A hunkered, drooling woman scowls at the television. For a moment, it's as if she considers the television her mortal enemy, something that has betrayed her. Her gravelly voice is not what it was, all those decades ago. From her crouch, she can hear the television sounds, can see the joyous images pacing out in front of her. She mumbles to the man beside her, something about how she used to be important, she used to be feared, she used to have power, but the man stares forward without acknowledging a word.
Maybe his hearing aid is jammed again. Yeah, that's why he's ignoring me, the woman thinks.
On screen, the reality cooking show is interrupted by a news alert: "PRESIDENT TRUMP WINS NOBEL PEACE PRIZE."
RELATED: Could this actually work?: Trump meets with North Korean dictator in a historic summit.
Instantly, the woman explodes into a rage. Fuming, cursing, hurling expletives as she flips the dinner tray over, sending bingo chips in all directions.
"THAT SHOULD BE ME!" the woman shrieks, but before she can explain, a nurse enters the room, says, "Time for your meds, Ms. Hillary."
True, this scene hasn't happened yet, but after President Trump's historic meeting with Kim Jong-un, it appears more likely than ever. And more people are waking up to the possibility. Recently, a collection of Congressional Republicans submitted President Trump's name to the Nobel Committee. Yesterday, two members of Norway's Progress Party did the same.
Somewhere, most likely a dank cave drilled into an ominous mountain, Hillary Clinton broods and spews expletives to the wall, scheming her next move.
Similarly, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway drew ire yesterday for hinting that President Trump will certainly have earned his Nobel Peace Prize — unlike, she said, "the last president, [who] was just handed one."
Somewhere, most likely a dank cave drilled into an ominous mountain, Hillary Clinton broods and spews expletives to the wall, scheming her next move. Only, thankfully for us, that move is to answer the question, "I wonder if they're still serving enchiladas?"