Dietsch / Staff | Getty Image

It feels like all of the tension that has been building over the last four years has finally burst to the surface over the past month. Many predicted 2024 was going to be one of the most important and tumultuous elections in our lifetimes, but the last two weeks will go down in the history books. And it's not over yet.

The Democratic National Convention is in August, and while Kamala seems to be the likely candidate to replace Biden, anything could happen in Chicago. And if Biden is too old to campaign, isn't he too old to be president? Glenn doesn't think he'll make it as President through January, but who knows?

There is a lot of uncertainty that surrounds the current political landscape. Trump came out of the attempted assassination, and the RNC is looking stronger than ever, but who knows what tricks the Democrats have up their sleeves? Let us know your predictions in the poll below:

Is Trump going to win the election?

Did the assassination attempt increase Trump's chances at winning in November?

Did Trump's pick of J.D. Vance help his odds?

Did the Trump-Biden debate in June help Trump's chances?

Did Biden's resignation from the election hand Trump a victory in November? 

Do the Democrats have any chance of winning this election?

What is the Secret Service trying to hide about Trump's assassination attempt?

KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / Contributor, Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

This past weekend we were mere inches away from a radically different America than the one we have today. This was the first time a president had been wounded by a would-be assassin since 1981, and the horrific event has many people questioning the competency and motives of the supposedly elite agents trusted with the president's life.

The director of the Secret Service apparently knew about the assassin's rooftop before the shooting—and did nothing.

Kimberly Cheatle has come under intense scrutiny these last couple of weeks, as Secret Service director she is responsible for the president's well-being, along with all security operations onsite. In a recent interview with ABC, Cheatle admitted that she was aware of the building where the assassin made his mark on American history. She even said that she was mindful of the potential risk but decided against securing the site due to "safety concerns" with the slope of the roof. This statement has called her competence into question. Clearly, the rooftop wasn't that unsafe if the 20-year-old shooter managed to access it.

Glenn pointed out recently that Cheatle seems to be unqualified for the job. Her previous position was senior director in global security at America's second-favorite soda tycoon, PepsiCo. While guarding soda pop and potato chips sounds like an important job to some, it doesn't seem like a position that would qualify you to protect the life of America's most important and controversial people. Even considering her lack of appropriate experience, this seems like a major oversight that even a layperson would have seen. Can we really chalk this up to incompetence?

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / Contributor | Getty Images

The Secret Service and DHS said they'd be transparent with the investigation...

Shortly after the attempted assassination, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which oversees the Secret Service, launched an investigation into the shooting and the security protocols in place at the rally. The DHS promised full transparency during the investigation, but House Republicans don't feel that they've been living up to that promise. Republican members of the House Oversight Committee are frustrated with Director Cheatle after she seemingly dodged a meeting scheduled for Tuesday. This has resulted in calls for Cheatle to step down from her position.

Two FBI agents investigate the assassin's rooftop Jeff Swensen / Stringer | Getty Images

Why is the Secret Service being so elusive? Are they just trying to cover their blunder? We seem to be left with two unsettling options: either the government is even more incompetent than we'd ever believed, or there is more going on here than they want us to know.

Cheatle steps down

Following a horrendous testimony to the House Oversight Committee Director Cheatle finally stepped down from her position ten days after the assassination attempt. Cheatle failed to give any meaningful answer to the barrage of questions she faced from the committee. These questions, coming from both Republicans and Democrats, were often regarding basic information that Cheatle should have had hours after the shooting, yet Cheatle struggled with each and every one. Glenn pointed out that Director Cheatle's resignation should not signal the end of the investigation, the American people deserve to know what happened.

What we DO and DON'T know about Thomas Matthew Crooks

Jim Vondruska / Stringer | Getty Images

It has been over a week since 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks narrowly failed to assassinate President Trump while the president gave a speech at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennslyvania. Despite the ongoing investigations, we still know very little about the would-be assassin, which has left many wondering if the agencies involved are limiting the information that Congress and the public are receiving.

