Since the Progressive Era began, traditional American values have been continually attacked, and the hardest hit has been the family unit.
The first step toward healing our families is wanting to heal them. According to a Focus on the Family study, Americans do want that. When asked what mattered most to them personally, Americans agreed that a loving family is the single most important priority among a list of many high priorities:
• 54 percent = loving family
• 50 percent = health
• 43 percent = financial security
• 33 percent = happiness
According to Marc Mero, president of Family First, we can reverse the damage done to the American family, but it won’t happen overnight. It will take a committed effort and positive messaging to reverse the disintegration of the family.
He also summed up the most important things he believes need to happen in order to heal American families:
First, overall, we need to speak truth into the culture. We really do. We need to speak truth into the culture and say, “This is really what’s happening in our culture.” We need to identify the problem, as we’ve already discussed, but we need to also talk about the solution.
Secondly, I believe one of the most important things we can do to make the family thrive once again, to bring the family back together, is to get fathers more involved in their kids’ lives. We have two problems: We have one that many fathers are physically absent from their kids. There are 24 million children in our country right now who are growing up without their biological fathers. We have many millions more who are growing up with fathers who are in the home, but are emotionally absent from their kids. And so if we can reverse those two trends and really get fathers engaged in their lives, I believe that we can really turn things around and have families that don’t die, that don’t just survive, but actually thrive in our country once again.
The American family needs an advocacy group like the LGBT community, which overcame overwhelming odds, huge approval deficits to turn public opinion around in an incredibly short period of time. They went from states flat-out refusing to even consider same-sex marriage, to losing referendums in every single state that held a vote, to same-sex marriage being accepted by the majority of the people and the law of the land in under 20 years. If advocates for the traditional family had such focus, organization and commitment, the American family could be saved. And with it, perhaps America itself.