In preparing the special newsletter sent out on Saturday, Glenn asked that we include a link to the resources that Pastor Jim Garlow and his team at Pulpit Freedom Sunday sent out to faith leaders across the country this week. Many viewers will recognize Pastor Garlow and the organization from several interviews he has done with Glenn on radio and TV, as well as stories on Pulpit Freedom Sunday on
From Jim Garlow, Pastor, Skyline Church,* San Diego & Chairman, ReAL Action, Washington, DC
There are many resources available to us during this critical election year. Below I have listed some I think may be useful to you.
In the interest of full disclosure, I believe the Scriptures are profoundly clear regarding these (and other related) themes:
- the sanctity of life,
- the sacredness of (traditional, biblical, natural) marriage,
- the evil of stealing from future generations by excessive national debt,
- the importance of recognizing that our rights come from God (“by their Creator” as stated in the Declaration of Independence), including the 1st Amendment right to practice our faith in all of life,
- the appropriateness of “constitutionalism,” that is, not violating understood and biblically valid laws,
- the understanding that the “image of God” on every human results in creativity, followed by productivity and the potential of appropriate prosperity (Succinctly stated, free enterprise [appropriately defined within the framework of Judeo-Christian values] is inherently biblical. Socialism or Marxism is inherently anti-biblical)
- and the support of Israel.
If you share these views (and other associated ones), you might be interested in using – on this final weekend before the election – some of the 21 resources listed below (nine of which I created). Use what you want.
(NOTE: Before you look at the resource list below, allow me to invite you to go first to and join with over 1,620 pastors who are advocates of “no governmental intrusion in the pulpit.” This applies not merely to those pastors who share my views listed above. This applies to ALL pastors. For example, if you are pro-abortion, pro same sex “marriage,” unconcerned about the national debt, or not committed to supporting Israel, we affirm the right of pastors – of ANY theological persuasion – to speak from their pulpit as they choose. Therefore, we invite ALL pastors, who believe that the pastor-muzzling and pulpit-censoring Johnson Amendment of 1954 is unconstitutional, to sign up at and join the rapidly rising chorus of “free pulpits.” )
1. Phoenix Seminary Professor and Author (Politics According to the Bible) Wayne Grudem’s remarkable reprintable analysis of 2012 election issues from a biblical perspective. You have permission to make copies of this document:
2. Wayne Grudem’s video interview by Jim Garlow, on the issues of the 2012 election (tied to the document above):
3. Jim Garlow video that was used in many churches in recent weekends to help the congregation understand historically, theologically and biblically why their pastor is speaking out on national issues:
4. This professionally produced video graphically demonstrates the destruction of biblical values in contemporary culture. When showed at one church recently, it gripped the hearts of persons of all ages, particularly young adults. Some even cried openly:
Download link:
UNDERSTANDING BIBLICAL ECONOMICS 5. To help us as pastors and Christian leaders better understand fiscal issues, Dallas, TX Financial Planner Jerry Tuma prepared a 12 page document as a crash course on the key biblical truths that apply to national economics. Download it and use it freely:
6. This gripping video portrays a factual history of the economic disaster of the last four years:
7. A brief and moving video done by a group of high school students from the San Diego area:
8. A remarkably articulate 13 year old 8th grader does a “report card” on Barak Obama and Mitt Romney:
9. This powerful presentation by the leader of a network of 36,000 Hispanic congregations – Sammy Rodriguez – will take your breath away:
10. Strong concerns emerging from black leaders, among them Bishop Harry Jackson (a Harvard grad and NFL player for a short time):
11. Another convicting presentation by Bishop Harry Jackson:
12. Bishop EW Jackson’s frank, direct and soul searching appeal:
13. Bishop Joe Mattera is one of America’s most brilliant pastors when it comes to understanding kingdom principles in the present culture. An Italian-Hispanic leader in New York City, Bishop Joe Mattera preached this breathtaking sermon entitled “Exchanging God for Gods” in the city to 1,200 blacks, whites and Hispanics. People came pouring to the altar to repent:
Audio version:
14. How can we have civil, thoughtful, respectful conversations with those who disagree with us in a politically charged atmosphere? Here is a discussion that occurred in at Skyline Church when Jim Garlow invited two prominent same sex “marriage” advocates to the service. Use any portion of it, if you desire:
15. Jim Garlow’s address at Statuary Hall in the US Capitol:
16. Jim Garlow’s brief appeal regarding pastors speaking out on national issues, before 7,000 people at the Indivisible Conference, closing with a personal story regarding his wife’s battle with stage 4 cancer, comparing it to America’s “cancer.”
17. Want some laughter? Jim Garlow interviewed on The Colbert Report by host Stephen Colbert. Unpredictable and wild:
18. A somewhat testy CNN interview of Jim Garlow regarding Pulpit Freedom Sunday, three days before the event:
19. A slightly less testy CNN interview of Jim Garlow regarding Pulpit Freedom Sunday on the actual Sunday:
20. A rather feisty interview with Jim Garlow done by CNN host and former NY Governor Elliot Spitzer touching on God’s word and marriage:
21. A profoundly moving appeal by AZ Congressman Trent Franks – recorded in Jerusalem – appealing for pastors and Christians to rise up for the cause of truth, righteousness and the defense of Israel.