After reading the story Video: Veteran Teacher Reveals the Shocking Intimidation She’s Faced for Opposing Common Core in Tearful Testimony, Glenn authored the below article for
These are the things unions are made for. To protect the teachers from bullies. But this is what happens when the government and unions get together. They protect themselves and suddenly the teachers and union workers become the bullied again.
We the people, need to be the safe haven for these teachers. When no one else will stand for the whistleblowers and those brave enough to tell the truth, WE MUST.
Remember: we surround them.
Not the other way around.
Read Bonhoeffer. It is better to speak and stand. Even if you feel alone. Courage is contagious. Most are afraid. Most don't want to cause problems. "Can't we all just get along? Can't we just move on? I just want to go home and be with my kids."
I know. We all do. But for those same kids, we must stand.
I'm reading my scriptures every day, and really studying them. Really trying to understand and milk them for every bit of wisdom and advice. I have come to the conclusion that you are much better off than I am.
Not just because you may be a much better human than I am, but because I am noticed, I am well paid and I am thanked. I get my share of hate and trouble, sure. But I also get my rewards here. I won't get it for things I have already been paid for in one form or another.
You, however, struggle, lose time at work perhaps, take the unpopular view for His sake. Some have lost jobs, family and friends just like I have. But most have not received fame or accolades and the prayers of millions.
I have.
Your reward is far greater. Recognize that. Celebrate that. Count on that promise. It is true and everlasting.
Continue to stand and know that while we are just one family and not millions, we do pray for you several times a day.
I pray for you.
I give thanks for you.
I am inspired by you.
You are making a difference. You are pushing back on the darkness and the darkness cannot understand it.
You win in the end. Our children win in the end...all because of people just like you. Most of whom have names that will never be recorded by a newspaper or national media. But those same names and lives are being watched, recorded and cheered on in the places where it really counts. There are more with us than against us.
Trust in The Almighty God, the Architect of the Universe and the One God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Trust and act and give your grandchildren a reason to stand themselves to declare their testimony of courage. Let them shout from the roof tops that you knew what was right and refused to remain silent. As they tell the story of who you were and what you did - know that while you hear this witness from across the ethereal gulf of the eternities you will be reaping your eternal rewards.
Also, just in case anyone is wondering, I know for a fact that hate and murder have no place in God's plans and His rewards have nothing to do with scores of virgins.
May our God be ever at our side as we wield His full armor to stand and free the oppressed from fear and darkness. And may our loins always be girded In truth as our feet, shod in the Gospel, run to peace.