As some of you may be aware, I'm not exactly known as the 'hope' guy around the office. I tend to have what some would describe as a 'negative' outlook on certain things such as the economy. Hope and I have sort of a tumultuous relationship. Some days we get along great, other days we fight. While sometimes hope vanishes entirely and I don't see it again for a while - as was the case just a few days ago on November 6th. I found it hard to get my mind wrapped around the fact that Obama was going to have another four years to work on destroying - or fundamentally transforming, as he would say - America.
But here's the thing about hope - it always comes back. And it didn't take long after the election for me to gain the proper perspective. While the current President may be one of the most astoundingly incompetent, radically left, Eurocentric & egomaniacal presidents America has ever had - I still have hope because he is not bigger than the people. And he's certainly not bigger than God.
Just like we understood the folly of Obama's faithful followers placing all their hope in one human being, we have to understand the folly of pinning all our hope in beating that one human being in an election.
Don't get me wrong, we definitely need to keep fighting the good fight. But we cannot afford to lose sight of who is ultimately in control. And through the ups and downs we must remember to give thanks to Him for everything that has been given to us.
So today I want to share with you a few of the things I'm thankful for & I encourage you to take note of your blessings and share them as well.
I'm thankful for my wife and her utter disregard of all standards when she decided to marry me.
I'm thankful for my children.
I’m thankful for my sisters.
I'm thankful to live in America, a land so rich our worst struggles would be a paradise for most foreigners.
I’m thankful for my friends, who have been there for me at my best and my worst.
I'm thankful for the ability and means to help those in need.
I'm thankful for turkey. And stuffing. And gravy.
I'm thankful we have a forgiving God and a loving Savior.
I'm thankful for Texas, a sliver of sanity among growing madness.
I'm thankful the camera only adds 10 lbs.
I'm thankful for the amazing men and women of our military.
I’m thankful for the blessings that have allowed me to achieve more than I ever thought possible.
I’m thankful for the failures that have kept me humble.
I’m thankful for my staff, who show me everyday what it means to dream.
I’m thankful for my fans, and the opportunity to come into their homes each and every day. I am truly inspired by each and every one of you. YOU are the force protecting America’s founding ideals and it’s truly an honor to stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of liberty and freedom.
Truth is, I'm not as pessimistic as everyone makes me out to be. I know that even on our darkest days, I am joined by people across the country who are working every minute of every day to make sure our neighborhoods and our local communities are on the right track. I know that parents are out there teaching the lessons that will one day grow the next George Washington, the next Abraham Lincoln, and the next Martin Luther King, Jr. I know that people are waking up, and that the embers of freedom will never be extinguished as long as some of us are willing to keep the fires burning.
And I know that even on nights when I am far away from home, I can hear my wife’s voice and remember that real answers will only be found through family and faith.
I hope you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving.
Laus Deo,