And now some news that will surprise none of us, certainly not anybody who's heard about or seen the radical leftism that's overtaken universities. The Dartmouth, Dartmouth College's daily student newspaper, conducted a study of about 4,400 undergraduates at Dartmouth to measure the tolerance relative to opposing viewpoints. They first identified themselves as either Democrat, Independent or Republican, then they were asked how they would be affected by learning that another student had political beliefs opposite their own.
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Care to take a guess which group was more tolerant? I'll give you a hint, it's not the side demanding safe spaces, trigger warnings and infinite-gender bathrooms. Overwhelmingly, Republicans were more tolerant.
When asked if they would be less likely to date someone after learning they held opposing viewpoints, a daunting 82 percent of Democrats answered that, yes, they would be less likely to date a Republican—or anyone the slightest bit right of ANTIFA, for that matter. By comparison, only 42 percent of Republicans said that a person with opposing viewpoints would be less date-worthy.
According to the report:
Students were also asked what type of environment is more important for Dartmouth to create: "a positive learning environment for all students by prohibiting certain speech or expression of viewpoints that are offensive or biased against certain groups of people" or "an open learning environment where students are exposed to all types of speech and viewpoints, even if it means allowing speech that is offensive or biased against certain groups of people."
The student population at Dartmouth is overwhelmingly left-leaning, roughly 67 percent, while Republicans make up about 19 percent. By comparison, 69 percent of Republicans students "felt free speech was threatened on campus," while only 21 percent of Democrats felt the same.
Facts and data, just two of the boogeymen haunting progressives.
No surprises, really, but there is a slight comfort in having the numbers to empirically prove it. Facts and data, just two of the boogeymen haunting progressives.
UPDATE: Here's how the discussion went on radio. Watch the video below.
Dartmouth study finds students who ID as Democrat are least tolerant
A new study of Dartmouth undergrads found some intriguing gaps between Democrats, Republicans and Independents when it comes to having people with opposing political views in their lives.