While traveling through the United States on a 3,000-mile motorcycle trip last week, I tuned into the first presidential forum of the 2024 primary season, hosted by Tucker Carlson (a.k.a. the Blaze Media Summit). Glancing at Twitter between gas stops, I was shocked. I don't think I had never seen one network dominate my feed like Blaze Media did that day.
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was talking and tweeting about the Summit. Clips from BlazeTV were getting shared by people I would have never expected. For a full 12 hours, it was almost as if Fox News and every other mainstream media outlet didn’t even exist.
I’ve never seen one network dominate my feed like Blaze Media did that day.
I stopped for the night at a small bed and breakfast right outside a Navajo Indian Reservation. The next morning, as I was sitting in the dining area, I overheard two men talking about Tucker’s interview with Mike Pence: “Did you hear what Pence actually had the gall to say to Tucker yesterday?!” I about spit my orange juice out. The coverage wasn’t just going viral on social media. It was quite literally EVERYWHERE… even in this small-town bed and breakfast.
“Did you hear what Pence actually had the gall to say to Tucker yesterday?!”
But it was also just very relatable. What Tucker was bringing out of these interviews was exactly what I was seeing in these small towns, even in the Indian Reservations. When Tucker told Pence that the America we remember is now collapsing, and asked why Ukraine is somehow more important, I remembered the conversation I'd had with a Navajo Nation mom of six. She had been forced to move off the reservation due to the crime and rampant meth problem.
The mainstream media should be terrified.
In another small town, I spoke to a woman in her 60s who lamented the days when her town was full of job opportunities and promise. She told stories of the old factory and how crime didn’t even really exist. Then came the layoffs; then came the shuttered businesses; then came the epidemic of meth and drugs from the Southern border.
This is the America the elitist Left wants to pretend does not exist, but it’s also the America that was talking about, debating, and sharing clips from the Blaze Media Summit. The event spoke to them, and the mainstream media should be terrified.