Yesterday, the day after pipe bombs started showing up in the mailboxes of several Democrats, President Trump took to the modern day era "bully platform" - also known as Twitter - to call out who he believes is responsible for all the anger we're seeing. He tweeted:
A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!
The media responded, of course, by turning the finger back around on the president. Around 200 journalists, organized by former ABC News producer Meredith Wheeler, co-signed a letter blaming the White House for "condoning of political violence." This echoes the statement by CNN's Jeff Zucker who, more or less, said the exact same thing following Wednesday's pipe bomb scare.
I'm go to do the unthinkable here and place blame equally on both parties. The president is absolutely the victim of attacks by the media. There's no question. The mainstream media has been painfully obvious that they're not fans of Donald Trump. On many occasions those attacks have been retract-worthy false.
But also, the media has been under attack by the White House for a very long time. It's not just an issue with the current administration. President Obama was historically a nightmare for the free press. The crazy thing today is that the media gleefully gave Obama a pass even though he was weaponizing the FBI and DoJ against them. Donald Trump, so far, has just called them Fake News… and that's got their feelings so hurt? Forget threatening to throw us in jail… Trump called us fake news!!!
But as the media was gearing up it's outrage over being called Fake, the New York Times was publishing an article on the very same day these pipe bomb packages were being delivered. The title of the article was called, "Five Novelists Imagine Trump's Next Chapter." The main image at the top shows the White House on fire and sinking into the ground as President Trump waves goodbye to it.
Each novelist had one assignment: write out what happens after the Muller investigation is completed. Every single one wrote a short story depicting a scenario where the president was found to be guilty. EVERY… SINGLE… ONE.
One story had Trump signing the 25th amendment, and another even had him being assassinated by a Russian agent… with the Secret Service's help.
They're supposed to be investigators, but instead they're using their platform to fantasize that the current sitting president would get murdered.
This is the frigging New York Times! They're supposed to be investigators, but instead they're using their platform to fantasize that the current sitting president would get murdered. How can more than 200 journalists sign a letter claiming everything is the president's fault when the flagship of American media is writing bull crap like this?! This Times piece is exhibit A for why journalism is currently dead in the United States. The media has already made up their minds. Fact finding is gone. They have no inclination to actually attempt to find the truth.
They're quite literally making it up now. So to the media - and this is a radical concept - if you don't want to be called fake, you might wanna stop publishing fiction.