As Glenn has pointed out, there are still major questions about the shooter that are unanswered, and the American people are left at the whim of unreliable federal agencies. Here is everything we know—and everything we don't know—about Thomas Matthew Crooks:

Who was he?

What we know:Thomas Crooks lived in Bethel Parks, Pennsylvania, approximately an hour south of Butler. Crooks went to high school in Bethel Parks, where he would graduate in 2022. Teachers and classmates described him as a loner and as nerdy, but generally nice, friendly, and intelligent. Crooks tried out for the school rifle team but was rejected due to his poor aim, and reports indicate that Crooks was often bullied for his nerdy demeanor and for wearing camo hunting gear to school.

After high school, Crooks began work at Bethel Park Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center as a dietary aide. In fact, he was scheduled to work on the day of the rally but requested the day off. He passed a background check to work at the facility and was reportedly an unproblematic employee. Crooks was also a member of a local gun club where he practiced shooting the day before the rally.

It was recently revealed that sometime before his attempted assassination, Crooks posted the following message on Steam, a popular computer application used for playing video games: "July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds." Aside from this, Crooks posted no warning or manifesto regarding his attack, and little other relevant information is known about him.

What we don't know:It is unclear what Crook's political affiliations or views were, or if he was aligned with any extremist organizations. Crooks was a registered Republican, and his classmates recall him defending conservative ideas and viewpoints in class. On the other hand, the Federal Election Commission has revealed he donated to a progressive PAC on the day Biden was inaugurated. He also reportedly wore a COVID mask to school much longer than was required.

Clearly, we are missing the full picture. Why would a Republican attempt to assassinate the Republican presidential nominee? What is to gain? And why would he donate to a progressive organization as a conservative? This doesn't add up, and so far the federal agencies investigating the attack have yet to reveal anything more.

What were his goals?

What we know: Obviously we know he was trying to assassinate President Trump—and came very close to succeeding, but beyond that, Crooks' goals are unknown. He left no manifesto or any sort of written motive behind, or if he did, the authorities haven't published it yet. We have frustratingly little to go off of.

What we don't know: As stated before, we don't know anything about the movies behind Crooks' heinous actions. We are left with disjointed pieces that make it difficult to paint a cohesive picture of this man. There is also the matter that he left explosives, ammo, and a bulletproof vest in his car. Why? Did he assume he was going to make it back to his car? Or were those supplies meant for an accomplice that never showed up?

The shocking lack of information on Crooks' motives makes it seem likely that we are not being let on to the whole truth.

Did he work alone?

What we know: Reportedly, Crooks was the only gunman on the site, and as of now, no other suspects have been identified. The rifle used during the assassination attempt was purchased and registered by Crooks' father. However, it is unlikely that the father was involved as he reported both his son and rifle missing the night of the assassination attempt. Crooks' former classmates described him as a "loner," which seems to corroborate the narrative that he worked alone.

What we don't know: We know how Crooks acquired his rifle, but what about the rest of his equipment? He reportedly had nearly a hundred extra rounds of ammunition, a bulletproof vest, and several homemade bombs in his car. Could these have been meant for a co-conspirator who didn't show? Did Crooks acquire all of this equipment himself, or did he have help?

There's also the matter of the message Crooks left on the video game platform Steam that served as his only warning of the attack. Who was the message for? Are there people out there who were aware of the attack before it occurred? Why didn't they alert authorities?

We know authorities have access to Crooks' laptop and cellphone that probably contain the answers to these pertinent questions. Why haven't we heard any clarity from the authorities? It seems we are again at the mercy of the federal bureaucracy, which begs one more question: Will we ever know the whole truth?

Who will be Kamala Harris' VP pick?

JIM WATSON / Contributor, Chris duMond / Stringer, Justin Sullivan / Staff | Getty Images

Over the weekend, President Joe Biden officially dropped out of the 2024 presidential election and put forward his endorsement behind his Vice President Kamala Harris.

