Be careful what you wish for. That should be one of the fundamental principles of politics. Yet, no one in the history of politics anywhere on the planet seems to grasp this concept before it's too late for them and their side.
The street-brawl politics of President Trump may garner some wins along the way, but in the process, it's helping create a monster on the Left. I warned about this. And now it's happening.
RELATED: We are all now dumber for what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had to say
At the annual Netroots Nation conference last weekend, a gathering of over 3,000 progressive activists projected a clear message that they won't support a moderate Democrat to take on President Trump in 2020. They're going all-in on the crazy Left. That's why Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were all assembled for this conference – the Socialist Avengers.
Even though they have data from reports within their own party about a large, moderate Democrat base in the middle of the country that feels ignored and alienated by the radical takeover of the Democratic Party, the socialists in the party are plowing ahead. Their far-Left agenda includes universal health care, abolishing ICE, legalizing marijuana, and reversing the effects of global warming. You know, the important stuff.
Ocasio-Cortez told CNN that they want to "come home" to ideas proposed by their favorite American socialist hero, Franklin D. Roosevelt. She said, "We are picking up where we left off when we were at our most powerful, when we were at our greatest."
She's pining for the good ol' days when the closest we've ever come to a dictator ran roughshod over America.
Wait a minute, read that again – "when we were at our most powerful, when we were at our greatest." She's not talking about everyday Americans there. She's pining for the good ol' days when the closest we've ever come to a dictator ran roughshod over America.
I thought the Left hated the "Make America Great Again" thing because it supposedly tries to drag the country back into the past. But looking back to FDR as your model for greatness is a cutting-edge approach?
Apparently so. The Socialist Avengers assembled more of their retro plan for American excellence that would warm FDR's heart, including expanding Social Security, free college tuition, a student debt-bailout, and a federal jobs guarantee.
All those freebies remind me of another old saying that people rarely apply to politics – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.