There's been a lot of talk lately about refugees and asylum. The Left and the mainstream media have used it as one of their flagship torch bearing issues to criticize the Trump Administration's border policies. More specifically with what's going on with the caravans coming up from South America. The New York Times' "The Daily" podcast yesterday compared the plight of South American refugees to that of the Jews being turned away during WW2. They didn't mention it might have had something to do with progressives and FDR, but I wouldn't expect them to say that anyway. Even Beto O'Rourke wrote a piece on how he would deal with this situation. Oh - and put on your shocked faces - he's reportedly reconsidering his comment on not running for president… I know I know… major shocker.
RELATED: An emailer from Honduras tells the truth about the caravan
But can you seriously compare what the Jews were facing in Nazi Germany to this migrant caravan? Can you compare them to Cubans escaping Castro, which the New York Times did as well. Filmmaker Ami Horowitz just released a video of his experience embedding with the caravan, and he asked them point blank why they had come. Every single one said they were coming for economic reasons or education. Now consider this. Mercury One and this audience helped relocate over fifteen thousand Christian refugees last year. You know how many of them got access to the United States? One - not one family - ONE PERSON! Where's the left and the mainstream media's outrage? Instead, they're directing it at migrants in South America that are trying to rush our border, assaulting the border patrol, and all because they want to go shopping in the United States.
We're not even talking about the plight of actual endangered refugees. People that need asylum as a matter of life and death. Did you know that over two million muslims are being detained in China right now in re-education concentration camps? 2 million! A member of the Chinese Muslim minority spoke in Washington yesterday to describe her experiences while in captivity. It is absolutely horrifying. Have you seen the movie V For Vendetta when Natalie Portman's character is tortured by the protagonist to show what the government's "re-education" experience looks like? This woman's account sounds almost as if the Chinese watched that scene and applied it in real life.
Have you heard this story anywhere in the media or from Democrats? Where is their outrage?
After her arrest, she had her head shaved and was interrogated for four straight days with no sleep. She was forced to abandon her native language, religion and cultural practices. Every day she was forced to memorize and sing songs praising the Communist Party. She was given electroshock treatment until she foamed at the mouth and passed out. The last phrase she heard before going unconscious was, "Being a Uigher is a crime." She was forced to take mysterious pills and white liquid that caused bleeding and disrupted menstruation. Were they forcibly sterilizing her? Keep in mind, over TWO MILLION people are enduring this… RIGHT NOW.
Have you heard this story anywhere in the media or from Democrats? Where is their outrage? Where's the oped from Beto O'Rourke? There are REAL people out there that need and deserve asylum. Mercury One is trying to help a lot of them. But the media and the Left don't appear to care or want to talk about it.