Attention earthlings: a "climate emergency" exists. It's official now, because the Berkeley City Council declared it. So, it must be true.
Frankly, you must be living under a rock if you didn't already know that a state of climate emergency exists. And if you don't do something about it, like now, you could be living under a rock very soon. Because according to the foremost authority on climate doom — the Berkeley City Council — this emergency is as dire as World War II.
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Council Member Cheryl Davila warns that global warming is driving us toward, "…the sixth mass extinction of species, which could devastate much of life on earth for the next 10 million years."
The city council resolution says:
During World War II, the Bay Area came together across race, age, class, gender and other differences in an extraordinary regional mobilization, building and repairing Liberty ships, converting car assembly plants into tank manufacturing facilities…
The Berkeley City Council says the only way to avert World War II-level disaster is if Americans mobilize in the same way now to confront climate change as we did in 1942 to confront Nazism. Because climate change and Nazism are definitely the same.
It gets worse. The resolution calls our current climate emergency "the greatest crisis in history."
Seriously, their resolution sounds straight out of the Galactic Empire handbook — "mobilizing workers" to build and install "renewable energy infrastructure."
Technically, that means Berkeley will have to completely transform into an Amish community in 12 years.
Berkeley committed itself to becoming a "carbon sink" by 2030. For the uninitiated, that means they want the city's greenhouse gas emissions to be in the negative. Technically, that means Berkeley will have to completely transform into an Amish community in 12 years. Except they won't be able to use any farm animals, because you know, too much methane.
Becoming a carbon sink is not their only strategy. Their resolution also mentions that earth has too many people screwing up the atmosphere, so we must "humanely stabilize population." Interesting — there were some World War II-era figures also interested in "stabilizing" population. They just forgot the "humane" part.