Okay. Let's take a vote. You know, an objective, quantifiable count. How many resolutions has the UN Human Rights Council adopted condemning dictatorships? Easy. Well. How do you define "dictatorship"?
Well, one metric is the UN Human Rights Council Condemnation. How many have the United Nations issued to China, with a body count higher than a professional Call of Duty player?
How about Venezuela, where socialism is devouring its own in the cruelest, most unsettling ways imaginable?
And Russia, home of unsettling cruelty and rampant censorship, murder and (actual) homophobia?
Iraq? Zero. Turkey? Iraq? Zero. Cuba? Zero. Pakistan? Zero.
RELATED: Nikki Haley just dropped some serious verbal bombs on Russia at the UN
According to UN Human Rights Council Condemnations, 2006-2016, none of these nations is as dangerous as we'd imagined. Or, rather, none of them faced a single condemnation. Meanwhile, one country in particular has faced unbelievable scrutiny and fury — you'll never guess which country.
No, it's not Somalia. It's Israel. With 68 UN Human Rights Council Condemnations! In fact, the number of total United Nations condemnations against Israel outnumbers the total of condemnations against all other countries combined. The only country that comes close is Syria, with 15.
The Trump administration withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday in protest of what it perceives as an entrenched bias against Israel and a willingness to allow notorious human rights abusers as members.
In an address to the UN Security Council on Tuesday, Nikki Haley said:
Let's remember that the Hamas terrorist organization has been inciting violence for years, long before the United States decided to move our embassy. This is what is endangering the people of Gaza. Make no mistake, Hamas is pleased with the results from yesterday... No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has.
Maybe people should start listening to Haley. Hopefully, they will. Not likely, but there's no crime in remaining hopeful.