by Sara J.
Like Glenn pointed out on radio, it was a rough night for the left. MSNBC was all but put on suicide watch, far left voters were in hysterics, and even Walker’s opponent seemed to go into denial for a while.
Now I’m not the kind to find pleasure in the failure of other – really, I’m not. That being said, the left made it REALLY difficult last night. In fact, Ed Shultz’s twitter account made it hard, but if anyone turned on MSNBC last night, they made it downright impossible. There were times their coverage of the Wisconsin recall results could have been mistaken for a skit from SNL.
Watch as the left goes through the 5 stages of grief:
1. Denial: "This can't be happening," acting like the event causing the grief hasn’t occurred yet; or as if there is still a chance. No crying. Not accepting or even acknowledging the loss.
Ed Shultz, who don't forget was reporting from a newsroom… and knew very well what the exit poll data was predicting, agreed with this liberal that the race was called too soon.
2. Anger: "Why me?" Feelings of wanting to fight back or get even.
Anger was the strongest stage of the left… probably because, for many of them, it's their natural state.
Twitchy collected many of the death threats being tossed Gov. Scott Walker's way after the race was called.
One of the contributors was explicitly open about their anger in their blog titled, "I'm F*ing Pissed" …stay classy democrats... stay classy.
One Barrett supporter was so mad she actually slapped Tom Barrett after he conceded:
3. Bargaining: Bargaining often takes place before the loss. Attempting to make deals with others in the situation, making excuses so you appear to be okay or unhurt by the situation.
Okay, okay… Gov. Walker may have maintained his seat as Governor, but Wisconsin is a blue state… Obama is still better. We'll give up the Governorship since Obama is going to get the state…
Wait, what? Feel free to file this under denial as well...
4. Depression: Overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self-pity, mourning loss of hopes, dreams and plans for the future. Feeling lack of control, feeling numb. Perhaps feeling suicidal.
This Barrett supporter is a great example of the "depression" (lack of reality) the left was feeling...
5. Acceptance: Realization and recognition of the loss. Finding the good that can come out of the pain of loss, finding comfort and healing.
Okay, honestly, I have nothing for this one. It’s MSNBC, I was surprised, and quite frankly impressed, that they made it past denial.
This pretty much sums it up: