Get ready for a summer tour coming to your town. 70 stops. Starting in Chicago, then traveling to more than 20 states. To cities in Iowa, Texas, California, South Carolina, and Connecticut. Is it the Eagles? No. The Foo Fighters, maybe? Nope. It's not Journey, or Shania Twain, or anyone you like, really. In fact, it's not even a musical act. Nonetheless, the tour's headliners have forced themselves into the image of Rockstar, and they're bringing their angry, scowling faces and their Che Guevara-bandanas to America. Can you guess who it is now?
The ever-more-attention-hungry David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez. They will be leading a tour throughout America. The tour is called: “March for Our Lives: Road to Change." Which would lead you to believe that the pair of teenagers will be marching, but, alas, they'll be taking a bus. That's right, they'll have a tour bus. The tour also has a high-gloss website, featuring tabs for donations and voter registration. There's a national phone-line and a mission statement and a merchandise section and a press section and a media inquiries section, all of which heavily target the NRA. Sounds like the typical behaviors and capacities of two teenagers to me, right? Two teenagers with enough allowance money to travel the country on a tour bus and sell, “March for Our Lives" t-shirts, posters, bandanas, coffee cups, tote bags, books, and baby jerseys—as in, jerseys that are specifically designed for infants.
Here's a bit of the typical teenage slang that the website features:
“We're going to places where the NRA has bought and paid for politicians who refuse to take simple steps to save our lives — and we'll be visiting a number of communities that have been affected by gun violence to meet fellow survivors and use our voices to amplify theirs. At each stop, we'll register young people to vote and educate them on the reforms we need to save lives, and whether their local elected officials support these reforms or support the NRA."
The best way to handle these attention-desperate kids is to just ignore them.
Emma Gonzalez sneers at any critics, using a classic “beg the question" fallacy to whine: “If you don't support this, … it'll look like you're going against kids."
The best way to handle these attention-desperate kids is to just ignore them. They can do what they want. It's just hard when it seems like they're everywhere you look, with a seemingly endless supply of money and screen time.