Glenn recently predicted that Biden would step down due to the mountain of pressure within his party to do so. But now that we are here we are faced with an all-new line of questions, like, who will be the candidate on the Democratic ticket? Who will be their pick for vice president?

As of now, the answer to the first question seems to be Kamala Harris, who received the support of the president and several prominent democrats. It's still too early to call for certain, and Glenn doesn't think it's likely, but assuming Kamala becomes the Democrat nominee, who will her VP pick be? There are endless possible options, but there are a 5 big names that could prove beneficial to Harris' campaign:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom

Bill Pugliano / Stringer | Getty Images

Governor Newsom has spiked in popularity within his party since his taking office in 2019 due to his scathing criticisms of President Trump and other Republicans. Newsom has been a popular contender as a possible Biden replacement, and a future presidential bid seems likely.

His widespread recognition may be a boon to Kamala's ticket, but the California governor comes with a dark side. Newsom was famously nearly recalled as Governor in 2021, hanging on to his office by a narrow margin. He also faced criticism for his hypocrisy during the COVID lockdowns, attending large gatherings while the rest of his state was locked inside. There's also the issue that both Newsom and Kamala are from California, meaning that if they were to appear on the same ticket, that ticket would lack geographical balance and would potentially lead to a Constitutional issue that would force the duo to forfeit all 54 of the states' Electoral College votes.

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro

Tom Williams / Contributor | Getty Images

Another prominent Democrat Governor, Josh Shapiro has also been floated as a potential VP pick. Governor Shapiro has become a viable pick due to his well-received performance as Pennslyvania's Governor. The governor has good support within the swing state due to his handling of the I-95 bridge collapse, the train derailment in East Palestine, which had effects on his state, and the assassination attempt on the former president last week. Shapiro would bring much-needed support from the swing state if he was put on the ticket.

That being said, Shapiro has little time to build nationwide name recognition before the DNC in August and the November election. This would be Shapiro's debut on the national stage, and he would find himself in the most unforgiving situation possible.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg

FREDERIC J. BROWN / Contributor | Getty Images

Former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and opponent of Biden during the 2020 Democratic primaries, "Mayor Pete's" name recognition might be what Kamala needs on her presidential ticket. Buttigieg rose to popularity during the 2020 election due to his youth and status as "openly gay." Buttigieg has served as the Secretary of Transportation during the Biden administration for the past four years and has formally endorsed Harris.

Nevertheless, Buttigieg has some dark spots on his resume. The East Palestine train derailment disaster has besmirched his reputation as Secretary of Transportation. And while his youth may work in his favor when compared to the other elderly members of our federal government, it also means Buttigieg lacks the experience and prestige that other politicians enjoy.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Noam Galai / Stringer | Getty Images

Yet another governor of a crucial swing state, Whitmer was elected in 2018, two years after President Trump was elected, helping secure the state for the Democrats. Whitmer is known for her strong opposition to Trump, both during his presidency and his reelection campaign. Whitmer serves as co-chair for the Biden-Harris campaign and as vice chairperson of the DNC, which gives her influence over the Democratic party, something that would come in handy as a Vice President. Gov. Whitmer also established the Fight Like Hell PAC, which is dedicated to helping Democrats get elected and to stopping Trump by any means.

On the other hand, in a statement following Biden's resignation from the election, Governor Whitmer stated that her role “will remain the same.” It is also worth noting that if she were to be chosen as Kamala's VP, that would make their ticket all-female, which may foster some "woke points," but is politically risky.

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear

Lexington Herald-Leader / Contributor | Getty Images

Andy Bashear has seemingly beaten the odds twice, having been elected and reelected as the Governor of Kentucky, despite the deep-red nature of the state. Beshear, who has moderate tendencies, would be a boon to the Harris campaign as he has a track record of reaching rural, typically conservative regions where Democrats tend to struggle. He is also known for his propensity to talk about his Christian faith and willingness to work with Republicans, which are traits that might help win over moderates.

But, like Gov. Shapiro, Bashear has very little time to whip up national support and recognition. He also is unlikely to be very much help for the Harris campaign in winning over important swing states.