White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders got kicked out of a restaurant on Friday night. Not because she and her party of eight were talking politics and annoying other customers, but because Sanders has a high-profile job for a President hated by the Left. These days, some hate on the Left is disguised as moral "conviction." So, the owner of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia asked Sanders to accompany her to the outside patio where she asked Sanders to leave.
The Red Hen owner said, "This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals."
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In just the past few days, protesters have gathered at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's home and threatened the children of DHS employees, Florida's Attorney General was followed to a movie theatre where protesters reportedly spit on her, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant because she works at the White House. And the Left doesn't see any contradiction in this kind of bullying. The same Left that finds discrimination in every square inch of society, is stalking people — females no less — and harassing them.
They've now come around to discriminating themselves.
The self-righteousness and hypocrisy here is disgusting. Kicking someone out of a restaurant — that's a new one for Virginia. Well, it's not really new, it just hasn't been seen there since the Jim Crow era. The Left likes to fancy itself the political side that dragged America out of Jim Crow and now keeps us from returning to it. Even though that is total historical fantasy, that's what progressives tell themselves in order to sleep at night.
Ironically, they've gone so crazy with their hyper-P.C., micro-aggression, trigger-warning bull crap, that they've now come around to discriminating themselves. And they don't even realize it. They think they're still fighting the good fight, upholding justice. But they've actually ushered in a new "Jane" Crow era, where if you even hint that you support something like securing the border, you could be stalked, spat on or kicked out of a restaurant. For having a political view.
That doesn't sound very progressive. It's more like psychotic tyranny.